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50 of 1510 results found for - ""  
[Quote No.49350] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Be very careful not to listen to the Vegas blackjack dealers 'double up to catch up' refrain, suggesting you bet bigger leveraging up if necessary, after a losing streak." -

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[Quote No.52612] Need Area: Money > Invest
"There are always ways to 'spin' the facts to support the conclusion that a person desires to communicate! For example during 2013 and 2014 the politicians wanted to suggest the world economy was improving. So when oil price increased in 2013 they said this was due to the world economy improving and so demand for petrol was increasing. In 2014 when oil prices decreased they said this was positive for the world economy as it would mean that less money would be spent on petrol and so more money would be available for people to spend on their other desires. It is not difficult to imagine 'spin' that would have shown that both these prices in oil would have been bad for the world economy. This is why being skeptical is important so that information used to help people choose is as truthful and unbiased as possible." -
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[Quote No.54630] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Businesses will sometimes behave in ways that initially seem counter-productive. For example healthier companies may rush to overproduce, so their supply overwhelms the demand pushing prices lower. The deep logic of this counter-intuitive behaviour is that by doing this form of price competition the healthier companies hope to gain market share by putting marginal companies, and those which don't have access to cheap and easy funds, out of business by pricing them out of the market. Call it the effect. This is cut-throat business competition but it can be good for most customers in the short-term and the healthier companies in the long-term. The cost is most extreme for the less healthy companies' owners, lenders, employees and loyal customers in the short-term and debatably for general competition and range of choice in the long-term. This kind of 'survival of the fittest' and 'creative destruction' is part of the evolution of any free market, capitalist economy and the people it serves and effects." -

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[Quote No.55379] Need Area: Money > Invest
"A sign that a bull market is becoming less safe and more likely to crash is decreasing 'market breadth', which means that as the market moves higher, fewer and fewer stocks are participating in the rally. This is sometimes referred to as 'strategic convergence' or 'market herding' as those will to stay in the market buy into the few remaining stocks that have prices that have momentum and are still rising." -

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[Quote No.58361] Need Area: Money > Invest
"In a recession - which is technically when growth falls for two financial quarters - there are two main macro-economic policies that the powers that be can attempt. The first is monetary policy where the central bank acts to lower interest rates. This increases the ability of businesses and individuals to sustain and increase their borrowings to invest and consume. It allows businesses to improve their profit margins as their debt service cost is reduced which allows fewer people to be fired as sales fall. Lower interest rates also reduce the competition for domestic sales as imported goods rise in the country's currency, while foreign sales of exported goods become cheaper in the foreign currency all else being equal. The latter is particularly important for low value-added goods - which are mostly indistinguishable except for price. This means this is particularly important for developing countries where the export economy relies on this more than developed countries. The other macro-economic tool is government spending - borrowing and investing into the economy. This is particularly timely because interest rates for domestic borrowing through government bonds are lower in a recession as inflation falls, just when Gross Domestic Product and tax revenues are lower than before. These tools need to be reversed as soon as they are sustainably effective lest the economy comes to rely on them and therefore reduces their future effectiveness to further economic shocks and the consequential potential recessionary effects." -

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[Quote No.62221] Need Area: Money > Invest
"When considering the future always give the future outcomes probability odds, as nothing is certain!" -

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[Quote No.64322] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Central banks try to control unemployment and inflation, not only of products and services but especially of wages:] The US Federal Reserve Bank adopts a restrictive stance whenever hourly wage rate growth exceeds 3 per cent, illustrated by a high or rising Fed Funds Rate." -

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[Quote No.65985] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Earnings per share can be manipulated to make a company appear more stable and successful than they are in reality. This can be done for example by inflating company earnings by buying back shares with borrowed funds, as their senior management teams focus exclusively on beefing up their current compensation at the expense of their companies' long-term value mandate. Of course, investors willingly (and happily) go along for the ride - enjoying the upward momentum while ignoring the fact that they are paying higher prices for lower organic earnings." -

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[Quote No.66446] Need Area: Money > Invest
"The current economic theories in 2020 about 'fiat currency' debt, namely if it's issued in the country's own currency then it cannot default, is loosely called Modern Monetary Theory [MMT], and it is critical to the belief in and use of Quantitative Easing [QE] and Universal Basic Income [UBI]. But, according to Austrian economists and the allied 'Gold Bug' community [- that believe money should be backed by some limiting factor, like a precious commodity, to stop runnaway, over-reaching government intervention and the associated risk of hyper inflation], it should be considered fantastic and foolish. In fact they have renamed MMT to stand not for Modern Monetary Theory but rather for 'Magic Money Tree' and 'More, More, Thanks' economics! Only time will tell who will be proven right, [but 'So far so good!' the MMT-ers would say, while their opponents' would say 'That's what the guy, falling from the top of a sky-scraper, was heard to say as he fell past the third floor window!']." -

