"[A true story - with a message about not judging others just by their behaviour and especially not being envious or jealous of other's 'happy appearance' for many suffer silently.] - The Story of a Clown - A certain man made an appointment to see a psychologist. He arrived at the psychologist's office and said to him, 'Doctor, I always feel depressed. No matter what I do I still feel depressed. I just don't know what to do.' The psychologist looked at him and said, 'Come with me to the window.' The man followed and then the psychologist pointed outside and said, 'Do you see that tent over there in the distance? Well, there is a circus in town and it is really good. There are lots of acts to watch, specially the clown acts. And there is one clown in particular who is extremely funny. He will make you rock with laughter over and over again. Go and see that clown and I guarantee that you will not have reason to be depressed again!' The man turned to the psychologist with sad eyes and said, 'Doctor, I am that clown!'"

Author: Unknown

Notes: There are two real clowns that this story is supposed to be about, depending on who tells the story. Some believe the clown was George L. Fox, a great American clown who suffered from depression for most of his life. Most however believe it was the clown, Joseph Grimaldi, the very clown that all clowns are called 'joeys' after, and that he spoke to his barber, not a psychologist. A more recent and very sad example of this objective appearance differing from their subjective experience is the highly successful comedian Robin William's suicide in 2014.