[ Food / General ] - ID: 59177
"[A healthy, natural diet:-] 'Harvard nutritionists take aim at sugary drinks' - Comparing the nation's obesity epidemic to a house on fire, Harvard nutrition experts took aim at sugar-sweetened beverages Monday (April 20), recommending the creation of a new, low-sugar alternative and urging adults and children alike to quench their thirsts the natural way with water. Walter Willett, chair of the Harvard School of Public Health's Nutrition Department, and Lilian Cheung, who directs the department's Nutrition Source Web site, said Americans are getting fat because they're eating more, consuming about 300 calories a day more today than they did 30 years ago. About half of that comes from soda, fruit juice, and other sugary drinks. 'We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic. The rates of obesity in children have increased three- to fourfold during the last 30 years. At this time about two-thirds of the adults are either overweight or obese,' Willett said. 'This is critical, the house is on fire, because we know there are huge adverse health consequences of overweight and obesity.' The negative health effects of obesity are well known, with links to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, liver disease, and osteoarthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A study by HSPH researchers published in April showed that women who drank more than two servings of sweetened beverages a day had an almost 40 percent higher risk of heart disease than women who rarely drank them. The obesity epidemic, Willett said, could undo the gains in health and life expectancy made over recent decades. 'This is a very serious proble

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[ Food / General ] - ID: 59177
"[A healthy, natural diet:-] 'Harvard nutritionists take aim at sugary drinks' - Comparing the nation's obesity epidemic to a house on fire, Harvard nutrition experts took aim at sugar-sweetened beverages Monday (April 20), recommending the creation of a new, low-sugar alternative and urging adults and children alike to quench their thirsts the natural way with water. Walter Willett, chair of the Harvard School of Public Health's Nutrition Department, and Lilian Cheung, who directs the department's Nutrition Source Web site, said Americans are getting fat because they're eating more, consuming about 300 calories a day more today than they did 30 years ago. About half of that comes from soda, fruit juice, and other sugary drinks. 'We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic. The rates of obesity in children have increased three- to fourfold during the last 30 years. At this time about two-thirds of the adults are either overweight or obese,' Willett said. 'This is critical, the house is on fire, because we know there are huge adverse health consequences of overweight and obesity.' The negative health effects of obesity are well known, with links to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, liver disease, and osteoarthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A study by HSPH researchers published in April showed that women who drank more than two servings of sweetened beverages a day had an almost 40 percent higher risk of heart disease than women who rarely drank them. The obesity epidemic, Willett said, could undo the gains in health and life expectancy made over recent decades. 'This is a very serious proble&theme=ont class=sampleQuote>[ Food / General ] - ID: 59177
"[A healthy, natural diet:-] 'Harvard nutritionists take aim at sugary drinks' - Comparing the nation's obesity epidemic to a house on fire, Harvard nutrition experts took aim at sugar-sweetened beverages Monday (April 20), recommending the creation of a new, low-sugar alternative and urging adults and children alike to quench their thirsts the natural way with water. Walter Willett, chair of the Harvard School of Public Health's Nutrition Department, and Lilian Cheung, who directs the department's Nutrition Source Web site, said Americans are getting fat because they're eating more, consuming about 300 calories a day more today than they did 30 years ago. About half of that comes from soda, fruit juice, and other sugary drinks. 'We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic. The rates of obesity in children have increased three- to fourfold during the last 30 years. At this time about two-thirds of the adults are either overweight or obese,' Willett said. 'This is critical, the house is on fire, because we know there are huge adverse health consequences of overweight and obesity.' The negative health effects of obesity are well known, with links to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, liver disease, and osteoarthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A study by HSPH researchers published in April showed that women who drank more than two servings of sweetened beverages a day had an almost 40 percent higher risk of heart disease than women who rarely drank them. The obesity epidemic, Willett said, could undo the gains in health and life expectancy made over recent decades. 'This is a very serious proble" TARGET="_top">Send as Free eCard