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50 of 1510 results found for - ""  
[Quote No.59322] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"Your workouts are important meetings you scheduled with yourself. Bosses don't cancel!" -

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[Quote No.59323] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"Just as our body's strength grows with exercise, brain power improves with brain use. So exercise your brain as well as your body, especially as you age." -

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[Quote No.59327] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"[Exercise must be combined with a healthy, natural diet and exercise: Why?] Exercise is 1 step forward...BUT, a poor diet is 2 steps back! You can't compete with what you eat!" -

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[Quote No.59335] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"The flat belly workout: stretch, 30 jumping jacks, 20 high knees, 30 squats, 20 leg lifts, 20 jumping jacks, 30 high knees, 30 abdominal crunches, 20 squats, 30 leg lifts, 10 push-ups, 1 minute plank, stretch." -

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[Quote No.59337] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"While some are coming up with excuses why they can't workout, those who really want to be happy, fit and healthy are coming up with ways they can." -

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[Quote No.59524] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"[A healthy, natural diet and daily exercise routine: regrets:-] The only regrets you'll have with this lifestyle is that you didn't start living it sooner. " -

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[Quote No.59994] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"The pain you feel training today creates the strength you feel living tomorrow." -

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[Quote No.68888] Need Area: Body > Exercise
"[Exercise your brain - 'learning adventures delay demensias':-] One way to improve your memory - especially when learning a subject at school for example is to: gather the information you wish to learn into a logical order and then apply the AIR principle - 'breathe AIR into your learning':- A stands for Associate -- find ways to associate the information together and to things you already know through logic, acronyms and also crazy, vivid imagination; I stands for Impression -- get very clear mental image impressions of these associations; R stands for Repeat -- repeat the Associate and Impression steps as many times as necessary over the subsequent weeks to fix all this into your long-term memory so you can recall and review it at will through the 'magic' of neural plasticity and stimulation - 'neurons that fire together, wire together'." -

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[Quote No.295] Need Area: Body > General
"Your body is the temple in which you live your life so treat it with respect." -

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[Quote No.7951] Need Area: Body > General
"If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. " -

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[Quote No.23278] Need Area: Body > General
"Imagi-Natives, in association with Fast Holdings, have developed 'Imagi-Natives’ Self-Defence’. [Please refer to link on website] The martial art field is crowded with different styles, all with differing benefits, but most based on traditions and techniques developed for war, where serious injury or even death of the opposition is acceptable. These are not suited to the challenges of self-protection and the protection of private property in a civilised society run by the rule of law. It is also important to note that justified civil litigation by individuals against security forces, their employers and individuals defending themselves, is becoming easier and more frequent, and the compensation larger. It is therefore important that the groups involved in this important work develop and maintain the highest standards of professionalism and use the very best practice available, to minimise the likelihood of legally unjustified injury and then successful civil or even criminal litigation. Imagi-Natives, in association with Fast Holdings, have over the past decade researched and developed a unique, comprehensive, maximum safety - minimum force, non-percussive [no punches or kicks], empty-handed self-defense system for police, prison and security officers, as well as private individuals, focussed on restraint and arrest methods. These methods are based on Chinese Shaolin Chin-Na [‘Seize and Control’] methods and supplemented by Aikido, Jujitsu and Judo principles and techniques. They are less likely to cause legally unjustified injury because there is no first strike taught and the method’s minimum force responses to aggression are much less likely to cause lasting serious damage than any percussive martial art to the user or the aggressor. This would undoubtedly be taken into account should the incident go before the courts. These comprehensive, weapon-less methods are based on simple arm-bar takedown techniques, which make them quick and safer to learn and practise, and extraordinarily simple, quick and effective in use in the ‘fog’ of a physical struggle. We recommend that the methods are used alone but they can be used in conjunction with any other martial art, to bring the struggle to a conclusion." -

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[Quote No.28917] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial arts] In life, always keep your wits about you and stay alert to danger as well as pleasure. If in doubt, listen to your intuition and err on the side of caution. The danger you avoid will make up for any temporary pleasure you may miss." -

