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50 of 1510 results found for - ""  
[Quote No.13616] Need Area: Property > Clothing
"You are never fully dressed, without a smile!" -

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[Quote No.29218] Need Area: Property > Clothing
"The more people you meet the more you will find clothes and dazzling bling, don't matter as much as the love and spirit that shines within." -

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[Quote No.33621] Need Area: Property > Clothing
"[When people dress up to appear different from who they really are, they demean their true identity and are said to be 'all show and no substance' or more colourfully...] all hat and no cattle." -

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[Quote No.52023] Need Area: Property > Clothing
"Learn to tell the difference between false people and true. Those who ...think easy image makes hard reality ...cultivate the style but not the substance the cover but not the contents ...look the part but haven't the heart the boots but not the saddle ...bought the hat but not the cattle!" -

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[Quote No.170] Need Area: Property > Home
"A young girl and boy watched their parents dust the furniture, wash the dishes and vacuum the carpet. Thinking of how many times they did this, the children asked their parents, 'Don't you both ever get tired of cleaning the house?' Their parents smiled wisely and replied together, 'No, sweethearts, we're not cleaning the house. We're creating a home for us all!'" -

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[Quote No.37880] Need Area: Property > Home
"Some of the important indicators to watch in the real estate industry to gauge demand and future prices are:- auction clearance rates, number of listings, the time properties are on the market, the average sale prices, rental vacancy rates, rental yields, loan approval rates, building commencements, demographics, employment, interest rates, loan to valuation ratios, non-performing loans [in arrears], foreclosures, etc." -

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[Quote No.230] Need Area: Property > Garden/Nature
"Once there was a teacher who spoke lovingly of his garden. His students imagined it was large and filled with beautiful and exotic flowers. One day they went to his home. His garden was tiny and shut in by high walls. One of the students said disappointedly,'Your garden is very narrow!' 'Yes' smiled the wise teacher as his eyes surveyed the sky, 'but see how high it is!'" -

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[Quote No.261] Need Area: Property > Garden/Nature
"A townsperson can search his whole life for what a bushman has at his campfire." -

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[Quote No.281] Need Area: Property > Garden/Nature
"In my garden I spend many pleasant hours watching the birds and admiring the flowers." -

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[Quote No.273] Need Area: Property > Conservation
"Live simply so others can simply live." -

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[Quote No.50875] Need Area: Property > Conservation
"Business [in fact all of life] needs to be considered from the point of all stakeholders and therefore a triple bottom line perspective is useful - a financial bottom line for the owners, a social bottom line for the workers and the customers and an environmental bottom line for all those living now and in the future. " -

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[Quote No.59372] Need Area: Property > Conservation
"[A vegan diet, while well understood as reducing violence to animals, can also help to conserve natural environments:] To produce 356 pounds of protein, in the form of beef protein, takes 18 acres of land while to produce the same amount of protein, but as soybean protein, takes just 1 acre!" -

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[Quote No.24508] Need Area: Property > General
"Individuals, and society in general, would be better off if they tried harder to get better characters rather than better possessions." -

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[Quote No.33431] Need Area: Property > General
"[Minimalism, essentialism, enoughism:] If your happiness depends on acquiring ever more stuff, it could be said that your life philosophy is 'stuffed'." -

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[Quote No.58415] Need Area: Property > General
"Abundance is... not how much I own but how much I appreciate. " -

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[Quote No.70434] Need Area: Property > General
"[Minimalism, essentialism, enoughism:] More property = more problems and responsibilities!" -

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[Quote No.70613] Need Area: Property > General
"[Minimalism, essentialism, enoughism:] 'Need' over 'greed'. Be pro-'need' and anti-'greed'." -

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[Quote No.71705] Need Area: Property > General
"[Minimalism, enoughism, essentialism:] If you can focus on functionalism over fashion, you can usually save time and money and lose your own envy and other’s jealousy." -

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[Quote No.68] Need Area: Food > Food
"The rich may have better food, but the poor have a better appetite." -

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[Quote No.7034] Need Area: Food > Food

Eat well with variety but keep it light
So as to rise still with an appetite.