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[Quote No.66619] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Risk and money management:] The number one reason why individual retail traders fail is through a lack of understanding or application of risk-money management principles. " -

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[Quote No.70194] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Be interested in understanding and valuing the business underlying the share - this is the essence of fundamental value investing, rather than what the speculators are paying for the share which is more related to hope and worry, greed and fear with the recent price action than anything rationally analytic or business-like!" -

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[Quote No.70574] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Chuck Akre's 3 legged Stool Investing Method:

1- The core business must generate high ROIC or ROE (preferably without using a lot of debt)

2- The business must have a high quality management team who act with integrity (preferably with high amounts of insider ownership to align their interests with the other shareholders)

3- The business must have a long 'runway' (where it's clear that it can keep growing at that superior rate of return for more than another ten years)

[P.S.-It's best of all if it can also be removed from the watch-list and bought relatively inexpensively, for example in a general economic downturn, recession or temporary issue!]

" -

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[Quote No.71510] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Doubt and skeptical questioning are important in the search for useful, objective truth to give informed consent and guide wise choice because...] There is a great deal of mistaken misinformation and deliberate fraud in the world! This is for a number of reasons. They include human inattention, inpatience, ignorance, self-interest, greed, envy and malice. This is then compounded, by - timing as satirist Jonathan Swift said, ‘Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it’ - and rational effort as described by Brandolini’s Principle which states ‘The amount of energy needed to refute fraud is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it’." -

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[Quote No.185] Need Area: Money > Spend
"It is easier to spend money than to get it." -

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[Quote No.4114] Need Area: Money > Spend
"The most efficient labor-saving device is still money." -

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[Quote No.24999] Need Area: Money > Spend
" 'If you don’t ask, you don’t get' is as true when buying as when selling. A new study from 'Consumer Reports' found that more than 90 percent of the study participants when they politely asked for discounts [i.e. 'Is there any 'give' on the price?'] on items like furniture, electronics, and even medical bills were successful, especially when they spoke to or asked the sales clerks to check with the store managers (who have more authority to reduce prices than the sales clerks)." -

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[Quote No.29048] Need Area: Money > Spend
"The worst thing you can do financially is to spend money you don't have on things you don't need." -

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[Quote No.29844] Need Area: Money > Spend
"In a credit driven economy, consumers don’t spend based upon their total debt level. They spend based upon the monthly cost of carrying their debt [after taking into consideration their income, tax and living costs]. Therefore the lower the interest rate the more they borrow on credit cards, personal loans, home equity loans, etc, for immediate gratification. This is okay if interest rates are continually falling however when they rise, which they always do eventually at the end of an economic/business/credit/share market cycle when inflation rises, it can be a severe problem. Add to that unexpected accidents, sickness, divorce and unemployment and you have a recipe for personal disaster and/or bankruptcy. Wise, experienced people live within their means, borrow as little as possible and save significant amounts for 'rainy days' and for investing. This is the recipe that has made those that follow it progressively more and more financially comfortable, secure and happy as they grow older." -

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[Quote No.31226] Need Area: Money > Spend
"It is a prudent policy not to allow yourself, despite what your bank may offer you when times are good, to borrow for a home so much that the repayments [and remember interest rates may rise 2-3%] go above a third of your gross wage." -

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[Quote No.38379] Need Area: Money > Spend
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when we try to live beyond our means!" -
Play on the words of Sir Walter Scott, in Canto VI, Stanza 17 of "Marmion" (1808) - 'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive'?
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[Quote No.43237] Need Area: Money > Spend
"Spending more than you earn by borrowing the balance is not sensible or sustainable. If it isn't for investing in an appreciating investment, it's like a farmer eating the seed corn held for next year's planting or a household that is feeding the fireplace with wood from the wood that built the house." -

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[Quote No.51938] Need Area: Money > Spend
"'Buy now and pay later' is the catch-phrase of the short-sighted fool and the ne'er-do-well spendthrift. The wise curtail their present wants to their present means and only buy now what they can pay for now in saved cash, except when investing in an appreciating asset below its intrinsic value and with sustainable cash-flow that amply covers all carrying costs, even significantly higher interest rates." -

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[Quote No.70614] Need Area: Money > Spend
"[Minimalism, essentialism, enoughism:-] 'Need' over 'greed'. Be pro-'need' and anti-'greed'." -