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[Quote No.28918] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial arts] Learning and training in self-defence should develop both the ability to fight and the desire to never unnecessarily use these skills." -

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[Quote No.29983] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] War does not determine who is right - only who is left. (warriors know that nobody wins in war; it is lose-lose and the so-called winners are really only the ones who lose least. The real winners are those who find less violent ways to solve their disagreements...but unfortunately, sometimes it cannot be avoided.)" -

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[Quote No.29993] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] Peace may cost as much as war, but it is a better buy." -

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[Quote No.30035] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] You can take the person out of the experience of war, but you cannot take the experience of war out of the person." -

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[Quote No.30038] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] Besides making mistakes, any government or government agency is not above the expediency of lying to its own politicians, officials and citizens in order to 'win over their hearts and minds'. History has proven this time and again. For example: Historians agree that the Japanese bombed one of their own railways, and then blamed it on Chinese dissidents, as a justification for war against China. They also agree that the Nazis, in Operation Himmler, faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland in World War II. Nazi leader Hermann Goering said: 'Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country'. Josef Stalin said: 'The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws [removing their rights and personal freedom] if their personal security is threatened.' U.S. President James Madison said: 'If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.' In 1918 American Senator Hiram Johnson, echoing the sentiments of the 5th century B.C. Greek playwright, Aeschylus, said 'The first casualty when war comes, is truth'. For these reasons, not just in war, it is important for leaders, politicians, officials, and each individual citizen to be responsibly sceptical and require the most stringent proof before supporting any extreme government policy affecting any citizen's inalienable right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness." -

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[Quote No.30039] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] A brave person dies but one death [in reality]...a coward many [in his or her imagination]." -

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[Quote No.30055] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-defence and martial arts:] The less said [in anger] the sooner mended." -

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[Quote No.44827] Need Area: Body > General
"Sometimes in life when things become difficult it would be useful to have a method to relax, distract and disengage from those difficulties. Luckily there is a simple method of physical [as opposed to mental idea or sound-mantra] meditation to accomplish this which is taugh in many spiritual traditions, namely breath meditation. Just focus on noticing the breath going in and out of your nostrils. Don't try to control it - just feel it. If you lose focus don't become angry just refocus back on the feeling. Keep this up until you feel relaxed and centred and-or the challenging circumstances dissipate." -

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[Quote No.54731] Need Area: Body > General
"Just as focusing on a positive experience can help anyone savor it and so enjoy it more so will focusing on a negative experience make it worse. Therefore it is helpful for each person to learn to distract their attention from their negative experiences, once they have learned all they can from the pain - which is the evolutionary reason we have pain. Some of the best things to use to distract yourself are those that are lowest on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. For example the basic needs of food and sex and richly imagining these things have been used successfully to distract from pain, including the pain of dental surgery!" -
[Refer websites and and book by Nicholas, M., Molloy, A., Tonkin, L. & Beeston. L. (2000) 'Manage Your Pain: Practical and Positive Ways of Adapting to Chronic Pain', ABC Books, Sydney, Australia.]
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[Quote No.59275] Need Area: Body > General
"Take care of your body. It's the only place you will ever have to live in." -

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[Quote No.62781] Need Area: Body > General
"[The mystery of life and death:] In life and death remember ABC: Always Be Curious. " -

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[Quote No.71246] Need Area: Body > General
"[Sleep - as you relax in bed and await sleep and dreams, you can have fun with these and other highly imaginative mental activities and habits:]

1. Relive-review-replay the day - from the moment you awoke to the time you went to bed - in order to re-enjoy it (savoring each sensation and satisfaction, while being grateful that each experience is not worse) and to help you put it into your long-term memory.

2. Anticipate a future positive experience.

3. Imagine-fantasize about an experience - for example taking a trip to a time (in the past, present or future) and place (in the world or outer-space).

