"Some political philosophies (based of the unalienable rights of individuals to freedom) that argue against government force - lack of choice (even democracies - where the majority get to choose against the wishes of minorities) desire to limit government to only the role of the agent of self-defence against other citizens or groups within that nation and foreign individuals, groups or nations from the use of force, the threat of force - coercion, or fraud, and leave all other needs to be fulfilled by, what they believe is, the more efficient competition of free markets and thereby the success of those best able to provide value in meeting the needs of the consumer. This is the belief of some Libertarians for example. Other groups, for example voluntaryists, feel that even this limited role for government is still an act of force as there is no choice for each individual - the smallest of minorities, as to which protection agent is used, and believe that even this need for a small government could be replaced by competing free market entities engaged voluntarily by each individual citizen depending on what best suits their needs and circumstances."

Author: Seymour@imagi-natives.com