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[Quote No.49846] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Do not be annoyed by difficulties. Remember that without the darkness we wouldn't be able to see the stars!" -

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[Quote No.49906] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"A life without challenges and problems is like a school without lessons!" -

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[Quote No.49920] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Everything, even delays, difficulties and frustrations we must persist through, is good for us - either we enjoy it or it helps us grow into our better selves!" -

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[Quote No.50473] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"You are more likely to: - reach your goals; be happy and satisfied and; grow in knowledge, skills, positive attitudes and personality, - if you can persist with sustained effort despite obstacles and distractions." -

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[Quote No.50475] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Many times, in life, success at something is 'more will than skill' and is about having 'the grit not to quit'!" -

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[Quote No.51536] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"We should be grateful for the difficulties in our lives... for they help us grow strong! We should be grateful for the problems we have to solve... for they help us grow wise! We should be grateful for the dangers we have to face... for they help us grow brave! " -

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[Quote No.51678] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[Do not let difficulties stop you or make you unhappy:] To stay calm, relaxed and unaffected, amid challenges, remember the image of water off a duck's back." -

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[Quote No.52030] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"People want rainbows but don't want the rain that produces them. People want roses but don't want the thorns that accompany them. People want to go to 'heaven' but aren't prepared to 'die' to get there." -

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[Quote No.52185] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Winners focus on the gain - and so continue. Losers focus on the pain - and so give up." -

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[Quote No.52337] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"A true story - with a message about patient, persistent effort is the 28 year effort of lexicographer, Noah Webster, Jr. (1758 – 1843), to create his dictionary - 'An American Dictionary of the English Language'. In 1800 he published his intentions of writing a dictionary. He published a shortened, concise but comprehensive, version in 1806. The final version was finished in 1825 and published in 1828. It contained 70,000 words. To evaluate the etymology of words, Webster learned twenty-eight languages, including Old English (Anglo-Saxon), Gothic, German, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Welsh, Russian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit." -
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[Quote No.52606] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"When good things happen we are happy and grateful. When bad things happen, be grateful they are not worse and try to make them into good things. For example, if you are given an adversity turn it into an advantage, a burden into a benefit, a challenge into a conquest, a difficulty into a diamond, a failure into some fertilizer, a problem into a positive, a trial into a triumph." -

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[Quote No.53759] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Every day in every way I am learning and getting better!!" -