" -

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[Quote No.98] Need Area: Money > Income
"To whom much is given, much is expected." -

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[Quote No.181] Need Area: Money > Income
"Money is one measure of the value you provide to others." -

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[Quote No.38994] Need Area: Money > Income
"I believe unions have an important place in the economy. I believe the advocacy they provide for the least powerful is important and useful but I feel, that in these difficult times for all, that management and unions should work more closely together, with managers trying to more fairly share any annual profit improvements, balanced in proportion to the unique contributions and financial risks taken, AND unions trying to find productivity improvements to justify and allow CPI cost-of-living or above increases in wages, bonuses and conditions. Adversarial tactics may make supporters of each feel well represented but they are often counter-productive to a win-win solution, which should be the real aim of both groups in the team that is each company and economy!" -

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[Quote No.61021] Need Area: Money > Income
"Your success in life will be in direct proportion to what you do after you do what you are expected to do. " -

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[Quote No.68116] Need Area: Money > Income
"In all types of business the ideal is for the business owners and the workers to earn more each year. In order for this to occur and wages to increase each year, business productivity must increase each year! This is the point of most improvements made throughout each year in any business and the regular pay negotiations!" -

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[Quote No.30642] Need Area: Money > Tax
"Unless you believe in anarchy, which feels that no government is best, there will always be a need to raise funds for the roles government was constituted to be responsible for. While there are innovative suggestions about how this can be raised, even including lotteries, the classic method has been some form of sales and/or income taxation. At present much of the world uses progressive taxation rates so that the more each citizen earns the more they pay for the same government services. This has been challenged on the basis of equity, saying that while a set price that recovers the cost for each user is the fairest method. After all no-one would consider it fair if movie tickets, food, etc was priced differently for people who earn different amounts so why should government services be any different. Apart from custom there is very little reason that this should be this way. The problem with this is that many members of society would find that they couldn't afford these services. So perhaps the best compromise is a flat tax rate, so there is equity in the rate itself but the actual amount paid is still more for those that earn more. These sorts of questions are what economics, ethics and politics are all about. It is in the interests of each citizen to inform themselves about all the options so that they can make informed suggestions and choices as they participate in their political processes." -

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[Quote No.30935] Need Area: Money > Tax
"Incoming governments often propose fiscal reforms, in particular tax code changes, but these should always be based on tax reforms that stimulate the economy by boosting competitiveness and long-run growth, rather than simply redistributing the burden of government costs. In an era of globalization, policymakers need to respond to the dramatic pro-investment tax reforms taking place abroad, or else they risk stifling job creation and investment and in the long run hurting the economy and thereby the very people they represent." -

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[Quote No.30936] Need Area: Money > Tax
"When governments spend more than they tax the budget goes into deficit. Each and every citizen should realise that these shortfalls are made up by borrowing from domestic and foreign investors, using government bonds for example, and must be repaid at some later date through government taxes and charges, either to existing citizens or their children and grandchildren. Just as in a family, parents borrowing to spend more than they receive and then expecting their children to pay for it, if they don't, is fraught with moral dilemmas and should be done only for very compelling reasons, rather than as a matter of course, or they could rightly be considered irresponsibly self-centred, exploiting and negligent." -