" -

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[Quote No.25752] Need Area: Food > Food
"[Say Grace] The pre-meal prayer or blessing - saying grace - is a way to show daily appreciation for the blessings we can so easily take for granted - namely the bounty of nature and the work of humans, known and unknown, to provide for our and others needs. It can be fun, especially with a young family, to put together a 'grace pot' – full of pieces of paper with graces old and new on them. At mealtimes it is easy then to take turns to pick a grace and say it – and then allow anyone to add their personal spontaneous thanks for anything good that day, etc! Holding hands as it is said also adds to the feeling of togetherness." -

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[Quote No.35016] Need Area: Food > Food
"[Say Grace] May we achieve our goals today, And appreciate, All that comes our way." -

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[Quote No.38323] Need Area: Food > Food
"All individuals in today's society with so many food choices, especially fast food, need to consider their dietary and exercise regimes in creating a healthy, happy lifestyle. While many foods taste great, not all of the options are healthy in the long run. From personal experience and research I have found that the best result for myself is a diet high in vegetables - raw and cooked, medium in protein - fish, meat and eggs, low in carbohydrates, sugar, and fruit, and nearly no dairy or processed food, combined with daily exercise. For those interested in learning more, an internet search for more information about these key elements will provide many reports from nutritionists that can help them make up their minds and implement these dietary and exercise regimes. I particularly recommend researching the Volumetrics and the Nutritarian diets!!" -

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[Quote No.57182] Need Area: Food > Food
"Often we eat when we are bored, tired, or tense, rather than really hungry. To overcome this bad habit, try to distract from and delay the urge to graze. When an urge hits, [drink a glass of water and] do something else for 5 to 10 minutes, then see if you still want to eat. Chances are, the urge will have faded, at least a little." -

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[Quote No.57185] Need Area: Food > Food
"Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight - because when they, and other food, are out of sight they are more likely to be out of mind! Stash junk foods like candy and chips where you can't see them. You might eat less. When office workers kept chocolates on their desks, they ate 48% more than when the candies were 6 feet away. If they put chocolates in their desk drawers, they ate 25% less than if the sweet stuff was on their desks." -

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[Quote No.57186] Need Area: Food > Food
"Eat slowly, and drink water. Take smaller bites. Chew your food slowly. Take a little more time between forkfuls. And drink water while you're eating. These simple steps are key if you want to cut back on calories and still feel full, research shows. " -

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[Quote No.57187] Need Area: Food > Food
"Use smaller bowls and plates:- The size of your dishes and utensils gives your brain cues about how much you're 'supposed' to eat -- and a bigger dish means more food. In one study, people at a Chinese buffet who got a large plate served themselves 52% more food, and ate 45% more, than those with smaller plates." -

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[Quote No.58869] Need Area: Food > Food
"[A healthy, natural diet:] Calorie density diets allow people to eat more food by weight, volume and nutrients that is nutritious and satiating because it is low calorie. For example, eating an apple, where you're taking in only about 12 calories per bite, rather than eating a cookie, which is about 40 calories per bite. Another example would be that a whole pound of cooked fava beans is just 700 calories, while a pound of cashews is 2600 calories, nearly four times the calorie density. [Refer Nutritarian, Volumetric and Pritikin diets]" -

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[Quote No.286] Need Area: Food > General
"You are made from what you eat, drink and breath." -

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[Quote No.8488] Need Area: Food > General
"[Say Grace] Let us be truly happy and grateful that: our minds are not worse; our bodies are not worse; our money situations are not worse; our work situations are not worse; our properties are not worse; our food and drink are not worse; our friends are not worse; and our fun attitudes and activities are not worse. " -
Imagi-natives grace and toast
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[Quote No.46487] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural diet and nutrition:] Garbage in - garbage out! Just like if you put the wrong type of petrol into your car it will not run and drive well so if you put poor nutrition into your body then it too will not perform and feel well!" -

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[Quote No.46695] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Get excited about eating food that tastes good and is good for you." -

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[Quote No.46704] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] In order to improve your health and how you feel surely it is worthwhile to 'put your money where your mouth is?' It would be a foolish, false economy to do otherwise because of the eventual financial, physical, emotional and social costs of getting sick." -

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[Quote No.46705] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Just as you can eat your way to sickness, you can eat your way to health. The choice is yours." -

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[Quote No.46797] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] While ancestral, primal, paleo, low ‘bad - simple rather than complex’ carb diets appear to work well and be popular at present - often combined with intermittent fasting, other diets and nutritional lifestyles that might be worth exploring to develop your understanding of the various approaches and how they have changed over time could include:- ---[1] Low Carb diets: Stillman Diet; Atkin’s Diet; ketogenic diets, Scarsdale diet; South Beach Diet; Hamptons Diet; New York Diet; Dr Gott's No Flour, No Sugar Diet; Sugar Busters Diet; Protein Power Diet; Zone Diet; TNT (Targeted Nutrition Tactics) Diet; Low GI (Glycemic Index) Diet (refer also Glycemic Load diet); Dukan Diet; ---[2] Low Fat diets: Pritikin Diet; Mediterranean Diet; ---[3] Low Protein - at least from meat - including Vegetarian diets: The China Study Diet; Ornish Diet; Macrobiotic Diet; Susan Schenck's 'Beyond Broccoli' Diet; ---[4] Other diets: low calorie (calorie counting) diets; calorie in - calorie out (exercise) diets; calorie density diets (lots of food by volume but few calories - for example Volumetrics Diet, or lots of food by weight but few calories - for example Pritikin Diet); nutrition (per calorie) density diets (i.e. lots of nutrition with few calories - for example Nutritarian Diet); portion control diets; thought (cognitive 'self-talk', hypnosis) control diets; whole, unprocessed foods Versus refined, processed foods diets; Intermittent Fasting diets." -