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[Quote No.71704] Need Area: Money > Spend
"[Minimalism, enoughism, essentialism:-] If you can focus on functionalism over fashion, you can usually save time and money and lose your own envy and other’s jealousy." -

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[Quote No.1319] Need Area: Money > General
"Always remember what the great industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie said, 'Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community'." -

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[Quote No.4110] Need Area: Money > General
"Property may be destroyed and money may lose its purchasing power; but, character, health, knowledge, and good judgement will always be in demand under all conditions. " -

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[Quote No.4124] Need Area: Money > General
"Prosperity is living easily and happily in the real world, whether you have money or not. " -

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[Quote No.4126] Need Area: Money > General
"The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money. " -

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[Quote No.5488] Need Area: Money > General
"Some people love money and use people. But life is much better, for everyone, if you love people and use money." -

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[Quote No.28966] Need Area: Money > General
"Net-worth should never be equated with self-worth." -

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[Quote No.30356] Need Area: Money > General
"It is important that each citizen takes their right to vote seriously. This means that they have a responsibility to make informed choices. This is only possible if they have at least a basic understanding of how their economy works. In this way individuals can then critique political parties and their economic policies not only on their goals but also the effects on all stakeholders of the methods, costs especially who bears them, incentives, potentially unintended consequences, unexpected complications and the adequacy of contingency plans. In this way initially good sounding policies that eventually wind up hurting society more than helping, can be avoided." -

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[Quote No.30570] Need Area: Money > General
"In order to demonstrate the superiority of capitalism to statism's political/economic system, in increasing people's living standards, it is only necessary to compare capitalist countries with statist/socialist countries. For example: South Korea to North Korea, Cuba to the free Cuban-American community of Miami, West Berlin to East Berlin, U.S.A. to U.S.S.R., China's Special Economic Zones to its pure communist areas, even Sweden as a capitalist system at the turn of the 20th century to its mixed economy welfare state at the end. In every case the greater the capitalistic, politico-economic freedom the higher the standard of living." -
Summary of part of philosophy professor, Dr. Andrew Bernstein's book, 'The Capitalist Manifesto: The Historic, Economic and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire'.
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[Quote No.30891] Need Area: Money > General
"In any economy when competition is reduced it is reasonable to assume that levels of innovation and service will drop while costs may rise higher than they otherwise would. It is therefore wise for governments to ensure robust competition so that their constituents are both given wider choice and better products and services. One of the best ways for governments to achieve this is through robust support of the capitalist free market economic system while strongly ensuring each citizen's freedom and property rights." -

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[Quote No.31103] Need Area: Money > General
"The idea of government intervening in the market, contrary to free market capitalism, is a popular idea among communist, socialist and totalitarian leaning politicians at all times, and the general population when the economy is in recession and people fear for their jobs. They cite the work of the economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), in particular his famous book 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money' (1936). Besides many of his ideas being tried and not working during the Great Depression (1929-39) and, in fact making the depression last longer by several years, people still like his ideas about government borrowing and spending more to make up the shortfall in consumer and business spending during recessions. There is a simplistic logic to it. However it has been shown to be wrong and counterproductive in many different ways, both practically and theoretically. The famous economist, Ludwig von Mises, from the Austrian School of economics, wrote extensively about the problems with it. So have many other economists. For those interested in reading about its fallicies I recommend the book, 'The Failure of the 'New Economics' An Analysis of the Keynesian Fallacies' by Henry Hazlitt (1959). Ludwig von Mises read the draft and offered invaluable suggestions. It can be read for free on the internet at" -

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[Quote No.31352] Need Area: Money > General
"Never forget when a person, company or industry asks for government help, the old saying, 'He who pays the piper calls the tune.' This is only to be expected but many who ask for help don't consider this until it is too late and they discover to their shame that they sold their precious freedom, that their forefathers and mothers fought and died to give them, for a pittance!" -

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[Quote No.31720] Need Area: Money > General
"Capitalism is about allowing the free market, in particular consumers and their purchase choices rather than any other group, to allocate capital and labor, to price assets, and to choose winners and losers. While not perfect, it is the most democratic and efficient method of managing scarce resources ever devised." -