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[Quote No.53949] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] AGATHA CHRISTIE: Her first novel ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ is said to have received twenty rejections, over a period of nearly five years before finally finding a publisher. Now after having written 66 detective novels she is the best-selling novelist of all time, with book sales in excess of $2 billion and four billion copies of her novels! Only William Shakespeare has sold more." -
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[Quote No.53950] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ALICE WALKER: Alice Walker wrote the book, ‘The Color Purple’, which received the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1983. It has sold more than 10 million copies and been adapted into both a musical and a feature film. But before all that, it was rejected by William Phillips, now senior executive editor and vice president of Little, Brown & Company. He has been quoted as saying about this rejection, ‘In the intervening fifteen years, the list of books I've turned down that became best sellers is as long as my arm . . . My only comfort is that every editor of long standing is burdened with a similar list.' " -
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[Quote No.53951] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ALEX HALEY: Alex Haley wrote for eight years and then received 200 consecutive rejections for his novel 'Roots: The Saga of an American Family'. When it was finally accepted and then published in August, 1976, it became a publishing sensation, selling 1.5 million copies in its first seven months of release. It went on to sell more than 8 million copies. Such was the success that The Pulitzer Prize administration awarded the novel a Special Citation in 1977 and the book was made into a 1977 TV series." -
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[Quote No.53952] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a film screenwriter and producer:] ALLAN LOEB: According to Allan: ‘[I was] the baby writer at the lowest rung within the system, who has just enough rope to hang himself. That's what I lived and breathed for seven, eight years. The money's not much, the respect is bad, and it's tough to play in the minor leagues. I really was trying to find a way out.’ Even his agent dumped him. But then he hit gold, sold a script, and as they say in Hollywood, a star was born. He went on to write 'Things We Lost in the Fire', the drama film '21', 'The Switch', 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps', 'The Dilemma', 'Just Go With It' and 'So Undercover' starring Miley Cyrus, released in 2012." -
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[Quote No.53953] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] AMANDA HOCKING: 26-year-old Amanda Hocking wrote a series of vampire books that were rejected by the publishing houses. She decided not to let this stop her so she explored other options and decided to publish them herself digitally. She has now sold over a million copies of her books ('My Blood Approves', 'Fate', and 'Flutter'), is the best-selling ‘indie’ writer in the Kindle Store, AND keeps a whopping 70% of her book sales! Back of the envelope math suggests that selling 100,000 copies a month at $1 to $3 a pop and keeping 70%, Hocking can make millions per year, straight to her pocket." -
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[Quote No.53954] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ANNE FRANK: Anne Frank, who documented her time hiding from the Nazis until she was ultimately sent to Auschwitz, in her book, 'The Diary Of Anne Frank’, has affected countless lives. Eleanor Roosevelt once described her book as ‘one of the wisest and most moving commentaries on war and its impact on human beings that I have ever read’ and 'Time Magazine' selected Anne Frank as one of the ‘most important people of the century.’ Before the diary was published, it was rejected by fifteen publishers. According to one publisher, it was scarcely worth reading: ‘The girl doesn't, it seems to me, have a special perception or feeling which would lift that book above the 'curiosity' level.’ It wasn’t until the manuscript was featured in a newspaper article that it attracted the attention of a publisher. Eventually, Doubleday, brought the translation to the world, and 'The Diary of Anne Frank' sold 25 million copies, allowing Anne Frank to give a voice to one of the darkest moments in history." -
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[Quote No.53955] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] AUDREY NIFFENEGGER: After 25 literary agents reject her debut manuscript, she mailed it unsolicited to a small publisher in San Francisco, MacAdam/Cage in 2002. They believed it was a classic. Upon publication, the world agreed. Translated into over 33 languages, her novel, 'The Time Traveler’s Wife', sold 7 million copies and was adapted into a Hollywood film starring Rachel McAdams." -
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[Quote No.53956] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] AYN RAND: Her manuscript for 'The Fountainhead' was rejected by twelve publishers. One publisher who rejected the novel reportedly wrote: ‘It is badly written and the hero is unsympathetic.’ Another supposedly said: ‘I wish there were an audience for a book of this kind. But there isn't. It won't sell.’ Eventually the manuscript was seen by a young editor, Archibald Ogden, at the Bobbs-Merrill Company. He risked his job to get it published in 1943. Despite mixed reviews from the contemporary media, the book gained a following by word of mouth and became a bestseller, with more than 6.5 million copies sold." -
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[Quote No.53960] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] BEATRIX POTTER: She sent her first children’s book manuscript to six publishers, but was rejected by all of them because of, among other things, the lack of colour pictures, which were popular at the time. In September 1901, she decided to self-publish and distribute 250 copies of a renamed ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’. Later that year, because the colour printing blocks were already created and other children’s books were popular, she finally attracted the publisher Frederick Warne and Co. The publishing contract was signed in June 1902 and, by the end of the year, 28,000 copies were in print. It has now sold more than 45 million copies and is a beloved memory for many people." -
