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50 of 1553 results found for - "Unknown"  
[Quote No.49919] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Before you speak ...THINK! -- T - Is it True? -- H - Is it Helpful? -- I - Is it Inspiring? -- N - Is it Necessary? -- K - Is it Kind?" - Unknown

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[Quote No.49924] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[Individualism and authenticity:] The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think of them. [And the greatest irony is that this prison is imaginary because most other people aren't even thinking of them. Most other people are too busy thinking about themselves - their wants and needs and how they look to others.]" - Unknown

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[Quote No.50081] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"If you want to know someone's mind, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions." - Unknown

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[Quote No.50398] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Speak kindly to people. You never know when you might be seeing someone for the last time." - Unknown

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[Quote No.50429] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Every time you are able to find some humor in a difficult situation, you win." - Unknown

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[Quote No.50613] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake The five most important words: You did a good job The four most important words: What is YOUR opinion? The three most important words: If you please The two most important words: Thank You The one most important word: We The least important word: I." - Unknown

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[Quote No.51544] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message: be careful what you say, because words can’t be unsaid.] Feathers - A farmer insulted his neighbor. Realizing his mistake, he went to the preacher to ask for forgiveness. The preacher told him to take a bag of feathers and drop them in the center of town. The farmer did as he was told. Then the preacher asked him to go and collect the feathers and put them back in the bag. The farmer tried but couldn't as the feathers had all blown away. When he returned with the empty bag, the preacher said, 'The same thing is true about your words. You dropped them rather easily but you cannot retrieve them, so be very careful in choosing your words.' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.51559] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message: focus on praising what can do, rather than criticising what can't.] An Unusual Bird Dog - There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind in the world. That could walk on water. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw this miracle. At the same time, he was very pleased that he could show off his new acquisition to his friends. He invited a friend to go duck hunting. After some time, they shot a few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. All day-long, the dog ran on water and kept fetching the birds. The owner was expecting a comment or a compliment about his amazing dog, but never got one. As they were returning home, he asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, 'Yes, in fact, I did notice something unusual. Your dog can’t swim!' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.51591] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about honesty and the dangers of half-truths:] There was a sailor who worked on the same boat for three years. One night he got drunk. This was the first time it ever happened. The captain recorded it in the log, 'The sailor was drunk tonight.' The sailor read it, and he knew this comment would affect his career, so he went to the captain, apologized and asked the captain to add that it only happened once in three years which was the complete truth. The captain refused and said, 'What I have written in the log is the truth.' The next day it was the sailor's turn to fill in the log. He wrote, 'The captain was sober tonight.' The captain read the comment and asked the sailor to change or add to it explaining the complete truth because this implied that the captain was drunk every other night. The sailor told the captain that what he had written in the log was the truth. Both statements were true but they conveyed misleading messages. True honesty requires 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth' so the communication is clear and easily understood by all!" - Unknown

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[Quote No.51594] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A true story - with a message about humility, teamwork and true leadership:] Many years ago, a rider came across some soldiers who were trying to move a heavy log without success. The corporal was standing by as the men struggled. The rider asked the corporal why he wasn’t helping. The corporal replied, 'I am the corporal. I give the orders.' The rider dismounted, went up and stood by the soldiers and as they were lifting the log, he helped them. With his help, the log got moved. The rider quietly mounted his horse and went to the corporal and said, 'The next time your men need help, send for the Commander-in-Chief.' After he left, the corporal and his men found out that the rider was General George Washington. The message is pretty clear. Success and humility go hand in hand!" - Unknown

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[Quote No.51600] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the power of words to encourage or destroy:] Two Frogs - A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, ‘Did you not hear us?’ The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. This story teaches two lessons: 1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. 2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another!" - Unknown

