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[ 12 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

12 of 12 results found for - "Albert Jay Nock"  
[Quote No.9815] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"The mind is like the stomach. It's not how much you put into it, but how much it digests. " - Albert Jay Nock

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[Quote No.42230] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests." - Albert Jay Nock

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[Quote No.42232] Need Area: Mind > General
"It is certainly true that whatever a man may do or say, the most significant thing about him is what he thinks; and significant also is how he came to think it, why he continued to think it, or, if he did not continue, what the influences were which caused him to change his mind." - Albert Jay Nock
(1873 – 1945), influential American author, a philosophical father of the modern, libertarian Conservative movement later carried by Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Ron Paul, educational theorist, and social critic of the early and middle 20th century. Quote from his book, 'Memoirs of a Superfluous Man', 1943.
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[Quote No.46434] Need Area: Money > Invest
"The simple truth is that our [crony capitalist rather than free market capitalist] businessmen do not want a government that will let business alone [and let the free market work to reward the best service performing and value providing businesses]. They want a government that they can use [to help them beat both domestic and foreign competitors regardless of their merit to customers]." - Albert Jay Nock
Quote from his work, 'Cogitations'.
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[Quote No.44038] Need Area: Friends > Friends
"Keeping good company is spiritually dynamogenous, elevating, bracing. It makes one better. Keeping bad company is disabling; keeping indifferent company is enervating and retarding." - Albert Jay Nock
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[Quote No.44707] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[Freedom of thought, opinion, speech, expression, press and censorship:] All I ever asked of life was the freedom to think and say exactly what I pleased, when I pleased, and as I pleased." - Albert Jay Nock

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[Quote No.36781] Need Area: Friends > General
"The worst of this ever growing cancer of Statism [ie big 'paternal' government - socialism, communism and fascism] is its moral effect. The country is rich enough to stand its frightful economic wastage for a long time yet, and still prosper, but it is already so poverty-stricken in its moral resources that the present drain will quickly run them out." - Albert Jay Nock
'Journal of Forgotten Days', May 28, 1934.
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[Quote No.37198] Need Area: Friends > General
"The human race has an indefeasible love for what is graceful, amiable and becoming, and is somehow aware that those qualities can flourish only under freedom." - Albert Jay Nock
Quote from 'Our Pastors and Masters', published January 26, 1921.
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[Quote No.41330] Need Area: Friends > General
"The practical reason for freedom, then, is that freedom seems to be the only condition under which any kind of substantial moral fibre can be developed. Everything else has been tried (and failed). ... In suggesting that we try freedom ... the anarchist [i.e. someone who doesn't believe that government is necessary for a happy, productive society]... has a strictly practical aim. He aims at the production of a race of responsible beings. ... His desire for freedom has but one practical object, ie, that men [and women] may become as good and as decent [as ethical], as elevated and noble, as they might be and really wish to be. Reason, experience, and observation lead him to the conviction that under absolute and unqualified freedom they can and rather promptly will, educate themselves to this desirable end; but that so long as they are the least degree dominated by legalism and authoritarianism, they never can." - Albert Jay Nock
(1870 – 1945), influential American libertarian author, educational theorist, and social critic of the early and middle 20th century. Quote from his book, 'On Doing the Right Thing', pp. 173-178.
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[Quote No.42229] Need Area: Friends > General
"There are two methods, or means, and only two, whereby man's needs and desires can be satisfied. One is the production and exchange of wealth; this is the economic means. The other is the uncompensated appropriation of wealth produced by others; this is the political means." - Albert Jay Nock

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[Quote No.43446] Need Area: Friends > General
"...the fundamental tradition of the American people ... is the magnificent tradition of economic freedom [i.e. a free market, private property rights and laws against initiated force, coercion and fraud, especially by government], the instinct to know that without economic freedom no other freedom is significant or lasting, and that if economic freedom be attained, no other freedom can be withheld." - Albert Jay Nock
'The Freeman' magazine, April 14, 1920.
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[Quote No.44037] Need Area: Fun > Books
"The effect of keeping good company in literature is exactly what it is in life. Keeping good company is spiritually dynamogenous, elevating, bracing. It makes one better. Keeping bad company is disabling; keeping indifferent company is enervating and retarding." - Albert Jay Nock
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