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[Quote No.53961] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] CATHERINE O’FLYNN: Her manuscript for 'What Was Lost' was rejected by 20 literary agents and publishers before she found one editor who believed in the book. Later the book found others who believed in its worth and it even won the prestigious 2008 Costa Book Award." -
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[Quote No.53962] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] DR. SEUSS [Theodor Seuss Giesel]: His first book, ‘And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street‘ was rejected 27 times before he finally got a yes. One of his most famous rejection letter excerpts read, ‘This is too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.’ Dr. Seuss eventually gave us books nearly every child has read, including some of his most popular: ‘The Cat In The Hat,’ ‘The Sneetches,’ ‘Green Eggs & Ham,’ ‘Oh, The Places You'll Go,’ and ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas.’ Dr. Seuss has, during his lifetime is the 9th best-selling fiction author of all time, and he won two Academy Awards, two Emmy Awards, the Pulitzer Prize, and a Peabody Award." -
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[Quote No.53963] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] E. C. OSONDU: Despite initial rejections, E.C.Osondu persisted with getting his book 'Waiting' published and then to show just how good it was it won the 2009 African Booker prize." -
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[Quote No.53964] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] E. E. CUMMINGS: His manuscript for ‘The Enormous Room’ - an autobiographical novel chronicling his imprisonment in France during World War I - was rejected by fifteen publishers. When he finally did get it published, he included a dedication page ‘With No Thanks To’ all 15 publishers who turned it down." -
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[Quote No.53965] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] EMILY DICKINSON: One of the most famous female American poets, Emily Dickinson, had fewer than a dozen poems published during her lifetime, when she had written nearly 1800! And, of the few poems that were published during her lifetime, most were greatly altered by the publishers to fit the conventional poetic rules of the time, as her's were unique - containing short lines, typically lacking titles, and often using slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Sadly, no one was able to recognize Emily Dickinson’s genius during her lifetime, and it wasn’t until after her death in 1886 when her sister discovered her poems and her first collection was published in 1890." -
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[Quote No.53966] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] FRANK HERBERT: His epic science-fiction story ‘Dune’ took six years of research and writing to complete. Far longer than commercial science fiction of the time was supposed to run, it was serialized in ‘Analog’ magazine in two separate parts (‘Dune World’ and ‘Prophet of Dune’), in 1963 and 1965. It was then rejected by 23 publishers before being accepted by Chilton, a small Philadelphia publisher. ‘Dune’ quickly became a success, winning awards such as the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966. It was followed by five sequels, and though none did as well as the original, a film version of the book starring rock star Sting did quite well and remains a cult favorite. ‘Dune’ has also become the best-selling science-fiction novel of all time." -
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[Quote No.53967] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] F. SCOTT FITZGERALD: F. Scott Fitzgerald, considered to be one of the best American writers, wrote ‘The Great Gatsby’ in 1922. While the book is now ranked #2 in Modern Library's '100 Best Novels of the 20th Century', he once received a rejection letter that read: ‘You'd have a decent book if you'd get rid of that Gatsby character.’ It has become a best-selling classic." -
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[Quote No.53968] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] GARTH STEIN: Rejected by his agent because it is narrated by a dog, Garth Stein switched to Folio Literary Management and 'The Art Of Racing In The Rain' was sold for 7 figures. It became a New York Times bestseller, remaining on the list for more than 156 weeks." -
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[Quote No.53969] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] GEORGE ORWELL: George Orwell had a tough time getting a publisher to say yes to his politically anti-Soviet [anti-Stalinist] novel, 'Animal Farm'. He encountered great difficulty getting the manuscript published, as it was feared that the book might upset the alliance between the US, UK and the Soviet Union. Four publishers refused; one had initially accepted the work but declined after consulting the Ministry of Information warned him off - although the civil servant who it is assumed gave the order was later found to be a Soviet spy. The same publisher sent Orwell a rejection letter, explaining: ‘If the fable were addressed generally to dictators and dictatorships at large then publication would be all right, but the fable does follow, as I see now, so completely the progress of the Russian Soviets and their two dictators [Lenin and Stalin], that it can apply only to Russia, to the exclusion of the other dictatorships.’ He went on to write that his novel would be less offensive if the ruling class wasn’t depicted as pigs: ‘Another thing: it would be less offensive if the predominant caste in the fable were not pigs. I think the choice of pigs as the ruling caste will no doubt give offense to many people, and particularly to anyone who is a bit touchy, as undoubtedly the Russians are.’ It was also rejected by T.S. Eliot as head of Faber & Faber because of its ‘Trotskyite politics’. However publisher Secker & Warburg spotted its potential, and it became a best-seller." -
