"[A story - with a message about self-development.] - Daddy Doesn't Want to Play with Me! - Once there was a little boy who wanted his dad to teach him how to play catch. One sunny day the little boy's father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, while watching a baseball game. The boy rushed into the house exclaiming Daddy, daddy, daddy, show me how to play catch! The father, blankly starring at the television screen, replied In a little while son, let me finish watching this inning, come back in five minutes. Okay daddy said the boy and ran out of the room. Five minutes later the boy returned screaming Daddy, let's go, let's play some catch now! The father turned to the boy and said hold on son the inning is not quite over come back in five more minutes. Okay, daddy said the boy as he shuffled out the room. Five minutes later the boy returned ball and glove in hand eagerly awaiting for his father to play some catch. Daddy, lets go, I want to be Ken Griffey Jr.! shouted the boy. By this time, the father had cracked open another cold one and another inning was taking place. Frustrated by the boy's constant hindrances, the dad scanned the room. While scanning the room the father notice a magazine underneath the coffee table. On the cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world. The father, who was angered "

Author: Unknown