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1 of 1 results found for - "Andrew Malcolm"  
[Quote No.37948] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Do we give politicians too much power and trust them too much? Given the following article, 'Politicians share personality traits with serial killers', perhaps we should keep a much more careful watch on them and enshrine a limit to their powers in any constitution as the founding fathers of the US constitution thought wise.] Using his law enforcement experience and data drawn from the FBI's behavioral analysis unit, Jim Kouri has collected a series of personality traits common to a couple of professions. Kouri, who's a vice president of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police, has assembled traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse and manipulation of others. These traits, Kouri points out in his analysis, are common to psychopathic serial killers. But - and here's the part that may spark some controversy and defensive discussion - these traits are also common to American politicians. (Maybe you already suspected.) Yup. Violent homicide aside, our elected officials often show many of the exact same character traits as criminal nut-jobs, who run from police but not for office. Kouri notes that these criminals are psychologically capable of committing their dirty deeds free of any concern for social, moral or legal consequences and with absolutely no remorse. 'This allows them to do what they want, whenever they want,' he wrote. 'Ironically, these same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders.' Good grief! And we not only voted for these people, we're paying their salaries and entrusting them to spend our national treasure in wise ways... He adds: 'While many political leaders will deny the assessment regarding their similarities with serial killers and other career criminals, it is part of a psychopathic profile that may be used in assessing the behaviors of many officials and lawmakers at all levels of government.' " - Andrew Malcolm
'Los Angeles Times', June 15, 2009.
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