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[Quote No.32035] Need Area: Money > General
"[If you ever want to have more money than you need you had better learn about how to manage it. Because if you don't it will soon disappear. The history of lottery winners proves this. Nearly all lottery winners are broke within a year or two. Many are broker than they were before they won the lottery. Because their good luck causes them to miscalculate. There was a story about one lottery winner in the press in London recently. He had won millions of pounds. Feeling lucky, he invested in a number of enterprises suggested by friends, relatives and total strangers - all failed. He married a much younger woman - who later left him (taking with her the house he bought for her). He invested on the advice of analysts and advisors - who turned out to be incompetent. And he lent money to people who, naturally, couldn't pay it back. He was in the news because he had been arrested for attacking one of his old friends while trying to collect a debt (he needed the money to pay his rent!) Evelyn Adams won the New Jersey lottery twice - in 1985 and 1986. Talk about luck! She won $5.4 million in total. But don't go looking for Evelyn in a Beverly Hills or Palm Beach mansion. She lives in a trailer. 'Everybody wanted my money. Everybody had their hand out,' she says. Or take the case of William 'Bud' Post. He won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery in 1988. Think he's fixed for life? 'I wish it never happened. It was totally a nightmare,' says Post. Within a year he was $1 million in debt and had to declare bankruptcy. Now, he is said to live on food stamps." -

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[Quote No.32494] Need Area: Money > General
"Like Winston Churchill's appraisal of democracy, capitalism is surely the worst economic system, except for all the others that have been tried." -

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[Quote No.33186] Need Area: Money > General
"When considering the likelihood of government bond default, and if government policies make financial sense, it is useful to consider the restraint necessary for the stability of the government finances of any country, by remembering that the European Union gives as the upper limits for any of its members in 2010:... a fiscal deficit [i.e. annual government spending beyond that year's tax revenue] of no greater than 3% of GDP and a debt-to-GDP level of no more than 60%. Otherwise the debt burden, especially if interest rates rise or its currency devalues dramatically, can put the country in jeopardy of defaulting on its bonds or raising tax rates so high there is a significant and possibly violent political and social upheaval, even endangering its own and its neighbour's sovereignty." -

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[Quote No.33475] Need Area: Money > General
"The best economic system for improving the living standards of citizens is where individual effort and creativity is released through individual property rights to capital called capitalism. There are many examples that support this. One is a 2008 study by the World Bank, which showed that since 1950, 13 economies had managed to grow at more than 7 per cent per annum for at least 25 years. Three were city states (Hong Kong, Singapore, Malta) that offered no lessons for others. One (Oman) is oil-rich, while another (Botswana) is a diamond mine. That leaves eight. Four of them stalled (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and, earlier, Brazil) while only three achieved 'first-world' status – Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The key difference between the 'stallers' and the success stories is land policy. In Japan, Korea and Taiwan almost all agricultural land was subdivided under American supervision into household plots in the wake of WWII. In South and South-east Asia, by contrast, largely ineffectual land reform attempts have kept tens of millions of landless and capital-less in dire poverty. In China the murderous campaign against landlords after 1949 led to the disaster of collectivisation and the starvation and impoverishment this caused, but in the late seventies under Deng Xiaoping, there was a transition to household farming. Now in 2010 China is using the power of capitalism by allowing farmers to get title to their lands and to use that to get financial capital, which is believed to be one reason why China is doing so well after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-9." -

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[Quote No.34761] Need Area: Money > General
"Coming to grips with large financial numbers is hard. How can you imagine the difference between a million, a billion and a trillion? Here is the best way I know...turn dollars into seconds. Then one million seconds is about 12 days; one billion seconds about 32 years; and one trillion seconds about 31,688 years!" -

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[Quote No.34955] Need Area: Money > General
"Money is a good servant but a poor master." -

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[Quote No.34978] Need Area: Money > General
"Any currency is: 1- a store of value primarily for past effort, but also for time and risk; 2- the power to trade in a market economy; 3- a fickle measure of a country's relative economic strength." -

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[Quote No.35291] Need Area: Money > General
"Governments often cooperate politically, militarily and economically so long as there are sufficient benefits to all sides. An example of economic cooperation arranged politically was the Marshall Plan to help rebuild Europe after the Second World War through loans to decimated governments in Europe with many provisos including that they spent the money with US companies. Russia was offerred help too but found the accompanying political and economic conditions unacceptable [As the Bible says Proverbs 22:7 'The borrower is servant to the lender.'] Japan was not offerred anything similar but still managed to rebuild, although it was not allowed any armed forces which are always a big economic drain. It could be argued that a non-politically arranged system of mutually beneficial cooperation developed after the 1980's with the US and China, where Chinese cheap labour produced manufacturing goods that were sold to the US reducing the US double digit inflation rate and the consequential Chinese foreign [US] currency reserves from their trade surplus were invested into US bonds to keep the Chinese currency pegged to the US dollar - and thereby competitive - which helped keep interest rates in the US lower than they would have been otherwise and so fund cheaper loans for US citizens and businesses, which then bought more Chinese goods, etc - similar to vendor financing. Global economic cooperation continues in many ways including the regular G7 and G20 meetings, OECD, IMF, WTO, World Bank, foreign aid, free trade agreements, etc." -

