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[ 3 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

3 of 3 results found for - "Arthur Ponsonby"  
[Quote No.35282] Need Area: Friends > General
"'When war is declared, truth is the first casualty'." - Arthur Ponsonby
In 1928
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[Quote No.71252] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Martial Arts and Self-Defense/Self-Defence; War is when civilization’s moral and ethical social contract for association so long as it is free from force and fraud is reversed and force and fraud-propaganda becomes the implicit – never explicit – rule - for all sides - both within and outside the society to win the hearts and minds, treasure and blood, of the citizens and to manipulate and attack psychologically, emotionally and physically those the society is fighting against:] The psychological factor in war is just as important as the military factor. The morale of civilians, as well as of soldiers, must be kept up to the mark. The War Offices, Admiralties, and Air Ministries look after the military side. Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of ‘propaganda’." - Arthur Ponsonby
Quote by the author of the 1928 book, ‘Falsehood in War-time, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War’. [Refer ]
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[Quote No.71253] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Martial Arts and Self-Defense/Self-Defence; War is when civilization’s moral and ethical social contract for association so long as it is free from force and fraud is reversed and force and fraud-propaganda becomes the implicit – never explicit – rule - for all sides - both within and outside the society to win the hearts and minds, treasure and blood, of the citizens and to manipulate and attack psychologically, emotionally and physically those the society is fighting against:] ...a Government which has decided on embarking on the hazardous and terrible enterprise of war must at the outset present a one-sided case in justification of its action, and cannot afford to admit in any particular whatever the smallest degree of right or reason on the part of the people it has made up its mind to fight. Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring will persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question. A moment’s reflection would tell any reasonable person that such obvious bias cannot possibly represent the truth. But the moment’s reflection is not allowed; lies are circulated with great rapidity. The unthinking mass accept them and by their excitement sway the rest. The amount of rubbish and humbug that pass under the name of patriotism in war-time in all countries is sufficient to make decent people blush when they are subsequently disillusioned." - Arthur Ponsonby
Quote by the author of the 1928 book, ‘Falsehood in War-time, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War’. [Refer ]
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