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50 of 1592 results found for - "Unknown"  
[Quote No.53993] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] L. FRANK BAUM: Baum was, in many ways, accustomed to rejection. He even collected all his rejections! ‘...he received so many rejection letters that he kept a journal which he called a ‘Record of Failure’. It was only in 1896 that his first book, a quasi-serious look at nursery rhymes, Mother Goose in Prose, was accepted. This was followed by a collection of poetry... and then came The Wizard of Oz.’ It was also said (although not documented) that he received a rejection letter stating that ‘Oz’, first named ‘The Emerald City’, was ‘too radical of a departure from traditional juvenile literature.’ ‘The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz’ eventually sold more than 15 million copies and became a beloved Hollywood movie." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53994] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] LOUISA MAY ALCOTT: ‘Little Women’ would never have seen the light of day if Louisa May Alcott let rejection hold her back. The editor of Boston’s ‘The Atlantic’ magazine, James T. Fields, told Alcott’s father, ‘Tell Louisa to stick to her teaching; she can never succeed as a writer.’ As far as rejection goes, that one is pretty harsh! Fortunately, Louisa May Alcott never took it to heart. Instead, she told her father: ‘Tell him I will succeed as a writer, and some day I shall write for the Atlantic!’ Not long after, she did! And her book, ‘Little Women’ has sold millions and is still in print more than 140 years later." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53995] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] LOUIS L’AMOUR: He received over 200 rejections before Bantam took a chance on him. He is now their best ever selling author with more than 330 million sales." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53996] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] LUCY MAUD MONTGOMERY: Five publishers rejected her debut novel, ‘Anne of Green Gables’. Two years after that rejection, she removed the manuscript from a hat box and resubmitted it. L.C. Page and Company agreed to publish it in 1908 and it went on to sell more than 50 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53997] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] MADELEINE L’ENGLE: L'Engle completed the book, ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ by 1960, but 26 publishers rejected the story before Farrar, Straus and Giroux finally published it in 1962. The story was awarded the prestigious Newbery Medal the following year. ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ remains one of the best-selling children's books of all time having sold 8 million sales so far, with the story of precocious children and the magical world they discover even being adapted for television in 2001." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53998] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] MARCEL PROUST: A French editor rejected his ‘Remembrance of Things Past’ with the comment, ‘I rack my brains why a chap should need thirty pages to describe how he turns over in bed before going to sleep.’ Marcel Proust then decided to pay for his own publication. His book is now regarded as a literary classic, but its word count would be a challenge for any editor at 1.5 million words – making it the longest novel in the history of literature." - Unknown
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[Quote No.53999] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] MARGARET MITCHELL: The only book that Margaret Mitchell ever published, ‘Gone With the Wind’ won her a Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Getting her book printed initially was not easy. The story of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, set in the South during the Civil War, was rejected by 38 publishers before it was printed. The 1939 movie made of Mitchell's love story, which starred Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, is the highest grossing Hollywood film of all time (adjusted for inflation). Her book has sold more 30 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54000] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] MARY SHELLEY: Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ is considered a landmark work of romantic and gothic literature. But first she had to get it published, which was riddled with rejection: The novel was rejected by Percy Bysshe Shelley's publisher, Charles Ollier and by Byron's publisher John Murray. The 21-year-old Mary finally persuaded a small publishing company Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, to take a chance on her debut. They agreed, but did not put her name on the cover, and only printed 500 copies in 1818. Booksellers only bought 25 of them. Despite a named credit in 1822, sales did not improve, until a 3rd edition was published by Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley in 1831. Word of mouth combined with some of the finest prose ever written in the genre, quickly saw It become a best-seller, which has stayed in print ever since." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54002] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] NICHOLAS SPARKS: In 1992, Sparks began selling pharmaceuticals and in 1993 was transferred to Greenville SC. It was there that he wrote a novel, ‘The Notebook’, in his spare time. Two years later, after being turned down by 24 literary agents, he was discovered by literary agent Theresa Park, who picked ‘The Notebook’ out of her agency's slush pile, liked it, and offered to represent him. In October 1995, Park secured a $1 million advance for ‘The Notebook’ from Time Warner Book Group. The novel was published in October 1996 and made the New York Times best-seller list in its first week of release. It even became a film with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54003] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] PAT BARKER: English novelist, Pat Barker, knows a thing or two about rejection. The award-winning writer published her first novel 'Union Street' after facing ten years of rejection. The novel consisted of seven interlinked stories about English working class women whose lives are circumscribed by poverty and violence. For ten years, the manuscript was rejected by publishers as too ‘bleak and depressing'. In addition, Pat’s first three novels were never published. But according to her, that was the best thing that could’ve happened. She told 'The Guardian' in 2003: ‘[Those novels] didn't deserve to be [published]. I was being a sensitive lady novelist, which is not what I am. There's an earthiness and bawdiness in my voice.’ For Pat, rejection helped her learn, grow and find her voice. And once she found it, there was no stopping her." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54004] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] PATRICK DENNIS: His manuscript for ‘Auntie Mame: An Irreverent Escapade’ was turned down by seventeen publishers. He worked through his list of publishers in alphabetical order and the one that finally agreed to take him on was Vanguard Press. ‘Auntie Mame’ spent 112 weeks on the bestseller list and sold more than 2 million copies. And within years, it had not only become a hit on Broadway but a popular film as well. Dennis became a millionaire and, in 1956, was the first author in history to have three books simultaneously ranked on ‘The New York Times’ best-seller list." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54005] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] PAULO COELHO: Paulo Coelho gots his first book, 'The Alchemist' published but it only sold 900 copies. The small Brazilian publisher, did not have faith in the book, decided not to reprint it, and returned the rights to Coelho. But rather than give up he went on to write another book, ‘Brida’ and find a larger publisher. Some time later ‘The Alchemist’ became popular with U.S. President Bill Clinton’s daughter, who recommended it to her father, who loved it, and the book eventually sold more than 75 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54006] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] PEARL S. BUCK: Her story set in China, ‘The Good Earth’ was initially rejected with the comment, ‘The American public is not interested in China.’ When it was eventually published it became the best-selling US novel two years running in 1931/32, and it won ‘The Pulitzer Prize’." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54007] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] RICHARD ADAMS: His first novel, ‘Watership Down’, a fantasy about a group of rabbits from Hampshire, England, was initially rejected by thirteen publishers. Since its publication, by Rex Collings Ltd in 1972, it became one of the fastest selling books in history, is considered Penguin Books best-selling novel of all time, has never been out of print, has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, has become a staple story for children around the world and it has been adapted into film and television." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54008] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] RICHARD BACH: Richard Bach’s novel ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ was reportedly rejected eighteen times. Nobody thought a story about a seagull that flew not for survival but for the joy of flying itself would have an audience. In fact, the Encyclopedia of Creativity reports that the publisher of the Popular Library went as far as to say: ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull will never make it as a paperback.’ The book was eventually published in 1972 by Macmillan Publishers and became a number one bestseller selling more than 1 million copies that year alone. It was made into a movie in 1973, with a sound track by Neil Diamond. It has now sold more than 44 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54009] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] RICHARD DODDRIDGE BLACKMORE: His ‘Lorna Doone’ Devonshire-set romance of rivalry and revenge was turned down 18 times before being published in 1889. Today, Blackmore is considered one of the greatest British authors of the 19th century and there have been nearly a dozen big-screen or TV versions of this story." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54010] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] RICHARD HORNBERGER [aka RICHARD HOOKER]: After 21 rejections, Richard Hornberger switches to the pseudonym, Richard Hooker, and his debut novel ‘M*A*S*H’, about a medical unit serving in the Korean War, becomes a phenomenal publishing success, spawning an Oscar-winning film adaptation, and one of the most watched television shows in history." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54011] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a film screenwriter and director:] RICHARD TUGGLE: The 1979 thriller film ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ starring Clint Eastwood was once nothing more than a screenplay that kept being rejected. He went to the Writers Guild and received a list of literary agents who would accept unsolicited manuscripts. He submitted a copy to each, and also to anybody else in the business that he could cajole into reading it. Everyone rejected it, saying it had poor dialogue and characters, lacked a love interest, and that the public was not interested in prison stories. Eventually he got the film made and it earned more than 43 million dollars in the U.S. alone." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54012] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ROBERT M. PIRSIG: ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’, a philosophical novel that attempts to understand the true meaning of life, took Pirsig four years to write. During those years he would work on this book from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. before going to his day job as a writer of computer manuals. After completing it he tried to get it published, but it was rejected. It was rejected so many times in fact that it won a spot in the ‘Guinness Book of World Records’. It was rejected 121 times, which is more rejections than any other bestseller. So far it has sold more than five million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54013] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] RUTH SABERTON: Rejected by publishers but determined not to give up, Ruth Saberton left her 400 page manuscript ‘Katy Carter Wants a Hero’ on the holiday home doormat of Richard Madeley and his wife Judy (nee Finnigan) of a book review website [ ] in Cornwall. They love the book so much that their recommendation secured a publishing deal for Ruth with Orion." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54014] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] SHEL SILVERSTEIN: An editor, by the name of William Cole, sent Shel a rejection letter, stating that it [his children’s story, ‘The Giving Tree’] would never sell because it fell between the interests of children and adults. It was published however in 1964 and he followed its success with such remarkable children stories as ‘A Light In The Attic’, ‘ Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too’ and ‘Where The Sidewalk Ends.’" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54016] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] STEPHENIE MEYER: The author of the crazy ‘Twilight’ series said the inspiration from the book came from a dream. She finished it in three months but never intended to publish it until a friend suggested she should. She wrote 15 letters to literary agencies. Five didn’t reply. Nine rejected her. One gave her a chance. Then eight publishers auctioned for the right to publish ‘Twilight’. She got a three book deal worth $750,000. The series has spent 91 weeks on the 'New York Times' best-seller list, sold more 250 million copies, been translated into 37 languages, and been made into a series of films. In 2010, Forbes reported she earned $40 million." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54018] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] STEPHEN KING: His first novel, ‘Carrie’, a story of a tormented girl with telekinetic powers, was rejected repeatedly. One rejection letter read: ‘We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell.’ After still more rejections he threw the manuscript into the trash. If it hadn't been for his wife, Tabitha, the iconic image in the story of Carrie as a young girl in a prom dress covered in pig's blood would not exist because she retrieved the manuscript from the trash and encouraged him to resubmit it. Finally after a total of 30 rejections it was published. It sold 1 million copies in the first year alone and became a classic in the horror genre enjoying both film and TV adaptations. King has subsequently become one of the most well-known and prolific horror writers of our time, has sold over 350 million copies of his novels and short stories. Among his most famous novels are: 'Carrie', 'The Shining', and 'The Green Mile'." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54020] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] SYLVIA PLATH: When Sylvia Plath, the American poet, submitted the ‘The Bell Jar,’ she did so under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. Apparently the Knopf editor who received her submission was not taken by her work. He responded, ‘I’m not sure what Heinemann’s sees in this first novel unless it is a kind of youthful American female brashness. But there certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.’ When Sylvia Plath revealed her true identity, the same editor decided to take another look at her work, although ultimately, it still landed in his rejection pile: ‘I have now re-read, or rather read more thoroughly, ’The Bell Jar’ with the knowledge that it is by Sylva Plath which has added considerably to its interest for it is obviously flagrantly autobiographical. But it still is not much of a novel. The trouble is that she has not succeeded in using her material in a novelistic way; there is no viewpoint, no sifting out of the experiences of being a Mademoiselle contest winner with the month in New York, the subsequent mental breakdown and suicide attempts, the brash loss of virginity at the end. One feels simply that Miss Plath is writing of them because [these] things did happen to her and the incidents are in themselves good for a story, but throw them together and they don’t necessarily add up to a novel...’ The manuscript was published in 1963. It has become famous and was adapted into a film." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54021] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] THOR HEYERDAHL: In 1947, Heyerdahl took a crew of six men on a 4,300-mile journey across the Pacific Oc¬ean. But not on a cruise ship -- their vessel was a reproduction of a prehistoric balsa wood raft, and the only modern equipment they carried was a radio. Heyerdahl wrote his book ‘Kon-Tiki: Across The Pacific’as the true story of his journey from Peru to Polynesia, but when he tried to get it published, he couldn't. One publisher asked him if anyone had drowned. When Heyerdahl said no, they rejected him on the grounds that the story wouldn't be very interesting. In 1953, after 20 rejections, 'Kon-Tiki' finally found a publisher -- and an audience. The book is now available in 66 languages. The book has sold more than 20 million copies – one million for each rejection!" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54022] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] TIM FERRIS: His book ‘The 4 Hour Workweek’, which changed how many people view work and life, was rejected by 26 publishers before one gave him a chance. It’s been on the bestseller’s list for years and is sold all over the world. In 2010 he published ‘The 4 Hour Body’. It also went to #1 on the 'New York Times' bestsellers list." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54023] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] TONY HILLERMAN: Even prospective publishers may not understand, and even go so far as to criticise or advise against, the appeal of a story or approach. For example a publisher said this to Tony Hillerman, on the what would eventually become his best-selling Navajo Tribal Police mystery novels, ‘We suggest you get rid of all that Indian stuff.’" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54024] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] URSULA K. LE GUIN: When she tried to get her science fiction novel, ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’ publishedin 1968 it was initially rejected with the following comments: Ursula K. Le Guin writes extremely well, but I'm sorry to have to say that on the basis of that one highly distinguishing quality alone I cannot make you an offer for the novel. The book is so endlessly complicated by details of reference and information, the interim legends become so much of a nuisance despite their relevance, that the very action of the story seems to me to become hopelessly bogged down and the book, eventually, unreadable. The whole is so dry and airless, so lacking in pace, that whatever drama and excitement the novel might have had is entirely dissipated by what does seem, a great deal of the time, to be extraneous material. When another publisher published it, it went on to win the 1969 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 1970 Hugo Award. It became just the first of her many best-sellers, and is now regularly voted as the second best fantasy novel of all time, next to ‘The Lord of the Rings’." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54025] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] VINCE FLYNN: Apparently Vince was no stranger to rejection, but that didn’t stop him one bit: As a child he had dyslexia but in his 20s, he decided to write a book. After five years and more than 60 rejection letters, he self-published ‘Term Limits.’ Shortly thereafter, he landed both an agent and a publisher. Now in his 40s, he writes a new book each year and reads 40 or so others while doing so. He has had twelve bestselling novels so far, and recently he served as a story consultant on season 5 of the hit television show, ‘24’." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54026] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] VLADIMIR NABOKOV: The manuscript for his novel, ‘Lolita’, was turned down, with more or less regret, by Viking, Simon & Schuster, New Directions, Farrar, Straus, and Doubleday. After these refusals and warnings, he finally resorted to publication in France. Via his translator Doussia Ergaz, it reached Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, ‘three quarters of [whose] list was pornographic trash’. Maurice Girodias, despite many warnings, said yes. And the first American version of ‘Lolita’ was a bestseller, selling 100,000 copies in the first three weeks. It was eventually published by all those that initially turned it down, with combined sales of over 50 million. Today, ‘Lolita’ is ranked fourth in a list by the Modern Library of the greatest English-language novels in the 20th century." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54027] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] WILLIAM GOLDING: ‘Lord of the Flies’ was initially rejected by twenty-one publishers. One even had the gall to say: ‘ absurd and uninteresting fantasy which was rubbish and dull.’ Thankfully, a new editor at Faber & Faber took interest in the novel (after it was first rejected there by a different publisher) and went on to publish the book in 1954. The novel went on to win the praise of E. M. Forster, who said ‘‘Lord of the Flies’...the outstanding novel of its year.’ In 1991 it was adapted into a successful film. To date it has sold more than 15 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54028] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] WILLIAM FAULKNER: His first novel, ‘Sanctuary’ was initially rejected as ‘unpublishable.’ Eventually it found itself at the offices of publishers Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith instead, who immediately spotted the talent of its author, and in 1931 they propel him and his controversial debut novel, into the literary limelight. He goes on to become one of the most critically praised novelists of all time." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54029] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] WILLIAM P. YOUNG [aka WM Paul Young]: After 20 rejection letters from both religious and secular publishers, WM Paul Young self-publishes his Christian novel 'The Shack'. It became the number one paperback trade fiction seller on the New York Times list and goes on to sell more than 15 million copies." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54030] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS: Much of his earlier works were rejected for example his novel ‘Naked Lunch’. Excerpts from ‘Naked Lunch’ were first published in the United States in 1958. The novel was initially rejected by City Lights Books, the publisher of Ginsberg's Howl, and Olympia Press publisher Maurice Girodias, who had published English language novels in France that were controversial for their subjective views of sex and anti-social characters. But Allen Ginsberg worked to get excerpts published in Black Mountain Review and Chicago Review in 1958. Irving Rosenthal, student editor of Chicago Review, a quarterly journal partially subsidized by the university, promised to publish more excerpts from ‘Naked Lunch’, but he was fired from his position in 1958 after Chicago Daily News columnist Jack Mabley called the first excerpt obscene. Rosenthal went on to publish more in his newly created literary journal ‘Big Table No. 1’; however, these copies elicited such contempt, the editors were accused of sending obscene material through the United States Mail by the United States Postmaster General, who ruled that copies could not be mailed to subscribers. This controversy made ‘Naked Lunch’ interesting to Girodias again, and he published the novel in 1959. William S. Burroughs (also known as William Lee) became one of the most influential writers and primary figures of the Beat Generation." