[ Money / Invest ] - ID: 30647
"Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure: We live in a world of euphemism. Undertakers have become 'morticians,' press agents are now 'public relations counsellors' and janitors have all been transformed into 'superintendents.' In every walk of life, plain facts have been wrapped in cloudy camouflage. No less has this been true of economics. In the old days, we used to suffer nearly periodic economic crises, the sudden onset of which was called a 'panic,' and the lingering trough period after the panic was called 'depression.' The most famous depression in modern times, of course, was the one that began in a typical financial panic in 1929 and lasted until the advent of World War II. After the disaster of 1929, economists and politicians resolved that this must never happen again. The easiest way of succeeding at this resolve was, simply to define 'depressions' out of existence. From that point on, America was to suffer no further depressions. For when the next sharp depression came along, in 1937-38, the economists simply refused to use the dread name, and came up with a new, much softer-sounding word: 'recession.' From that point on, we have been through quite a few recessions, but not a single depression. But pretty soon the word 'recession' also became too harsh for the delicate sensibilities of the American public. It now seems that we had our last recession in 1957-58. For since then, we have only had 'downturns,' or, even better, 'slowdowns,' or 'sidewise movements.' So be of good chee

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[ Money / Invest ] - ID: 30647
"Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure: We live in a world of euphemism. Undertakers have become 'morticians,' press agents are now 'public relations counsellors' and janitors have all been transformed into 'superintendents.' In every walk of life, plain facts have been wrapped in cloudy camouflage. No less has this been true of economics. In the old days, we used to suffer nearly periodic economic crises, the sudden onset of which was called a 'panic,' and the lingering trough period after the panic was called 'depression.' The most famous depression in modern times, of course, was the one that began in a typical financial panic in 1929 and lasted until the advent of World War II. After the disaster of 1929, economists and politicians resolved that this must never happen again. The easiest way of succeeding at this resolve was, simply to define 'depressions' out of existence. From that point on, America was to suffer no further depressions. For when the next sharp depression came along, in 1937-38, the economists simply refused to use the dread name, and came up with a new, much softer-sounding word: 'recession.' From that point on, we have been through quite a few recessions, but not a single depression. But pretty soon the word 'recession' also became too harsh for the delicate sensibilities of the American public. It now seems that we had our last recession in 1957-58. For since then, we have only had 'downturns,' or, even better, 'slowdowns,' or 'sidewise movements.' So be of good chee&theme=ont class=sampleQuote>[ Money / Invest ] - ID: 30647
"Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure: We live in a world of euphemism. Undertakers have become 'morticians,' press agents are now 'public relations counsellors' and janitors have all been transformed into 'superintendents.' In every walk of life, plain facts have been wrapped in cloudy camouflage. No less has this been true of economics. In the old days, we used to suffer nearly periodic economic crises, the sudden onset of which was called a 'panic,' and the lingering trough period after the panic was called 'depression.' The most famous depression in modern times, of course, was the one that began in a typical financial panic in 1929 and lasted until the advent of World War II. After the disaster of 1929, economists and politicians resolved that this must never happen again. The easiest way of succeeding at this resolve was, simply to define 'depressions' out of existence. From that point on, America was to suffer no further depressions. For when the next sharp depression came along, in 1937-38, the economists simply refused to use the dread name, and came up with a new, much softer-sounding word: 'recession.' From that point on, we have been through quite a few recessions, but not a single depression. But pretty soon the word 'recession' also became too harsh for the delicate sensibilities of the American public. It now seems that we had our last recession in 1957-58. For since then, we have only had 'downturns,' or, even better, 'slowdowns,' or 'sidewise movements.' So be of good chee" TARGET="_top">Send as Free eCard