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[Quote No.51607] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about coping with adversity and using your challenges, especially criticism, to make you stronger and better:] The Mule - Once upon a time, a farmer owned an old mule who tripped and fell into the farmer's well. The farmer heard the mule braying and was unable to figure out how to bring up the old animal. It grieved him that he could not pull the animal out. He'd been a good worker around the farm. Although the farmer sympathized with the mule, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened. He had them help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and quietly put him out of his misery. At first, the old mule was puzzled, but as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, he had a thought: he ought to shake off the dirt and step up. And he did just that. ‘Shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up.’ Even though he took painful blows of dirt and fought panic, he just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up! It wasn't long before the old mule stepped up and over the lip of that well. What could have buried him actually blessed him...all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity!" - Unknown

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[Quote No.51994] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about trying to hear the meaning behind the words that people use to understand them deeply.] - Grandmother's Vase - One day I was lying on the bed, reading, when my mother came into the room. She held out a vase--a rather ugly vase. She asked, 'Would you like to have this vase?' ‘I replied quickly, 'No, I don't want it.' ‘As she turned to walk away, I picked up something that said to me, 'Wait a minute, don't shut this off yet.' So I asked, 'Where did you get it?' ‘She said, 'Oh, I got it when I filled an order.' Filled an order? I thought--no communication here. So I asked, 'What do you mean, filled an order?' 'Well,' she said, 'when I was a little girl, the Smith Company mailed catalogs to people. I would take the catalog around the neighborhood, and I'd get people to order from it. When I filled an order and sent it in, they gave me a prize. One time, I got a porch swing for my family.' ‘Now you have to understand,’ said Hensley, ‘that my mother is 81 years old. She is one of six children in a family that her father deserted when she was quite young. Money was real hard to come by. My grandmother managed to keep the family together through the years, although I don't know how. For my mother to win a luxury like a porch swing was a significant accomplishment. Although she no longer had the swing, she had the vase--a vase full of meaning--which she offered to me. Instantly I said, 'Mom, I want the vase.' Now it sits in a prominent place in my living room. It symbolizes a precious meaning which my mother and I share: Unless you and I are sensitive to the other person and hear meaning, we may well have a communication problem." - Unknown

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[Quote No.52001] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the power of letting people speak and listening.] - Keep Quiet You! - A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. 'But officer,' the man began, 'I can explain...' 'Just be quiet,' snapped the officer. 'I'm going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back.' 'But, officer, I just wanted to say...,' 'And I said to keep quiet! You're going to jail!' A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, 'Lucky for you that the chief's at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back.' 'Don't count on it,' answered the fellow in the cell. 'I'm the groom!' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.52009] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Nobody's Friend: My name is Gossip. I have no respect for justice. I maim without killing. I break hearts and ruin lives. I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age. The more I am quoted, the more I am believed. My victims are helpless. They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face. To track me down is impossible. The harder you try, the more elusive I become. I am nobody's friend. Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same. I topple governments and wreck marriages. I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights, heartaches, and indigestion. I make innocent people cry in their pillows. Even my name hisses. I am called Gossip. I make headlines and headaches. Before you repeat a story, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it harmless? Is it necessary? If it isn't, don't repeat it. " - Unknown
Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution, L-16, May 5, 1995.
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[Quote No.52015] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about treating everyone gently and kindly, as if they are going through difficulties , because, even if they aren't easily seen, everyone has them.] - Snap Judgment - While on a walk one day, I was surprised to see a man hoeing his garden while sitting in a chair. 'What laziness!' I thought. But suddenly I saw, leaning against his chair, a pair of crutches. The man was at work despite his handicap. The lesson I learned about snap judgments that day has stayed with me for years now: the crosses people bear are seldom in plain sight." - Unknown

