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[ 3 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

3 of 3 results found for - "Alicia F. Lieberman"  
[Quote No.40041] Need Area: Friends > Children
"The most important emotional accomplishment of the toddler years is reconciling the urge to become competent and self-reliant with the longing for parental love and protection." - Alicia F. Lieberman
U.S. psychologist. Quote from 'The Emotional Life of the Toddler', ch. 1 (1993).
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[Quote No.40042] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Much of the emotional turmoil in the second year revolves around the difficult task of integrating the child's will into the family constellation. The child learns that her personal wishes (so cherished, seemingly so right) need to fit reasonably well with what others want. The parents learn that they, too, have to say 'no' with firmness and conviction but hopefully without harshness. [Explanations can help the child to start the process of understanding the reasons behind others behavior in the past and present and therefore anticipating their reactions in the future to things they may want to do.] " - Alicia F. Lieberman
U.S. psychologist. Quote from 'The Emotional Life of the Toddler', ch. 2 (1993).
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[Quote No.40043] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Even when they cannot be always available, the parents' fierce, unique love for their child makes them different in the child's heart and mind from all other caregivers. In spite of a long working day, a parent's passion for his or her child retains its many nuances of emotional intensity, ranging from rapture and delight to impatience and even rage, that no other relationship in the child's life can match. Even very young infants are smart enough to recognize this passionate commitment and to reciprocate it in kind." - Alicia F. Lieberman
U.S. psychologist. Quote from 'The Emotional Life of the Toddler', ch. 10 (1993).
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