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[Quote No.53970] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] GERTRUDE STEIN: Everyone has heard of Gertrude Stein. She wrote novels, memoirs and poems. She received many rejections including submitting poems for 22 years before having one published. She also had trouble getting her novels published. For example, one of her earliest novels ‘Three Works’ received this rather nasty rejection letter: Translation: ‘I am only one, only one, only one. Only one being, one at the same time. Not two, not three, only one. Only one life to live, only sixty minutes in one hour. Only one pair of eyes. Only one brain. Only one being. Being only one, having only one pair of eyes, having only one time, having only one life, I cannot read your M.S. three or four times. Not even one time. Only one look, only one look is enough. Hardly one copy would sell here. Hardly one. Hardly one. Many thanks. I am returning the M.S. [manuscript] by registered post. Only one M.S. by one post.’ " -
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[Quote No.53971] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] H. G. WELLS: His manuscript for ‘War of the Worlds’ was initially rejected with the comments: ‘An endless nightmare. I think the verdict would be ‘Oh don’t read that horrid book.’’ However another publisher saw its value and it was published in 1898 and has been in print ever since." -
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[Quote No.53972] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] HOWARD FAST: It was while he was in jail that Fast began writing his most famous work, ‘Spartacus’, a novel about an uprising among Roman slaves. Blacklisted by major publishing houses following his release from prison, Fast was forced to publish the novel himself. By the standards of a self-published book, it was a great success, going through seven printings in the first four months of publication. (According to Fast in his memoir, 50,000 copies were printed, of which 48,000 were sold.) He subsequently established the Blue Heron Press, which allowed him to continue publishing under his own name throughout the period of his blacklisting. His prison stay, by the way, was for 3 months. He was given the sentence for refusing to disclose the names of contributors to a home for orphans of American veterans of the Spanish Civil War. So not only was he rejected and then blacklisted, but through his own self-publishing he persevered and in 1960 Spartacus was released in film. And Crown Publishers reissued Fast’s novel in 1958." -
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[Quote No.53973] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] IRVING STONE: Irving Stone’s first book was a biographical novel about Vincent Van Gogh. He took it to the publishers, Alfred Knopf, and ‘they never opened it - the package with the manuscript got home before I did.’ Then he took it to publishers, Doubleday. Everybody liked it except the sales department - they said, ‘There is no way to sell a book about an unknown Dutch painter.’ After fifteen more rejections the book, ‘Lust for Life’, was finally accepted and published in 1934. When it was finally published, it went on to sell more than 25 million copies, and was adapted into a Hollywood film starring Kirk Douglas." -
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[Quote No.53974] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ISABEL ALLENDE: Initially, her novel ‘The House of the Spirits’ (‘La casa de los espíritus’) was rejected by several Spanish-language publishers, but it became an instant best seller when published in Barcelona in 1982. The novel was critically acclaimed around the world, and catapulted Allende to literary stardom. That same year, the novel was named Best Novel of the Year in Chile, and she received the country's Panorama Literario award. The novel has been translated into over 20 languages worldwide." -
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[Quote No.53978] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JACK KEROUAC: His book, ‘On The Road’ was initially rejected a number of times including one publisher saying, ‘His frenetic and scrambled prose perfectly express the feverish travels of the Beat Generation. But is that enough? I don't think so.’ Eventually Viking Press disagrees with that negative opinion, and they publish what turns out to be one of the most influential novels of all time. Since 1957 it has regularly sold at least 60,000 copies every year, which has seen it become a multi-million best-seller." -
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[Quote No.53979] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JACK LONDON: He was certainly no stranger to rejection. In fact, his estate in San Francisco, the ‘House Of Happy Walls’, has a collection of some of the 600 rejections he received before selling a single story. They have even put one on display at his estate, for his short story ‘Sunlanders.’ Needless to say, rejection didn’t get in Jack London’s way as he went on to become a best-seller, best known for his novels ‘Call of the Wild’ and ‘White Fang'." -
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[Quote No.53980] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JACQUELINE SUSANN: Novelist Jacqueline Susann is known for a particularly nasty rejection letter. Editor Don Preston wrote this about her initial manuscript for the novel, ‘Valley of the Dolls’: ‘...she is a painfully dull, inept, clumsy, undisciplined, rambling and thoroughly amateurish writer whose every sentence, paragraph and scene cries for the hand of a pro. She wastes endless pages on utter trivia, writes wide-eyed romantic scenes that would not make the pages of True Confessions, hauls out every terrible show biz cliché in all the books, lets every good scene fall apart in endless talk and allows her book to ramble aimlessly.... most of the first 200 pages are virtually worthless and dreadfully dull and practically every scene is dragged out flat and stomped on by her endless talk... I really don't think there is a page of this manuscript that can stand in its present form. And after it is done, we will be left with a faster, slicker, more readable mediocrity.’ Her book is eventually published and sells an astounding 30 million copies." -