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[Quote No.52099] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the value of having the courage to be honest!] - The Emperor's Seed - Once there was an emperor in the Far East who was growing old and knew it was coming time to choose his successor. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or one of his own children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young people in the kingdom together one day. He said, 'It has come time for me to step down and to choose the next emperor. I have decided to choose one of you.' The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued. 'I am going to give each one of you a seed today. One seed. It is a very special seed. I want you to go home, plant the seed, water it and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring to me, and the one I choose will be the next emperor of the kingdom!' There was one boy named Ling who was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly told his mother the whole story. She helped him get a pot and some planting soil, and he planted the seed and watered it carefully. Every day he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Ling kept going home and checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by. Still nothing. By now others were talking about their plants but Ling didn't have a plant, and he felt like a failure. Six months went by, still nothing in Ling's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Ling didn't say anything to his friends, however. He just kept waiting for his seed to grow. A year finally went by and all the youths of the kingdom brought their plants to the emperor for inspection. Ling told his mother that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But she encouraged him to go, and to take his pot, and to be honest about what happened. Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace. When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by all the other youths. They were beautiful, in all shapes and sizes. Ling put his empty pot on the floor and many of the other kinds laughed at him. A few felt sorry for him and just said, 'Hey nice try.' When the emperor arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted the young people. Ling just tried to hide in the back. 'My, what great plants, trees and flowers you have grown,' said the emperor. 'Today, one of you will be appointed the next emperor!' All of a sudden, the emperor spotted Ling at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered his guards to bring him to the front. Ling was terrified. 'The emperor knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me killed!' When Ling got to the front, the Emperor asked his name. 'My name is Ling,' he replied. All the kids were laughing and making fun of him. The emperor asked everyone to quiet down. He looked at Ling, and then announced to the crowd, 'Behold your new emperor! His name is Ling!' Ling couldn't believe it. Ling couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new emperor? Then the emperor said, 'One year ago today, I gave everyone here a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds which would not grow. All of you, except Ling, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grown, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Ling was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new emperor!' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.52144] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about learning to focus on the positives - that can praise and be grateful for - rather than on the negatives in life and other's behaviour!!] - A Clever Dog - A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again. So, he goes over to the dog and notices he has a note in his mouth. He takes the note and it reads 'Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well.' The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar Note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut up shop and follow the dog. So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street when he comes To a level crossing. The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way. The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided. Along comes a bus. The dog walks around to the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus. The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog Looking at the scenery. Eventually he gets up, and moves to the front of the bus. He stands on 2 back paws and pushes the button to stop the bus. Then he gets off, his groceries still in his mouth. Well, dog and butcher are walking along the road, and then the dog turns into a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step. Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself against the door. He goes back down the path, runs up to the door and again, it throws himself against it. There's no answer at the house, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to the window, and beats his head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him. The butcher runs up, and stops the guy. 'What in heaven's name are You doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me!' to which the guy responds: 'You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key.' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.52169] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[Poem: If Tomorrow Never Comes]

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two,
To stop and say 'I love you' instead of assuming, you would know I do.

If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight,
And we always get a second chance to make everything right.

There will always be another day to say our 'I love you's',
And certainly there's another chance to say our 'Anything I can do's?'

But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day,
that you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear.
Take time to say 'I'm sorry,' 'please forgive me,' 'thank you' or 'it's okay'.
And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.52215] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the importance of taking time to listen to and speak with those we care about when they are happy or sad.] - Plants And People - Plants grow best when we pay attention to them. That means watering, touching them, putting them in places where they will receive good light. They need people around them to notice if they are drooping at the edges or looking particularly happy in the sunlight. The more attention a plant receives, the better it will grow. We need to be noticed in the same way. If we notice a family member or friend is drooping, perhaps we can pay some special attention to him or her. All of us need someone to care about how we are and to truly listen to us. We can share and double someone's happiness by noticing and talking about it also. We help the people around us to grow by listening to their droopy edges as well as their bright days. People need this as much as plants need light and water." - Unknown

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[Quote No.52780] Need Area: Friends > Conversation

'The Tone Of Voice'

It's not so much what you say
As the manner in which you say it;
It's not so much the language you use
As the tone in which you convey it;
'Come here!' I sharply said,
And the child cowered and wept.
'Come here,' I said --
He looked and smiled
And straight to my lap he crept.
Words may be mild and fair
And the tone may pierce like a dart;
Words may be soft as the summer air
But the tone may break my heart;
For words come from the mind
Grow by study and art --
But tone leaps from the inner self
Revealing the state of the heart.
Whether you know it or not,
Whether you mean or care,
Gentleness, kindness, love, and hate,
Envy, anger, are there.
Then, would you quarrels avoid
And peace and love rejoice?
Keep anger not only out of your words --
Keep it out of your voice.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.52964] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[Poem: about courtesy, being polite and good manners and therefore apologising if you even inadvertently hurt another and making it clear that you care for others and in no way hurt them deliberately.]