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[Quote No.35793] Need Area: Money > General
"When a government must spend more than its revenues [taxes] it will borrow. Eventually borrowings become so large that the interest payments cannot be met from the revenue and then political pressure is applied to the central bank which begins a process of conscious inflation by keeping rates too low to inflate the tax revenues and make the interest and principal payments easier for the government to meet. Eventually even this isn't enough so they then monetize the debt and print money or in today's euphemism quantitatively ease. If this continues for too long hyperinflation will result. This is then corrected by drastic increases in interest to reduce growth in the money supply and the velocity of money or initiating a new national currency." -

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[Quote No.36082] Need Area: Money > General
"Monetization is when a government covers its fiscal spending, including debt principal and interest repayment, by simply creating more money from nothing, rather than borrowing or taxing. [Refer: sovereign bond default, money printing, quantitative easing, inflation, reduced purchasing power and standard of living, weak dollar policy, currency devaluation, currency debasement, currency wars, trade wars, trade barriers, tariffs] " -

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[Quote No.36427] Need Area: Money > General
"While an enormous number of materials from shells to leather to lead have been used, gold, silver, copper and tin have been most popularly used for currency. It was not unusual for the value of the copper and tin coins to be less than the face value of the coins which meant a minting profit for the king or queen of the country. Because of the discrepancy between the face value and the metal value though, they were called tokens rather than coins. Most populations however did not like the discrepancy between the face and metal values. Also Tin was found to be unsatisfactory as, although it was readily available and the cheapest to produce, it corroded more quickly than the other metals. Due to the problems of 'clipping' where the edges of the coins, especially gold and silver were cut off or filed off and then sold to unscrupulous goldsmiths and reminted or melted into bullion or jewellery, coins were eventually made with 'ribbing' or words on the edges so clipped coins could be easily noticed and rejected by the population and authorities. It had not been uncommon before this innovation for merchants to weigh coins to ensure they hadn't been 'clipped'. The punishment for clipping ranged from castration to hand amputation to hanging for debasing the currency [effectively stealing from the king or queen, who paid for the metal and minting]." -

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[Quote No.37963] Need Area: Money > General
"For people interested in reading a free ebook introducing them to Austrian economics, I can recommend, 'Economics for Real People - An Introduction to the Austrian School' 2nd Edition, by Gene Callahan. It can be found by going to the Ludwig Von Mises Institute - " -
Ludwig Von Mises Institute -
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[Quote No.42775] Need Area: Money > General
"The major, critical difference between state-public welfare (sometimes called entitlements) and private welfare (sometimes called charity) is state welfare is not voluntary while private welfare is. The state, is only a social contract between the inhabitants of a geographic area to create an authority, at least in the United States of America, with their Declaration of Independence and Constitution, to protect the unalienable human rights to life and the pursuit of happiness through individual freedom of choice, namely to stop human predation on other humans, through force, coercion and fraud, when they are living and working together and the state authority, the government, breaks that convenant with the people when it forcefully and coercively takes in order to redistribute through state welfare while private welfare which is freely given respects that human right. Because of this libertarians, who staunchly support the unalienable human right to honest, peaceful individual freedom cannot condone that behavior, even if they agree wholeheartedly with helping those less fortunate and therefore support voluntary, private welfare. It should be noted private welfare and charity worked ever more successfully up until the turn of the twentieth century, when political parties saw the opportunity to politically gather votes and morally promise to try to equalise outcomes, rather than treatment and authority, through their potential tax-based power to force contributions and to give state welfare. The other significant reason against state welfare, rather than private welfare, is that state bureaucracies are notoriously expensive and inefficient so much of the coercively-taken taxes are wasted, meaning more is taken by political force than would have been needed to be given in a free market, for an equivalent result. " -

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[Quote No.44913] Need Area: Money > General
"If you are seeking a loan remember bankers are thought to consider credit requests using the 5 C's of credit: Cash Flow, Collateral, Capital, Character, Conditions. Keep in mind not to over-leverage yourself, so should interest rates rise or you lose your job or become ill that you will either be able to keep up your payments or sell the asset to pay back the loan. With that in mind it is not wise to borrow for depreciating assets or experiences like holidays. " -

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