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54031] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] YANN MARTEL: His novel, ‘The Life of Pi’ was rejected by at least five London publishing houses before being accepted by Knopf Canada, which published it in September 2001. It became a bestseller, won the Booker Prize in 2002 and was made into a film." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54032] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] ZANE GREY: He read Owen Wister’s great Western novel ‘The Virginian’. After studying its style and structure in detail, he decided to write a full-length story. He had great difficulties in writing this first novel, ‘Betty Zane’ (1903). When it was rejected by Harper & Brothers, with the comment ‘You have no business being a writer and should give up.’ he lapsed into despair temporarily. Fortunately he chose to persist and get better, and soon his writing was being accepted. He went on to write many successful novels including ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’. To date he has sold over 250 million copies of his books." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54107] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting past rejection and not letting age be a barrier to pursuing your dream:] COLONEL SANDERS: The founder of KFC. He started his dream at 65 years old! He got a social security check for only $105 and was mad. Instead of complaining he did something about it. He thought restaurant owners would love his fried chicken recipe, use it, sales would increase, and he’d get a percentage of it. He drove around the country knocking on doors, sleeping in his car, wearing his white suit. Do you know how many times people said no till he got one yes? 1009 times!" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54113] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting past failure:] Richard Branson: He’s the billionaire mogul of Virgin but he too has had his share of failures. Remember Virgin Cola or Virgin credit cards? Probably not. He’s lost hundreds of millions of dollars but has not let failure stop him." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54117] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting past disappointment and failure to eventually find success:] Steven Spielberg: He applied and was denied two times to the prestigious University of Southern California film school. Instead he went to Cal State University in Long Beach. He went on to direct some of the biggest movie blockbusters in history. Now he’s worth more than $2.7 billion and in 1994 got an honorary degree from the film school that rejected him twice." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54118] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting past criticism and failure to find success in the end:] The Beatles: They were rejected by many record labels. In a famous rejection, the label said, ‘guitar groups are on the way out’ and ‘the Beatles have no future in show business’. After that the Beatles signed with EMI, brought Beatle-mania to the United States, and became one of the greatest bands in history." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54119] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting despite failure and lack of reward or recognition:] Vincent Van Gogh: He only sold one painting in his lifetime! Just one to a friend. Despite that he kept painting and finished over 800 pieces. Now everyone wants to buy them and his most expensive painting is valued at $142.7 million." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54123] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story: about persisting past failure to achieve success:] Simon Cowell, ‘X Factor’ supremo, is a great role model for persisting past failure because he actually lost his fortune when he was 30, when his record label went under and he was bankrupted, only to go and build it all again!" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54146] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story – with a message that inspires about courage, persistence and compassion for others:] Terrance Stanley ‘Terry’ Fox CC OD (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated, he embarked on a cross-Canada run [The Marathon of Hope] to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Although the spread of his CANCER EVENTUALLY FORCED HIM TO END HIS QUEST AFTER 143 DAYS AND 5,373 KILOMETRES (3,339 MI), and ultimately cost him his life, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy. The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research; over C$600 million has been raised in his name. Fox was a distance runner and basketball player for his Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, high school and Simon Fraser University. His right leg was amputated in 1977 after he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, though he continued to run using an artificial leg. He also played wheelchair basketball in Vancouver, winning three national championships. In 1980, he began the Marathon of Hope, a cross-country run to raise money for cancer research. He hoped to raise one dollar for each of Canada's 24 million people. He began with little fanfare from St. John's, Newfoundland in April and RAN THE EQUIVALENT OF A FULL MARATHON EVERY DAY. Fox had become a national star by the time he reached Ontario; he made numerous public appearances with businessmen, athletes, and politicians in his efforts to raise money. He was forced to end his run outside of Thunder Bay when the cancer spread to his lungs. His hopes of overcoming the disease and completing his marathon ended when he died nine months later. He was the youngest person ever named a Companion of the Order of Canada. He won the 1980 Lou Marsh Award as the nation's top sportsman and was named Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in both 1980 and 1981. Considered a national hero, he has had many buildings, roads and parks named in his honour across the country." - Unknown
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[Quote No.54152] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story – with a message about enjoying the process and the journey of pursuing their dreams, persisting past failure, criticism, disappointments, to eventually achieve recognition and success again - in the following story after they were dead – posthumously – suggesting they were ahead of their times. The following success is just one example of a writer-author:] HERMAN MELVILLE Herman Melville is a great example that early success doesn’t always mean that rejection isn’t around the next corner. The American novelist, best known for his epic novel 'Moby Dick', had a string of rejections after years of success: His publisher, Harper & Brothers, rejected his next manuscript, 'Isle of the Cross' which has been lost. Herman Melville didn’t let that stop him. After that he wrote 'His Masquerade' which although at the time garnered mixed reviews, has since won literary acclaim. Herman Melville is a great reminder that if you love to write, keep writing through the successes and rejections thrown your way. ‘Our united opinion is entirely against the book. It is very long, and rather old-fashioned.’ Publisher rejects 'Moby Dick' by Herman Melville. It is later published by Harper & Brothers, who release a first print run of 3000 copies. Only 50 of these sell during the author’s lifetime." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54155] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[True story after true story – with a message about enjoying the process and the journey of pursuing their dreams, persisting past failure, criticism, disappointments, to eventually achieve recognition and success - in the following stories after they were dead – posthumously – suggesting they were ahead of their times:] - < br />
Carl Fredrik Hill - artist
[ ] Hill got famous only after his death, and the works from his healthy period attracted attention in the first place. Later Gunnar Ekelöf and several other Swedish poets played an essential role for the reassessment of the art from Hill´s ill period. Just like in the case of Ernst Josephson this art became an important source of inspiration to the artists of Modernism.

