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[ 7 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

7 of 7 results found for - "Alex Banayan"  
[Quote No.55629] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A story - with a message about the power of optimism and positivity in life and work:] 'Get Out Of The Shade' - One afternoon, a young man walked into [Andrew] Carnegie's office to interview him about his success. Carnegie could have told the young man about his journey from poverty to riches or about his wild dealings with John Rockefeller. But instead, Carnegie talked about something else. His optimism. Carnegie said the most important thing in his life was his 'ability to shed trouble and to laugh through life.' He said that seeing life through a lens of positivity was worth more to him than millions of dollars. 'Young people should know that it can be cultivated,' Carnegie said. 'The mind, like the body, can be moved from the shade into sunshine.' And it makes good business sense, too. By not getting weighed down by the negative, Carnegie could keep his focus on the positive, bounce back from failures faster, and see opportunities where other people didn't know they existed!" - Alex Banayan
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[Quote No.55714] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A story - with a message about persistence:] 'An Irrational Level of Commitment' - Growing up, Sugar Ray Leonard would wake up, get dressed for school, and walk with his siblings to the bus stop. As the yellow bus would pull to the curb, his friends and siblings would step up into the school bus, but young Sugar Ray Leonard, who is now a six-time world champion boxer, would refuse to get on. As the bus drove away, Leonard tightened up his sneakers and ran behind the bus all the way to school. 'The other kids thought I was crazy,' Leonard said, 'because I would run in the rain, snow - it didn't matter. I did it because I didn't just want to be better than the next guy, I wanted to be better than all the guys.' My generation is used to instant gratification. But Sugar Ray Leonard demonstrated the necessity to be able to buckle down for the long haul and accept that you won't see any return on investment for years. You have to be able to stay passionately committed even when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. And remember, Sugar Ray Leonard, now one of the greatest boxers in history, was running behind that yellow school bus at a time when others thought he wasn't 'boxing material'. Sugar Ray Leonard kept at it, to the point that others thought was irrational. Turns out irrational commitment leads to irrational success." - Alex Banayan
He's a venture capitalist at Alsop Louie Partners in San Francisco and a talented writer. [Refer and ]
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[Quote No.55632] Need Area: Work > Service
"[A story - with a message about integrity, morality and ethics in life and work:] 'Tell Him to Keep the Ten Thousand' - [Andrew] Carnegie and J.P. Morgan were once partners in a business. One day Morgan wanted to buy out Carnegie's stake, so Morgan asked how much he wanted for it. Carnegie said his shares were worth $50,000, plus he wanted an extra $10,000 on top - so a total of $60,000. Morgan agreed to the terms. But the next morning, Carnegie got a call. 'Mr. Carnegie, you were mistaken,' Morgan said. 'You sold out for $10,000 less than the statement showed to your credit.' Morgan had calculated that Carnegie's stake was actually worth $60,000, and with the additional $10,000, that made $70,000. So Morgan sent Carnegie a check for the full $70,000. Carnegie responded by telling Morgan to keep the extra $10,000 - which, adjusted for inflation, is over $130,000 today. Morgan replied, 'No thank you. I cannot do that.' When reflecting on this story, Carnegie wrote, 'A great business is built on lines of the strictest integrity.' He learned from Morgan that it is better to lose money in the short-term if that means maintaining your reputation for the long-term!" - Alex Banayan
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[Quote No.55630] Need Area: Work > Leadership
"[A story - with a message about the power of optimism and positivity in life and work:] 'Get Out Of The Shade' - One afternoon, a young man walked into [Andrew] Carnegie's office to interview him about his success. Carnegie could have told the young man about his journey from poverty to riches or about his wild dealings with John Rockefeller. But instead, Carnegie talked about something else. His optimism. Carnegie said the most important thing in his life was his 'ability to shed trouble and to laugh through life.' He said that seeing life through a lens of positivity was worth more to him than millions of dollars. 'Young people should know that it can be cultivated,' Carnegie said. 'The mind, like the body, can be moved from the shade into sunshine.' And it makes good business sense, too. By not getting weighed down by the negative, Carnegie could keep his focus on the positive, bounce back from failures faster, and see opportunities where other people didn't know they existed!!" - Alex Banayan
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[Quote No.55631] Need Area: Friends > General
"[A story - with a message about integrity, morality and ethics in life and work:] 'Tell Him to Keep the Ten Thousand' - [Andrew] Carnegie and J.P. Morgan were once partners in a business. One day Morgan wanted to buy out Carnegie's stake, so Morgan asked how much he wanted for it. Carnegie said his shares were worth $50,000, plus he wanted an extra $10,000 on top - so a total of $60,000. Morgan agreed to the terms. But the next morning, Carnegie got a call. 'Mr. Carnegie, you were mistaken,' Morgan said. 'You sold out for $10,000 less than the statement showed to your credit.' Morgan had calculated that Carnegie's stake was actually worth $60,000, and with the additional $10,000, that made $70,000. So Morgan sent Carnegie a check for the full $70,000. Carnegie responded by telling Morgan to keep the extra $10,000 - which, adjusted for inflation, is over $130,000 today. Morgan replied, 'No thank you. I cannot do that.' When reflecting on this story, Carnegie wrote, 'A great business is built on lines of the strictest integrity.' He learned from Morgan that it is better to lose money in the short-term if that means maintaining your reputation for the long-term." - Alex Banayan
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[Quote No.55633] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"[A story - with a message about fear, worry and the human negativity bias:] 'Follow the Rule of Nine-Tenths' - There was a story that changed [Andrew] Carnegie's life. It's about an old man who lived a life of many tragic events. People in the town pitied him, but the old man said, 'Yes, my friends, all that you say is true. I have had a long life full of troubles. But there is one curious fact about them – nine-tenths of them never happened.' Carnegie learned from that story that most of the problems and 'what if's' we imagine almost never occur. Our brains have a tendency to dream up the worst-case scenarios and act accordingly — yet most of those almost never happen. And even if they do occur, they’re almost never as bad as we imagine. By reminding himself of the 'rule of nine-tenths,' Carnegie freed himself from the fear of the unknown and was able to take the risks he needed to achieve his radical success. Be honest with yourself: Do you get caught up on the 'what if's'? Would your life be better if you followed the rule of 'nine-tenths' and reminded yourself that most of those problems won't actually happen? Are you willing to make a commitment right now to live by that rule?" - Alex Banayan
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[Quote No.55628] Need Area: Fun > General
"[A story - with a message about the power of optimism and positivity in life and work:] 'Get Out Of The Shade' - One afternoon, a young man walked into [Andrew] Carnegie's office to interview him about his success. Carnegie could have told the young man about his journey from poverty to riches or about his wild dealings with John Rockefeller. But instead, Carnegie talked about something else. His optimism. Carnegie said the most important thing in his life was his 'ability to shed trouble and to laugh through life.' He said that seeing life through a lens of positivity was worth more to him than millions of dollars. 'Young people should know that it can be cultivated,' Carnegie said. 'The mind, like the body, can be moved from the shade into sunshine.' And it makes good business sense, too. By not getting weighed down by the negative, Carnegie could keep his focus on the positive, bounce back from failures faster, and see opportunities where other people didn't know they existed." - Alex Banayan
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