Erasers are the nicest things!
Of that there is no doubt.
We write wrong words. A few quick swipes -
And big mistakes fade out.
And you will find eraser,
Of a very different kind,
Extremely helpful, if you will try
To bear these facts in mind:
When you bump someone in a crowd,
And almost knock her down,
A soft 'I'm sorry!' may bring smiles
And rub out that old frown.
Apologies, invariably,
Obliterate mistakes;
And three small words, 'I love you!'
Can erase the worst heartaches.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.53135] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. In fact it's better for all concerned if I'm not!" - Unknown

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[Quote No.53546] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[Poem: about language and the technical parts of speech, helping children and others learn them - using poetic rhyme and rhythm as a memory aid or mnemonic]

'The Parts of Speech'

Three little words you often see
Are articles a, an, and the.
A noun's the name of anything,
As house or garden, hoop or swing.
Instead of nouns the pronouns stand -
Her head, your face, his arm, my hand.
Adjectives tell the kind of noun,
As great, small, pretty, white or brown.
Verbs tell something to be done -
To read, count, sing, laugh or run.
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, ill or well.
Conjunctions join the words together,
As men and women, wind or weather.
The preposition stands before
A noun, as in or through a door.
The interjection shows surprise,
As oh! how pretty, ah! how wise.
The whole are called nine parts of speech,
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.54262] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about getting along with others:] 'The House of 1000 Mirrors' Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, 'This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often.' In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, 'That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again.' All the faces in the world are mirrors. Remember this when you meet and deal with people." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54298] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the value of skepticism and self-defense:-] A bird, who lives on a farm, decides is fed up with flying south every winter and decides this year he is going to stay. So as winter comes and all the other birds fly south, he gathers some food and settles in for a nice winter. However, the weather turns too cold and he is running out of food, so he decides he better fly south. But he doesn't even make it out of the farm before his wings freeze up and he crashes to the ground. As he lay there freezing he realized that his end was near and he prayed for death to come quickly. Suddenly, in his semiconscious state, he had a feeling of being enveloped in a warm covering. He regained consciousness to find that a friendly cow had dropped luxurious deposit all over him. The warmth gave him a new lease of life, and the sparrow's comfort made him feel very happy, so he started to sing. A passing pussycat heard the chirping, located the heap, carefully removed the excrement to reveal the little sparrow, and promptly ate him up.......... There are two morals and one over-arching principle we can learn from this story. The two morals are -1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy; and -2. Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend. The over-arching principle is being skeptical and doubting your own and other’s facts, assumptions, opinions and motives can save your life." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54317] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about not losing your temper:] The Fence There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said ‘you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there. Make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later.' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.54319] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about gossip:] 'Testing For Gossip' In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, ‘Do you know what I just heard about your friend?’ ‘Hold on a minute’, Socrates replied. ‘Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test.’ ‘Triple filter?’ ‘That's right’, Socrates continued. ‘Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?’ ‘No’, the man said. ‘Actually I just heard about it and ...’ ‘All right’, said Socrates. ‘So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?’ ‘No, on the contrary.’ ‘So’, Socrates continued, ‘you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it's true. You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?’ ‘No, not really.’ ‘Well’, concluded Socrates, ‘if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?’" - Unknown

