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[ 8 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

8 of 8 results found for - "Ben Carlson"  
[Quote No.54249] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"[Learning is important but using what you learn through planning and action is vital:] In the 1960s, Yale researchers performed a study in which they were trying to influence students to get their tetanus shots. One group of students was given a lecture on the importance of the vaccine. Afterwards the students proclaimed they were convinced about the benefits after hearing the lecture and planned to get their shots. But in the end only 3% of them actually did. The second group of students was given the same exact lecture. Only this time they were given a map of the campus to show them exactly where the health clinic was. They also had to sign up on the spot for a date and time to get their shot. The result? This group had a 28% inoculation rate." - Ben Carlson
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[Quote No.54250] Need Area: Mind > Plan
"[Learning is important but using what you learn through planning and action is vital:] In the 1960s, Yale researchers performed a study in which they were trying to influence students to get their tetanus shots. One group of students was given a lecture on the importance of the vaccine. Afterwards the students proclaimed they were convinced about the benefits after hearing the lecture and planned to get their shots. But in the end only 3% of them actually did. The second group of students was given the same exact lecture. Only this time they were given a map of the campus to show them exactly where the health clinic was. They also had to sign up on the spot for a date and time to get their shot. The result? This group had a 28% inoculation rate!" - Ben Carlson
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[Quote No.60276] Need Area: Money > Save
"Saving money is a huge stress reducer. The best thing a savings or investment account can provide is peace of mind. It's never fun to shell out money for house or car repairs or health-care expenses, but it can take the stress level down a few notches when you realize that you have some savings in the bank that can act as a backstop when things invariably go wrong." - Ben Carlson
He is a money manager at Ritholtz Wealth Management. [ ]
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[Quote No.62555] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Market booms and busts:] Bubbles are like an avalanche. The longer they build up, the worse they will be when they eventually destabilize." - Ben Carlson
Director of institutional asset management at Ritholtz Wealth Management. He is the author of 'Organizational Alpha: How to Add Value in Institutional Asset Management.' [ ]
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[Quote No.70719] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Surviving bear markets requires you to manage both volatility and your emotions." - Ben Carlson

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[Quote No.60277] Need Area: Money > Spend
"Saving money is a huge stress reducer. The best thing a savings or investment account can provide is peace of mind. It's never fun to shell out money for house or car repairs or health-care expenses, but it can take the stress level down a few notches when you realize that you have some savings in the bank that can act as a backstop when things invariably go wrong!" - Ben Carlson
He is a money manager at Ritholtz Wealth Management. [ ]
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[Quote No.60278] Need Area: Money > Spend
"Negotiating is an underrated money skill. I'm by no means an expert negotiator, but simply asking people and businesses for a break on price can go a long way. You don't have to wait until you're haggling for a car to negotiate either. There are plenty of different businesses that are willing to haggle on price — credit card companies, insurance providers, cable companies, banks, retailers, etc. The worst that can happen when you ask for a break on prices or fees is that someone will say no." - Ben Carlson
He is a money manager at Ritholtz Wealth Management. [ ]
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[Quote No.54251] Need Area: Work > Sell
"[Learning is important but using what you learn through planning and action is vital:-] In the 1960s, Yale researchers performed a study in which they were trying to influence students to get their tetanus shots. One group of students was given a lecture on the importance of the vaccine. Afterwards the students proclaimed they were convinced about the benefits after hearing the lecture and planned to get their shots. But in the end only 3% of them actually did. The second group of students was given the same exact lecture. Only this time they were given a map of the campus to show them exactly where the health clinic was. They also had to sign up on the spot for a date and time to get their shot. The result? This group had a 28% inoculation rate." - Ben Carlson
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