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[Quote No.46798] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Eat less, chew more! You will enjoy the taste for longer, feel like you have eaten more than you have, improve digestion and save money." -

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[Quote No.46825] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Disclaimer - The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship." -
Editor of
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[Quote No.46852] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Being overweight is not good for your health or your self-esteem. But with sensible nutrition and exercise anyone can 'go from flab to fab and fat to fit'." -

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[Quote No.46863] Need Area: Food > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] Famous celebrities and low-carbohydrate nutrition and diets: ----------ATKINS DIET: -- Kim Kardashian (television personality) -- Sharon Osbourne (television personality, promoter, and the wife of singer Ozzy Osbourne) -- Jennifer Aniston (actress) -- Gerri Halliwel (singer) -- Robbie Williams (singer) -- Renee Zellweger (actress) -- Dennis Franz (actor) -- Stevie Nicks (singer) -- Letitia Dean (English actress and singer) -- Courtney Thorne-Smith (actress) -- Greg Gutfeld (American television personality) -- Sarah Jessica Parker (actress) -- Minnie Driver (actress) ----------SOUTH BEACH DIET: -- Bill Clinton (ex-President of the United States) -- Hillary Clinton (American politician and diplomat) -- Bette Midler (singer) -- Jessica Simpson (singer and actress) ----------ZONE DIET: -- Jennifer Aniston (actress) -- Cindy Crawford (model) -- Madonna (singer) -- Demi Moore (actress) -- Sandra Bullock (actress) -- Charlie Sheen (actor) -- Bill Cosby (comedian) ----------DUKAN DIET: -- Gisele Bundchen (model) -- Jennifer Lopez (singer and actress) -- Carole Middleton (mother of Kate, the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge) ----------LOW GI [GLYCEMIC INDEX] DIETS: -- Claudia Schiffer (model) -- Leona Lewis (British singer and songwriter) -- Sophie Dahl (English author and former fashion model) -- Rachel Weisz (English actress and former fashion model) -- Lily Allen (singer and actress) -- Myleene Klass (singer, pianist, media personality and model) -- Kate Moss (model) ----------PALEO/PRIMAL/ANCESTRAL/EVOLUTIONARY DIET: -- Megan Fox (American actress and model) -- Uma Thurman (American actress and model) -- Eva LaRue (American model and actress) -- Tom Jones (singer) -- Ray Mears (English woodsman and TV presenter) -- Matthew McConaughey (actor) -- Jessica Biel (American actress, model and singer) -- Miley Cyrus (American actress and singer-songwriter) -- Paul Walker (actor) -- Ronda Rousey (American mixed martial artist and judoka) -- Shannon Ford (Mrs. United States 2011) -- Zooey Deschanel (actress) -- Kim Kardashian (American television personality and actress) -- Jason Statham (actor) -- Liz Hurley (English model and actress) -- Mel Gibson (actor) -- Nassim Taleb (essayist and scholar, with a financial background) -- Ottavia Busia Bourdain (martial artist and wife of food writer Anthony Bourdain) -- Heather Armstrong (American blogger) -- John Welbourn (retired American football offensive tackle and guard) -- Kobe Bryant (American basketball player) -- Steve Nash (professional basketball player) -- Grant Hill (American retired professional basketball player) -- Aaron Rodgers (American football quarterback) -- Tucker Maxx (American author and public speaker) ----------OTHER [non-specified] LOW CARB DIETS: -- Drew Carey (comedian and television host) -- Cyndi Lauper (singer) -- Michelle Heaton (British pop singer, actress, television personality, personal trainer and glamour model) -- Mikyla Dodd (English actress) -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (English model and actress) -- Katie Price (English media personality, author, former glamour model and singer) -- Heidi Klum (model) -- Gwyneth Paltrow (actress) -- Victoria Beckham (English businesswoman, fashion designer, model and singer) -- Khloe Kardashian (television personality, businesswoman, fashion designer, author, actress) -- Novak Djokovic (tennis champion) -- Elisabeth Hasselbeck (American television talk show host and television personality) -- Ryan Phillipe (American actor) -- Laird Hamilton (American big-wave surfer, co-inventor of tow-in surfing, and an occasional fashion and action-sports model) -- Mariah Carey (singer) -- Beyonce Knowles (singer) -- Dolly Parton (singer) -- Joe Kernen (American financial news anchor) -- Alec Baldwin (actor) -- Joan Crawford (actress) -- Alton Brown (American television personality, celebrity chef, author, actor, and cinematographer) -- Catherine Zeta Jones (actress) -- Ben Affleck (actor) -- Madonna (singer) -- Brad Pitt (actor) -- Britney Spears (singer) -- Gerard Butler (actor) -- Hugh Jackman (actor) -- Ryan Reynolds (actor) -- Chris Hemsworth (actor) ----------OTHER DIETS: CALORIE DENSITY [VOLUMETRICS - VOLUMETRICS® is a federally registered trademark of Barbara Rolls, PhD, used under exclusive license by Jenny Craig Operations, Inc.]: -- Kirstie Alley (actress) -- Valerie Bertinelli (actress) -- Jason Alexander (actor) -- Mariah Carey (singer) -- Angelina Jolie (actress) -- Claire Danes (actress) ----------OTHER DIETS: NUTRIENT DENSITY [NUTRITARIAN]: -- Penn Jillette (magician, actor) -- Alanis Morisette (singer) ----------INTERMITTENT FASTING [not low carb but often used in conjunction with the low-carb Paleo diet and nutritional lifestyle] -- Phillip Schofield (British broadcaster and television personality) -- Hugh-Fearnley-Whittingstall (British celebrity chef, television personality, journalist and food writer) -- Miranda Kerr (Australian model) -- Beyonce Knowles (singer) -- Liv Tyler (American actress and model) -- Ben Affleck (actor) -- Christy Turlington (American model) " -
----------ATKINS DIET: -- Kim Kardashian [,1,3107747.story#axzz2iqIJIFG4 ] -- Sharon Osbourne [ ] -- Jennifer Aniston [ ] -- Gerri Halliwel [ and ] -- Robbie Williams [ ] -- Renee Zellweger [ ] -- Dennis Franz [ ] -- Stevie Nicks [ ] -- Letitia Dean [ ] -- Courtney Thorne-Smith [ and and ] -- Greg Gutfeld [ ] -- Sarah Jessica Parker [ ] -- Minnie Driver [ ] ----------SOUTH BEACH DIET: -- Bill Clinton [ ] -- Hillary Clinton [ ] -- Bette Midler [ ] -- Jessica Simpson [ ] ----------ZONE DIET: -- Jennifer Aniston [ and and [ ] -- Cindy Crawford [ ] -- Madonna [ ] -- Demi Moore [ ] -- Sandra Bullock [ ] -- Charlie Sheen [ ] -- Bill Cosby [ ] ----------DUKAN DIET: -- Gisele Bundchen [ and ] -- Jennifer Lopez [ ] -- Carole Middleton [ ] ----------LOW GI [GLYCEMIC INDEX] DIETS: -- Claudia Schiffer [ and [ ] -- Leona Lewis [ ] -- Sophie Dahl [ ] -- Rachel Weisz [ and ] -- Lily Allen [ ] -- Myleene Klass [ ] -- Kate Moss [ and ] ----------PALEO/PRIMAL/ANCESTRAL/EVOLUTIONARY DIET: -- Megan Fox [ and and and] -- Uma Thurman [ and] -- Eva LaRue [ and and] -- Tom Jones [ ] -- Ray Mears [ ] -- Matthew McConaughey [ and ] -- Jessica Biel [ and ] -- Miley Cyrus [ and and ] -- Paul Walker [ ] -- Ronda Rousey [ ] -- Shannon Ford [ ] -- Zooey Deschanel [ ] -- Kim Kardashian [ ] -- Jason Statham [ and ] -- Liz Hurley [ ] -- Mel Gibson [ ] -- Nassim Taleb [ ] -- Ottavia Busia Bourdain [ ] -- Heather Armstrong [ ] -- John Welbourn [ ] -- Kobe Bryant [ ] -- Steve Nash [ ] -- Grant Hill [ ] -- Aaron Rodgers [ ] -- Tucker Maxx [ ] ----------OTHER [non-specified] LOW CARB DIETS : -- Drew Carey [ ] -- Cyndi Lauper [ ] -- Michelle Heaton [ ] -- Mikyla Dodd [ ] -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley [ ] -- Katie Price [ ] -- Heidi Klum [ ] -- Gwyneth Paltrow [ and] -- Victoria Beckham [ and ] -- Khloe Kardashian [ ] -- Novak Djokovic [ ] -- Elisabeth Hasselbeck [ ] -- Ryan Phillipe [ ] -- Laird Hamilton [ ] -- Mariah Carey [ ] -- Beyonce Knowles [ ] -- Dolly Parton [ ] -- Joe Kernen [ ] -- Alec Baldwin [ ] -- Joan Crawford [ ] -- Alton Brown [ ] -- Catherine Zeta Jones [ ] -- Ben Affleck [ ] -- Madonna [ ] -- Brad Pitt [ and and ] -- Britney Spears [ ] -- Gerard Butler [ ] -- Hugh Jackman [ ] -- Ryan Reynolds [ ] -- Chris Hemsworth [ ] ----------OTHER DIETS: CALORIE DENSITY [VOLUMETRICS - VOLUMETRICS® is a federally registered trademark of Barbara Rolls, PhD, used under exclusive license by Jenny Craig Operations, Inc.]: -- Kirstie Alley [ ] -- Valerie Bertinelli [ ] -- Jason Alexander [ ] -- Mariah Carey [ ] -- Angelina Jolie [ ] -- Claire Danes [ ] ----------OTHER DIETS: NUTRIENT DENSITY [NUTRITARIAN]: -- Penn Jillette (magician, actor) [ and ] -- -- Alanis Morisette [ ] ----------INTERMITTENT FASTING [not low carb but often used in conjunction with the low-carb Paleo diet and nutritional lifestyle] -- Phillip Schofield [ ] -- Hugh-Fearnley-Whittingstall [ ] -- Miranda Kerr [ ] -- Beyonce Knowles [ ] -- Liv Tyler [ ] -- Ben Affleck [ ] -- Christy Turlington [ ]
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[Quote No.49490] Need Area: Food > General
"The Chain-Web-Net of Value and Social Gratitude: For each thing you have it is possible to ask, ‘Who and what can I thank for that?’ and then ‘Who and what would that person also feel they should thank for what they contributed?’ And so on almost endlessly. Think of the essay, ‘I Pencil’ which describes all the people involved in the making of a pencil as an example of this Chain-Web-Net of Value and therefore the Chain-Web-Net of Social Gratitude! [Keep this in mind when you say 'Grace', 'toasts' and 'Give Thanks' before you eat or drink and even have others, especially children, contribute more names and people to the thanks, to help you and them learn to appreciate everyone's contribution and to regularly express their gratitude.]" -