Clarice Cliff - artist, pioneer of the Art Deco genre
[ ] Clarice continued to promote her ware as Artistic Director at the pottery and was rewarded with seeing some of her work become collectors pieces in the 1960s. But it was not until several years after her death in 1972, that Art Deco was rediscovered by the larger antique-buying community, and her enormous influence on British pottery truly acknowledged.

El Greco - artist
[ ] After his death, El Greco's paintings lost their popularity and were soon forgotten. The quality of his paintings was rediscovered, however, in the 19th century, when French artists Eugene Delacroix and Edgar Degas admired his work and had examples of his paintings in their own art collections. More recently, most artists, especially Modern Artists called ‘Expressionists,’ recognized how great his paintings really were--400 years after he died.

Thomas Eakins - painter
[ ] When Thomas Eakins died in 1916, he left behind a body of work unprecedented in American art for its depth, strength, perception, character, and commitment to realism. Yet during his life, Eakins sold less than thirty paintings. Rejected by the public and the art establishment of his day, it was only after his death that a new generation of scholars and critics recognized Eakins as one of America's greatest painters.

Tom Thomson - Canada's premier colourist and landscapist artist
[ ] Tom Thomson was not famous during his lifetime, and so no one thought to photograph him.

Vincent (Willem) van Gogh - artist
[ ] Van Gogh sold only one painting, ‘Red Vineyard at Arles’, during his lifetime. He was little known to the art world at the time of his death, but his paintings became famous after he died. He had a significant impact on Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction, as well as other aspects of 20th-century art. [ ] He only started painting in the last 10 years of his life, and that he was so upset by his condition of epilepsy, that he took his own life at 47. His work only became famous after he died.

Johann Sebastian Bach - composer
[ ] He composed for the glory of God and his own pleasure. Bach was more famous for his harpsichord and organ playing than his composing. Bach’s compositions became more famous after he died. [ ] He was not famous as a compositor during his life, only further generations discovered his genius.

Billy Tipton - Jazz Musician
[ ] During his lifetime, you probably never heard of the immensely talented jazz musician, Billy Tipton. Unfortunately Billy would become famous world wide only after his death - immediately after his death [and only then when it was discovered that ‘he’ was really a ‘she’].

Billy Holliday – singer-entertainer
[ ] During her lifetime she had fought racism and sexism, and in the face of great personal difficulties triumphed through a deep artistic spirit. It is a tragedy that only after her death could a society, who had so often held her down, realize that in her voice could be heard the true voice of the times.

James Dean - actor
[ ] It's sad that his fame and popularity bolstered after he died in that car crash on September 30, 1955. An example to show how unknown Dean was when he was alive. Just before the fatal car crash, Dean was pulled over for speeding, and the officer giving him the ticket didn't even know who he was when Dean said he worked for Warner Brothers.

