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[ 4 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

4 of 4 results found for - "Anthony de Jasay"  
[Quote No.42731] Need Area: Friends > General
"The transition to socialism, in the sense of an almost subconscious, sleep-walking sort of 'maximax' strategy by the state, both to augment its potential discretionary power and actually to realize the greatest possible part of the potential thus created, is likely to be peaceful, dull, and unobtrusive. This is its low-risk high-reward approach. Far from being any noisy 'battle of democracy ... to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the state'; far from involving some heroic revolutionary break with continuity; far from calling for the violent putting down of the propertied minority, the transition to socialism would probably be the more certain the more it relied on the slow atrophy of initially independent, self-regulating subsystems of society. As their free functioning was constrained, the declining vitality of successive chunks of the 'mixed economy' would eventually lead to a passive acceptance of a step-by-step extension of public ownership, if not to a clamour for it." - Anthony de Jasay
Quote from his book, 'The State' [1985].
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[Quote No.44743] Need Area: Friends > General
" obtain the support of some, [the state] must become the actual adversary of others; if there were no class struggle, the state could usefully invent it." - Anthony de Jasay
Quote from 'The State', 1985.
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[Quote No.46099] Need Area: Friends > General
"A presumptive adversary of all in civil society, to obtain the support of some, [the state/government] must become the actual adversary of others [divide and conquer]; if there were no class struggle, the state could usefully invent it." - Anthony de Jasay
'The State', 1985.
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[Quote No.66022] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Small, limited government versus a big, interventionist government:] Inheriting a strong, centralized state apparatus is part of the secret of the successes of both the Jacobin terror and of Bonaparte." - Anthony de Jasay
'The State' [1985].
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