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[Quote No.31838] Need Area: Money > Tax
"If you want to see what not to do to a country's tax system if you want it to grow economically or be more socially just, you need to go no further than Japan since the 1990's. They have consistently raised taxes and their economy has flat lined for nearly two decades with no significant improvement in social justice or equity. They began with a series of tax measures on January 1, 1990 which eliminated certain preferential capital gains tax treatments for property. In 1992, the tax rate on short-term capital gains (under 2 years) on property was raised to 90%. Long-term gains were taxed at 60%. A 0.3% National property tax was introduced (this was several multiples greater than existing property taxes). A City Planning Tax of 0.3%. A Registration and License Tax of 5% of the sale value of a property. A Real Estate Acquisition Tax of 4%. An Office Tax of 0.25%. A Land Ownership Tax of 1.4%. Even the regular property tax, the Fixed Assets Tax, was effectively raised by several multiples. Therefore, from 1990 to 1996, Japanese property values naturally imploded, by as much as 70%, which was catastrophic for property owners. However, the revenues from these property taxes for the government rose by 46%. The Japanese government's tax barrage continues to this day in 2009. Already there is an annual rise in payroll taxes, scheduled for every year between 2004 and 2017, which will eventually take the payroll tax rate from 13.6% to 18.3%. (Employers match this, and there is no maximum income to which it applies.) There is an increase in taxes on dividends from 10% to 20% and an introduction of a brand-new capital gains tax on equities of 20%, which had effectively been tax-free before. Also an effective 25% increase in personal income taxes. On top of all that, politicians are talking about increasing the consumption tax (similar to a sales tax) from 5% presently to 10% or higher. Until a 3% consumption tax was introduced in 1989, there was no consumption tax at all in Japan, not even at the prefectural or municipal level. All citizens when they vote should remember that politicians and governments that are high taxing are bad for the economy as they kill the geese that lay the golden eggs, which are the risk taking entrepreneurs that when successful expand jobs and the gross domestic product and thereby raise the living standards of all. To vote in politicians and governments that spend more than their revenues, creating deficits that require increased taxes, eventually results in lower living standards for all in the future until their policies and debt are reversed. No country has ever taxed itself into economic success or long-term social equality." -

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[Quote No.35004] Need Area: Money > Tax
"When governments are trying to stimulate their economy they often consider tax reductions and increased deductions hoping that the later improvement to economic growth will pay the increased interest costs of incurring the debt through issuing sovereign bonds. At these times there are usually debates about whether it is better to focus those tax changes for business [- which politicians and the press like to call at these times 'the rich' - knowing that business people have a tendency to always try to maximise the productivity of their money and their business's capacity, stimulating the economy 'top down' often referred to as 'trickle down' stimulus], or to focus those tax changes to help the less well off [- believing that people in this situation usually need to spend any money they get which boosts consumption in the economy, which is called 'bottom up' stimulus], or to share the benefits of the tax changes between business and the consumer, in the interests of individual equality and balanced economic growth." -

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[Quote No.35711] Need Area: Money > Tax
"Remember for every dollar $1 increase in government spending there are three options: raise taxes by $1; borrow $1; or print $1. All 3 options lead to a greater burden on tax payers, either today, tomorrow or at some point down the road either through increased taxation to pay principal and interest on the sovereign debt or increased inflation which will necessitate tighter monetary policy - interest rate rises which will be felt in more expensive mortgage payments. Notice there are no free lunches for increases to government spending. The population always has to pay for it." -

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[Quote No.37417] Need Area: Money > Tax
"Much government legislation and regulation requires businesses to spend money unproductively - on advice, material and staff time, rather than on improving competitiveness, sales, productivity, jobs and wages. While some ideas have merit, for example by improving safety, most do not and as such they act as unnecessary 'taxes' that hurt rather than help the businesses, their staff and the economy, regardless of government's good intentions." -

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[Quote No.37518] Need Area: Money > Tax
"Equality is a hard concept to express in the real world. For example should taxes be flat so that the same percentage of each dollar a person earns, regardless of their total earnings, be the same or equal for all or should taxes be progressive so that the amount increases as a person earns more so that a person who earns more pays more, even if they use government services less? Think of it this way: should a person who earns more pay more for any particular government service than another or for commercial services like going to see a movie, or a loaf of bread, simply because they earn more? Is that equal? For those who see the inequality of progressive taxation and would like to learn more about equal, flat tax and those countries whose government and people think it fairer and more productive to have a flat tax you could start your journey of discovery at the page on flat tax at ." -

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[Quote No.60412] Need Area: Money > Tax
"[Morality and ethics:- Good ends do not justify bad means:] The desire to help those less fortunate does not justify the denying of the rights of others to a life of freedom from force or fraud. [i.e. Robbing the 'rich' to give to the 'poor' is still robbing! The rich can only be persuaded - not forced or defrauded!!]" -