Nakahara Chuya - poet
[ ] A modern poet Nakahara Chuya, who contributed great achievements to the history of Japanese Literature, was born at Yudaonsen Yamaguchi city on 29th of April in 1907. He devoted his 30 years of life to make poems. He died in obscurity in a unfamiliar land and his poems gained fame only after his death. However, as time has passed, his poems have become highly valued. Chuya has recently been recognized as one of the best modern lyric poets.

Innokenty Annensky - poet
[ ] Innokenty Annensky's literary fate was unusual. Throughout his lifetime, the poet was hardly known outside of Tsarskoye Selo, Russia, where he lived during the last years of his life. Annensky became known and famous only after his death.

Emily Dickinson - poet
[ ] Emily Elizabeth Dickinson became famous only after her death. In her adult life, she was a recluse who only rarely ventured out of her house. A lover of poetry and a great reader, Dickinson tentatively became a poet herself, with the encouragement of some prominent writers and editors. However, during her lifetime, only seven of her short, haunting, innovative poems were published. After her death, though, her poetic legacy proved to be glorious. [ ] It was only after her death that volumes of her writings were discovered, and it was not until 1890, four years after she died, that the first collection of her work was published.

Gregor Mendel - scientist, ‘The Father of Genetics’
[ ] Unlike Darwin, Mendel didn't travel very much at all, and was never famous or noteworthy during his life time.

Willebrord Snell - Dutch mathematician who is best known for his discovery of refraction
[ ] Willebrord's biggest contribution to science, however, is the law of refraction, even though it wasn't published until almost 70 years after he died.

King ‘Tut’ Tutankhamun - Egyptian Monarch
[ ] Thirty centuries after his death, the boy-king, Tut, became a far greater legend than he had been in his own time.

Christopher Columbus - explorer
[ ] Columbus did not really discover America. People were living in America before Columbus arrived, but he was the first explorer in recorded history to cross the Atlantic Ocean. He did not know he had found a new continent and thought he had reached the Indies. He only became famous after he died.

Sacagawea - Native American Explorer whose face now appears on the US dollar coin
[ ] Sacagawea's factually documented personal worth is proudly acclaimed by her Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, Lemhi descendants who ‘want the world to know that she is Lemhi Shoshoni.’

Nathaniel Hale - patriot
[ ] Moments before his execution, he expressed regret that he couldn't be hanged more than once. This remark catapulted him to posthumous fame (but only after his death), and Nathan Hale is revered to this day.

Dr. James Naismith - inventor of basketball
[ ] What would he think of multi-million dollar player contracts and sponsorship deals and the never-ending season of the National Basketball Association which was founded in 1946, seven years after he died?

George Davis - early baseball player
[ ] He was elected to the Hall of Fame 89 years after he retired and 58 years after he died.

" - Unknown
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[Quote No.54198] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"You don't drown by falling in water. You drown by staying there." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54201] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54209] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[True story after true story: about focus, drive and persistence overcoming a poor and/or difficult childhood to rise to immense financial success:] Inspirational Rags-to-Riches Stories

Kenny Troutt: Net worth: $1.27 billion: Country: US: --- Troutt made his fortune by founding a long distance telephone service company Excel Communications. He sold his company in 1998 to Teleglobe for $3.5 billion. Troutt had an alcoholic father who worked as a bartender and oil-rig worker. After his parents divorced, he was forced to move in a city housing project along with his mother and siblings. While in college Troutt used work as a part-time insurance salesperson.

Howard Schultz: Net worth: $2 billion: Country: US: --- Howard D. Schultz is best known as the chairman and CEO of Starbucks. Schultz was the first person in his family to attend college. His father worked as a truck driver. As the family was poor, Schultz find saw an escape in sports such as baseball, football, and basketball. After graduating, Schultz started working as a salesperson for Xerox Corporation. After changing jobs and rising through the ranks, Schultz joined Starbucks as Director of Marketing but later resigned and opened his own store 'Il Giornale'. He bought Starbucks for $3.8 million two years after becoming an entrepreneur.

Kenneth Langone: Net worth: $2.1 billion: Country: US: --- Kenneth Langone is an investment banker, best known for his association with Home Depot, a company that retails home improvement items and construction products. He had been a board member of the company for 30 years. Langone’s father was a plumber and his mother a cafeteria worker. As a student, Langone worked as a butcher's assistant and a ditch digger. He did his part-time business management and worked full time in the finance field and became an investment banker. He helped Home Depot co-founders arrange the necessary capital after they were fired from Daylin Corporation.

Oprah Winfrey: Net worth: $2.9 billion: Country: US: --- Oprah Winfrey is famous for her award-winning talk show ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’. She owns the production company that made the talk show. She also co-founded women’s cable television network Oxygen. Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood, saying she was raped at age nine and became pregnant at 14; her son died in infancy, according to Wikipedia.

Shahid Khan: Net worth: $3.8 billion: Country: US: --- Shahid Khan is a Pakistani-born American billionaire who owns the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL) and the English Premier League team Fulham F.C. But his source of wealth is the automobile parts manufacturer Flex-N-Gate. When he came to the United States from Pakistan, he spent his first night in a $2/night room at the University Y-YMCA, and his first job was washing dishes for $1.20 an hour, according to Wikipedia. He graduated from the UIUC School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering with a BSc in Industrial Engineering. Khan started Bumper Works, a company that manufactured bumpers for pickup trucks. Later he acquired Flex-N-Gate, a company he worked in right after graduating. Khan has been featured in ‘Forbes’ Magazine on the cover depicting him as the face of ‘American Dream’.