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[Quote No.55920] Need Area: Food > General
"Two ways to use your imagination to control your appetite when trying to keep on a healthy diet are: -1- imagining the good consequences of eating the right food and quantities - like staying trim and healthy - and imagining the bad consequences for eating the wrong food and quantities - like getting fat and unhealthy and; -2- imagining feeling queasy in the back of your throat and your stomach at the thought of the wrong food and quantities!" -

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[Quote No.57188] Need Area: Food > General
"Try to fill up on healthy food and drink - like vegetables and salad and water - before eating and drinking less healthy food and drink - like meat, bread, cakes and desert, and beer, wine and sugary soft drinks." -

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[Quote No.59040] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet:] There are two kinds of carbohydrates we can eat - good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Good carbs are high-nutrient, low-calorie density, complex, whole - low or no processed foods, which do not make blood sugar and therefore the body's production of insulin spike after consumption. Bad carbs are the opposite of good carbs. They are junk food, nutrition-poor, calorie-rich garbage - which is why they are sometimes, laughingly but accurately, referred to as 'carb-age'." -

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[Quote No.59220] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: When changing your eating routine for the better remember:] It is often said, 'It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing; it takes 8 weeks for your friends and family; it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world.' So don't become discouraged. Persist! It takes time to do anything really worthwhile. Keep going. One small step after another!" -

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[Quote No.59223] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: Beware of emotional, comfort eating. If you aren't feeling great, remember...] Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise the most underutilized antidepressant. " -

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[Quote No.59236] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: Beware of emotional, comfort eating. If you aren't feeling great, remember...] Let exercise be your stress reliever, not food." -

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[Quote No.59273] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: when you are tempted to break your nutritious diet, remember...] Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!" -

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[Quote No.59278] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: why?] Take care of your body. It's the only place you will ever have to live in. " -

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[Quote No.59280] Need Area: Food > General
"A healthy, natural diet ...doesn't get in the way of my life...It adds to the quality of it." -

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[Quote No.59286] Need Area: Food > General
"[A healthy, natural diet: Why? Because...] You can't exercise your way out of all the damage done by a bad diet." -

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