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[Quote No.53981] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JAMES JOYCE: He received many rejections for his work. His work ‘The Dubliners’, a collection of short stories, had 22 rejections before a publisher took a chance on a young James Joyce in 1914. They didn't take too big of a chance though -- only printing 1,250 copies of 'The Dubliners' initially. Joyce's popularity didn't hit right away; out of the 379 copies that sold in the first year, Joyce himself purchased 120 of them. His work ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ had a difficult time getting published too. On 7 January 1904 he had attempted to publish ‘A Portrait of the Artist’, an essay-story dealing with aesthetics, only to have it rejected from the free-thinking magazine ‘Dana’. He decided, on his twenty-second birthday, to revise the story into a novel he called ‘Stephen Hero’. It was a fictional rendering of Joyce's youth, but he eventually grew frustrated with its direction and abandoned this work. It was never published in this form, but years later, in Trieste, Joyce completely rewrote it as ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’. The unfinished ‘Stephen Hero’ was published after his death. His work, ‘Ulysses’, was also rejected several times on the grounds of ‘obscenity.’ Despite these and other rejections Joyce would go on to be regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century." -
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[Quote No.53982] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JAMES PATTERSON: Initially 31 publishers in a row turn down his work, ‘The Thomas Berryman Number’. Once published though it wins the Edgar for Best Novel and becomes a best-seller. He later has 19 consecutive number 1′s on the New York Times best-seller list and sales of 220 million." -
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[Quote No.53983] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JAMES REDFIELD: His book, 'The Celestine Prophecy' was originally self-published, and he sold 100,000 copies out of the trunk of his Honda before Warner Books agreed to publish it. His new-age novel then went on to sell over 20 million copies, spend 165 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and be published in 34 languages." -
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[Quote No.53984] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JASON WALLACE: 100 literary agents and publishers reject his children’s book ‘Out of the Shadows’ before Andersen Press decides to publish it. It then wins the Costa Children’s Book Award." -
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[Quote No.53985] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JASPER FFORDE: After receiving 76 rejections he takes the advice from these editors, learns and writes a new book 'The Eyre Affair' and it becomes an instant New York Times best-seller." -
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[Quote No.53986] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] J.D. SALINGER: His attempt to get his first novel, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ is rejected with the comment ‘We feel that we don’t know the central character well enough.’ So he does a rewrite and his protagonist, Holden Caulfield, becomes an icon for a generation and the book sells 65 million copies." -
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[Quote No.53988] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JOHN GRISHAM: This American author was initially a lawyer who loved to write. His first book ‘A Time to Kill’ took three years to write. The book was rejected more than 28 times - a dozen publishers and over 15 agents - until he got one yes for a 5,000 copy print. He’s now a best-selling legal and crime thriller writer who has sold over 250 million copies of his books." -
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[Quote No.53989] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] JUDY BLUME: After two years of rejections stating that her fiction would have no readership, Reilly and Lee agree to publish ‘The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo’, launching the career of the best-selling author Judy Blume. Since then she has combined sales of over 80 million." -
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[Quote No.53991] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] KENNETH GRAHAM: His manuscript for ‘The Wind In The Willows’ was initially rejected with the comment, ‘An irresponsible holiday story that will never sell.’ Once published by Methuen the children’s novel has sold more than 25 million copies worldwide." -
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[Quote No.53992] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] LAURENCE PETER: In 1969, after 16 reported rejections, Canadian professor Laurence Peter's business book about bad management finally got published by Bantam Books. Within one year, the hardcover version of ‘The Peter Principle’ was in its 15th reprint and it was a #1 best-seller." -
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[Quote No.54732] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"Just as focusing on a positive experience can help anyone savor it and so enjoy it more so will focusing on a negative experience make it worse. Therefore it is helpful for each person to learn to distract their attention from their negative experiences, once they have learned all they can from the pain - which is the evolutionary reason we have pain. Some of the best things to use to distract yourself are those that are lowest on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. For example the basic needs of food and sex and richly imagining these things have been used successfully to distract from pain, including the pain of dental surgery!!" -
[Refer websites and and book by Nicholas, M., Molloy, A., Tonkin, L. & Beeston. L. (2000) 'Manage Your Pain: Practical and Positive Ways of Adapting to Chronic Pain', ABC Books, Sydney, Australia.]
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[Quote No.55328] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"One way to further develop hope and optimism about the future, after all practical methods to prepare for it have been taken, is to remind yourself that humans are born with an previously evolutionarily useful negativity bias - that thought it better to be frightened by thinking a log was a lion than to mistake a lion for a log - and so it is rationally helpful to generate a counteracting positivity bias against that negativity using the concept that the negative FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real!!" -

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