Kirk Kerkorian: Net worth: $3.9 billion: Country: US: --- Kirk Kerkorian is the casino mogul and an important figure in shaping Las Vegas. Kerkorian was born to immigrant parents. He dropping out of school in eighth grade and took up boxing under the tutelage of his older brother. He started investing in Las Vegas property in the early years. For example, he bought 80 acres across the Las Vegas Strip. When he sold this to Caesars, he made almost 10 times his original investment. The Las Vegas Hilton and the Flamingo Hilton were both this hotels that he sold to the Hilton Hotels Corporation. After he purchased the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie studio in 1969, Kerkorian (with architect Martin Stern Jr.) opened the original MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, larger than the Empire State Building and the largest hotel in the world at the time it was finished, according to Wikipedia.

John Paul DeJoria: Net worth: $4 billion: Country: US: --- John Paul Jones DeJoria is well known as a co-founder of the Paul Mitchell line of hair products and The Patron Spirits Company. John Paul Jones DeJoria’s parents were immigrants. His parents divorced when he was two years old. To support his family, he started selling Christmas cards and newspapers by the time he was nine. When his single mother proved unable to support both children, they were sent to an East Los Angeles foster home. After graduation he joined US Navy after which he took on small jobs including janitor and insurance salesperson. DeJoria entered the world of hair care as an employee of Redken Laboratories. He was fired from this position, he claims over a disagreement on business strategies, according to Wikipedia. And it adds that in 1980, he formed John Paul Mitchell Systems with hairdresser Paul Mitchell. DeJoria also has a majority stake in The Patron Spirits Company, which sells an ultra-premium tequila brand.

Do Won Chang: Net worth: $5 billion: Country: US: --- Do Won Chang is the founder of clothing retail store Forever 21. When he migrated to the US, he worked as a janitor. He also did jobs at coffee shop and pumping gas stations. The beginning was humble. He and his wife, Jin Sook, opened a clothing store after migrating to the US. It was called Fashion 21. The store took off and as he expanded to other locations, the store's name was changed to its current title Forever 21.

Ralph Lauren: Net worth: $7.7 billion: Country: US: --- Ralph Lauren is a fashion designer renowned known for Polo Ralph Lauren clothing brand. After serving the US Army briefly, he started working as a sales assistant for Brooks Brothers and then took a job as salesperson for a tie company. When he was 26, he designed a tie that was rejected by his company. He was told that his designed tie was commercially unviable. He quit his job and started out on his own. He took rags and turned them into ties. And in 1967 with financial help from Norman Hilton, a clothing manufacturer in New York, Lauren opened a necktie store where he sold ties under the brand name Polo. From there on he kept rising and winning awards for his designs.

Francois Pinault: Net worth: $15 billion: Country: France: --- Though you may not have heard of Francois Pinault, his company (Artemis S.A) owns or has owned many successful brands. Some of them include Converse shoes, Samsonite luggage, Chateau Latour, the Vail Ski Resort, and Christie's auction house. Pinault quit high school and started working at his father’s lumber mill because his classmates made fun of his poor background. He is known to be a ruthless businessman who sold his businesses when the economy and share markets were doing well and later bought them back at a fraction of what he sold them for when the economy and markets crashed.

Leonardo Del Vecchio: Net worth: $15.3 billion: Country: Italy: --- Leonardo Del Vecchio is the founder and chairman of Luxottica, a designer and manufacturer of eyeglass frames. The firm owns the Sunglass Hut and Lenscrafters chains with a total of over 6000 stores, according to Wikipedia. Some of the brands that belong to Luxottica include Ray-Ban, Oakley and Persol. Vecchio was given to an orphanage by his mother because she was unable to support him financially. He began his career as an apprentice to a tool and dye maker in Milan, but decided to turn his metal working skills to make spectacle parts and started Luxottica. This was in 1961. From there his business grew and he took the firm international and listed the company in New York in 1990.

George Soros: Net worth: $20 billion: Country: US: --- George Soros is one of the most successful investors ever and he runs Soros Fund Management. Soros emigrated to England in 1947 and became an impoverished student. He worked as a railway porter and as a waiter to survive. While selling fancy goods on the sea side and souvenir shops, one day Soros realised that this not what he wants to do in his life. He wrote to every managing director in every merchant bank in London and ended at an entry-level position in Singer & Friedlander. He then moved to US and worked with few more banks before starting the Quantum Fund in partnership with Jim Rogers. Later he founded his own Soros Fund Management.

Li Ka-shing: Net worth: $31 billion: Country: Hong Kong: --- Li Ka-shing is the Chairman of the Board of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL) and Cheung Kong Holdings; through them, he is the world's largest operator of container terminals and the world's largest health and beauty retailer, according to Wikipedia. Due to his father's death, Ka-shing was forced to leave school before the age of 15 and found a job in a plastics trading company where he laboured 16 hours a day. By 1950 he was able to start his own company, Cheung Kong Industries. From manufacturing plastics, Li led and developed his company into a leading real estate investment company in Hong Kong that was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1972, according to Wikipedia. It adds that Cheung Kong expanded by acquiring Hutchison Whampoa and Hong Kong Electric Holdings Limited in 1979 and 1985 respectively.