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[Quote No.67272] Need Area: Money > Tax
"The government's role, construction and funding, among other things, including how to change these things, are determined by the 'social contract' or 'constitution' entered into by the governed. The funding can be whatever is agreed by those entering the agreement. For example...1: [consumer 'tax'] that each individual pays the same for whatever service they use regardless of who they are and their existing wealth and income, like a person does when they buy a loaf of bread or a car; or 2: [proportional tax] that each individual pays differently for whatever service they use depending on who they are and their existing wealth and income by... proportion of their income like Christian Churches used to expect tithing of 10 per cent of their income so as their income differed so did their contribution but the proportion was the same; or 3: [progressive tax] that each individual pays differently for whatever service they use depending on who they are and their existing wealth and income by... proportion of their income like Christian Churches used to expect tithing of 10 percent of their income, but that this proportion rises with each tranche of their income so some pay none, some pay 10 percent, and others pay 10 percent on some of their income and then 20 percent on the next tranche of their income and so on progressively increasing the proportion of what they pay depending on which tranche or tier of income they earn. There are even some political economies that agree that no-one but the government owns anything including their own labor so people don't earn and then fund the government rather the government just funds them." -

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[Quote No.173] Need Area: Money > Save
"Having money allows you to be more of what you were before you had money." -

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[Quote No.928] Need Area: Money > Save
"Live modestly!" -

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[Quote No.6096] Need Area: Money > Save
"It's not what we earn but what we save that makes us rich!" -

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[Quote No.12217] Need Area: Money > Save
"Finances and investing, like life, go up and down, around a long-term trend. It is helpful to keep in mind the story of the seven fat and the seven lean years of Joseph in the Bible. It shows the wisdom of living frugally and storing surpluses for later needs... for a rainy day. Like the recommendation to study the ant in Proverbs, that teaches all summer to think and prepare for the inevitable winter and all winter to think and prepare for the inevitable summer. " -

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[Quote No.32499] Need Area: Money > Save
"The rich become richer and the poor become poorer, because the rich have learnt the importance of saving and investing, which is the magic key to a brighter future for everyone." -

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[Quote No.34428] Need Area: Money > Save
"Some people believe money is 'round to go around' - and they spend all they get and therefore often get into financial difficulties where they are unable to help those they love or even themselves; others believe that it is 'flat to stack' - and they save and invest for a 'rainy day' and therefore become financially successful and able to help those they love and enjoy a comfortable retirement. " -

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[Quote No.1146] Need Area: Money > Invest
"During the economic 'Seasons': all 'Summer' prepare for the (inevitable) 'Winter' and all 'Winter' prepare for the (inevitable) 'Summer'." -

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[Quote No.4348] Need Area: Money > Invest
"As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. " -

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[Quote No.24494] Need Area: Money > Invest
"When considering any business work out -the annual fixed costs, -the variable costs and -the break even sales volume that covers all the fixed costs." -

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[Quote No.6360] Need Area: Money > Invest
"When considering our future, preparing for retirement is often helped by share investing. One of the most successful investors ever is Warren Buffett, becoming the richest man in the world, through his share investing skill. We all can be helped by following his simple but not necessarily easy methods. Buffett's philosophy on share investing is a modification of the value investing approach of Benjamin Graham. Buffett buys quality companies, with solid customer support and good economics, especially those possessing sustainable competitive advantages which he calls their 'economic moat' that protects them from competition, over the long term. Buffett buys them when they are cheap compared to their intrinsic value; reasoning that as long as the market undervalued them relative to their intrinsic value he is making a wise investment, as the market would eventually realize this and pay more. To achieve this Buffett is very careful what and when he buys. He does not hurry to invest in a business, meeting his criteria, if the value is not discernible. [ie its price doesn’t provides a higher rate of compounded return compared to other available investment opportunities.] Therefore he patiently waits for a market correction or downturn to buy these solid businesses at reasonable prices. He views downturns in the stock market as buying opportunities: being conservative when greed and speculation is rampant in the market and aggressive when others are fearing for their capital. This strategy conserves capital foremost and helped him avoid the internet boom and bust without significant damage, although critics noted that it may have led him to miss out on potential opportunities during the same period. " -

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[Quote No.6859] Need Area: Money > Invest
"It is better to be always on your guard than to suffer loss even once." -

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