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[Quote No.54346] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"There is little point in using words others do not understand. For example long, multi-syllable words usually achieve nothing but showing linguistic knowledge at the expense of real communication." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54358] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about the power of communication for both good and bad and therefore the great care and skill that must be taken when communicating:] 'Tongues' The king made a banquet and ordered his clever slave to serve the best food that money could buy. The main food at the meal was tongue... all kinds of tongue cooked in all kinds of ways. All the side dishes and even dessert were also tongue... When the king objected, the slave said: ‘My Lord, what excels the tongue? It is the channel of wisdom and learning. By it we make speeches and carry out business. By it great personalities are made known. With our tongue we speak even to God.. King, there is nothing equal to the tongue.’ The king and all the guests were astounded to hear all this wit and wisdom come from the slave. The next day the king threw another banquet. The same guests came back. This time the king ordered the slave to serve the worst kind of meat he could find. Again, he served tongue - and only tongue. When the king began to scold the slave over this, he answered: ‘My Lord, can there be anything worse than the tongue? Treasons, deaths, violence, injustices, fraud, murder, wars - all are debated and decided by the tongue. The tongue ruins empires and countries, peoples and families. What is worse than the tongue?’" - Unknown

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[Quote No.60326] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret." - Unknown

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[Quote No.64035] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Before you speak - T.H.I.N.K. :
T = Is it True?
H = Is it Helpful?
I = Is it Inspiring?
N = Is it Necessary?
K = Is it Kind?

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.739] Need Area: Friends > General
"I shall not pass this way but once; any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. " - unknown

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[Quote No.5227] Need Area: Friends > General
"It's the people we love the most who can make us feel the gladdest and the maddest! Love and anger are such a puzzle! It's hard for us, as adults, to understand and manage our angry feelings toward parents, spouses, and children, or to keep their anger toward us in perspective. It's a different kind of anger from the kind we may feel toward strangers because it is so deeply intertwined with caring and attachment. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.5554] Need Area: Friends > General
"No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother. Not for millions, .. not for glory, not for fame. For one person, .. in the dark .. where no one will ever know .. or see. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.5657] Need Area: Friends > General
"It is not enough to limit your love to your own nation, to your own group. You must respond with love even to those outside of it. . . . This concept enables people to live together not as nations, but as the human race." - Unknown

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[Quote No.5661] Need Area: Friends > General
"The world is not a playground; it's a schoolroom. Life is not a holiday but an education. And the one eternal question for us all is how better we can love. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.5666] Need Area: Friends > General
"He drew a circle that shut me out -- Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.5729] Need Area: Friends > General
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.6176] Need Area: Friends > General
"Don't mind criticism. If it is untrue, disregard it; if unfair, keep from irritation; if it is ignorant, smile; if it is justified it is not criticism, learn from it. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.7673] Need Area: Friends > General
"The biggest step you can take is the one you take when you meet the other person halfway.[compromize]" - unknown

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[Quote No.7677] Need Area: Friends > General
"The conqueror is regarded with awe, the wise man commands our esteem, but it is the benevolent man who wins our affection." - unknown

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[Quote No.8113] Need Area: Friends > General
"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway! If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway! If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway! The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway! Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway! The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds. Think big anyway! People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for some underdogs anyway! What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway! People really need help but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway! Give the world the best you have and you will get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway! " - Unknown
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[Quote No.8155] Need Area: Friends > General
"Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold -- but so does a hard-boiled egg. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.8465] Need Area: Friends > General
"A person that lives only for themselves; strives for nothing, gives nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing, even to themselves, until they change. " - unknown

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[Quote No.8475] Need Area: Friends > General
"Self-preservation is the first law of nature, but self-sacrifice is the highest rule of grace. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.8814] Need Area: Friends > General
"A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person." - unknown

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[Quote No.8864] Need Area: Friends > General
"The smallest good deed is better than the greatest intention." - unknown

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[Quote No.9162] Need Area: Friends > General
"When other people take a long time to do something, they're slow; when we take a long time, we're thorough. When they don't do something, they're lazy; when we don't, we're too busy. When they succeed, they're lucky; when we do, we deserve it. [sometimes we need to ask ourselves if we are judging and treating others as we would want to be judged and treated] " - unknown

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[Quote No.10523] Need Area: Friends > General
"If our actions stem from honesty, kindness, caring, and vision, then no matter what the result of our efforts, we have added something of value to our souls and to the world. " - Unknown

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