Harold Simmons: Net worth: $10 billion: Country: US: --- Harold Simmons is famous for giving the world the concept of leveraged buyout that is used in acquisition of company. He was the owner of Contran Corporation and of Valhi. He also controlled listed firms such as NL Industries; Titanium Metals Corporation, Waste Control Specialists, CompX, and Kronos Worldwide. Simmons grew up in a ‘shack’ that has no plumbing or electricity. Despite the tough conditions, he got himself admitted in the University of Texas where he earned a bachelors and masters in economics. His first leverage buyout deal was of a drugstore where he invested $5,000 of his own money and a loan of $95,000. He parlayed this store into a chain of 100 stores and sold it to Eckerd Corporation for over $50 million. This launched his career as an investor.

Larry Ellison: Net worth: $41 billion: Country: US: --- Larry Ellison is the co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation. Larry Ellison was born in New York City to an unwed mother of Jewish heritage and after he contracted pneumonia at the age of nine months, his mother gave him to her aunt and uncle for adoption, according to Wikipedia. He dropped out of college after his adoptive mother died and held odd jobs for eight years. Ellison founded software Development Laboratories with two partners in 1977, which was renamed Relational Software in 1979, and finally Oracle Systems Corporation in 1982 after its flagship product, the Oracle database.

Gautam Adani: Net worth: $3.1 billion: Country: India: --- Adani was doing a bachelor’s in Commerce from Gujarat University but had to drop because of family’s financial problems. He started out as a diamond sorter in Mumbai and later went back to Gujarat to help his brother in plastic business. He progressed to trading in Polyvinyl Chloride and never looked back thereafter.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.54224] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A story - with a message: about how failure is universal but learning from it and persisting past it to the success that waits behind it is one of the great secrets of success:] Failure is the highway to success. TOM WATSON SR. said, ‘If you want to succeed, double your failure rate.’ If you study history, you will find that all stories of success are also stories of great failures. But people don’t see the failures. They only see one side of the picture and they say that person got lucky: ‘He must have been at the right place at the right time.’ Let me share someone’s life history with you. This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a senatorial race at age 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47; lost a senatorial race at age 49; and was elected president of the United States at age 52. This man was ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Would you call him a failure? He could have quit. But to Lincoln, defeat was a detour and not a dead end. In 1913, LEE DE FOREST, inventor of the triodes tube, was charged by the district attorney for using fraudulent means to mislead the public into buying stocks of his company by claiming that he could transmit the human voice across the Atlantic. He was publicly humiliated. Can you imagine where we would be without his invention? A New York Times editorial on December 10, 1903, questioned the wisdom of the WRIGHT BROTHERS who were trying to invent a machine, heavier than air, that would fly. One week later, at Kitty Hawk, the Wright Brothers took their famous flight. COLONEL SANDERS, at age 65, with a beat-up car and a $100 check from Social Security, realized he had to do something. He remembered his mother’s recipe and went out selling. How many doors did he have to knock on before he got his first order? It is estimated that he had knocked on more than a thousand doors before he got his first order. How many of us quit after three tries, ten tries, a hundred tries, and then we say we tried as hard as we could? As a young cartoonist, WALT DISNEY faced many rejections from newspaper editors, who said he had no talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some cartoons. Disney was working out of a small mouse infested shed near the church. After seeing a small mouse, he was inspired. That was the start of Mickey Mouse. Successful people don’t do great things, they only do small things in a great way. One day a partially deaf four year old kid came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher, ‘Your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school.’ His mother read the note and answered, ‘My Tommy is not stupid to learn, I will teach him myself.’ And that Tommy grew up to be the great THOMAS EDISON. Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling and he was partially deaf. HENRY FORD forgot to put the reverse gear in the first car he made. Do you consider these people failures? They succeeded in spite of problems, not in the absence of them. But to the outside world, it appears as though they just got lucky. All success stories are stories of great failures. The only difference is that every time they failed, they bounced back. This is called failing [falling] forward, rather than backward. You learn and move forward. Learn from your failure and keep moving. Below are more examples of the failures of successful people: 1. THOMAS EDISON failed approximately 10,000 times while he was working on the light bulb. 2. HENRY FORD was broke at the age of 40. 3. LEE IACOCCA was fired by Henry Ford II at the age of 54. 4. Young BEETHOVEN was told that he had no talent for music, but he gave some of the best music to the world." - Unknown

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[Quote No.54256] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about staying motivated by keeping your eyes on the eventual prize rather than on the temporary obstacles in the way:] 'Keep Your Goals in Sight' When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours. Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast. On that Fourth of July morning in 1952, the sea was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense she could hardly see her support boats. Sharks cruised toward her lone figure, only to be driven away by rifle shots. Against the frigid grip of the sea, she struggled on - hour after hour - while millions watched on national television. Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn't much farther. But all she could see was fog. They urged her not to quit. She never had . . .until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out. Still thawing her chilled body several hours later, she told a reporter, 'Look, I'm not excusing myself, but if I could have seen land I might have made it.' It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. Two months later, she tried again. This time, despite the same dense fog, she swam with her faith intact and her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that somewhere behind that fog were land and this time she made it! Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men's record by two hours!" - Unknown

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