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3 of 3 results found for - "David Cross"  
[Quote No.26418] Need Area: Mind > Plan
"Do something [however small] every day to make progress toward achieving your goals, even if that means doing tasks you'd rather avoid." - David Cross

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[Quote No.30816] Need Area: Work > Sell
"Upsell. The moment someone places an order... that's when they are most likely to make another [related] purchase. You can take advantage of this by offering items related to what they just bought. For example, offer a notebook to everyone who buys a pen from you, a multi-vitamin to everyone who buys an herbal supplement from you, an e-book to everyone who subscribes to your investment service. (You get the idea.) Doing this can greatly increase your average sale or transaction value." - David Cross
Marketing consultant
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[Quote No.29365] Need Area: Friends > Children
"I believe that even if a child doesn't grow up to become a full-fledged 'entrepreneur,' the skills they develop by practicing entrepreneurship at an early age are invaluable in life. Running a business teaches self-sufficiency, creativity, persistence, and collaboration. It builds confidence and teaches you how to work through failures until you reach success... I've learned a few things over the years about the benefits of fostering an entrepreneurial 'can-do' spirit in children. 1. Share Your Enthusiasm to Make a Business Out of Things Your Children Already Love: It's easier to go with the flow than to push water uphill. I could have spent months trying to persuade my kids to start their own restaurant... but that just wasn't their passion. They were interested in skateboarding. So a business based on that was a great foundation upon which to grow a new business idea. 2. Plant Seeds and Let Them Grow: Kids are smart and can work a lot out for themselves. But they may need you to suggest a few 'What if?' questions that allow them to see wider possibilities than the one they saw initially. 3. Help Your Children Prepare for Potential Challenges: I asked my boys questions that would prepare them for dealing with order cancellations, import duties, and taxes. 4. Ask Questions - but Let Them Work Out the Answers: This is the kids' project. You want them to feel a sense of achievement as a result of their entrepreneurial venture - not that you did the whole thing for them. You can help out where necessary. But remember, children are incredibly resourceful. They can figure out things for themselves... with a little nudge here and there from you. Let them know that you are always available to help them, but stand back and give them a chance to do as much as possible themselves. Yes, they will make mistakes - but, though disappointing, mistakes are some of the best teachers. 5. Involve Both Parents: This is important whether you are together or separated. Your spouse (or ex) can offer ideas, insights, and experience that your children can benefit from. 6. Recognize the Difference Between Ideas and Actions: This is a big concept for anyone - adults and children alike. You can come up with 'great' ideas for projects or businesses. But until you put them into action, nothing happens. By getting a few projects going yourself, you can give your children the courage to try their own. 7. Persistence Pays: The twin of action is persistence - staying the course. And encouraging your children to dip their toes into entrepreneurship teaches them how to handle 'failure' and not give up. In any undertaking, there will be unexpected setbacks. And entrepreneurship is the perfect way for your kids to learn how to cope with those setbacks and think their way through creative solutions. 8. Clear the Path: Your kids are never too young to learn about the 'Ready, Fire, Aim' approach to achieve success in any endeavor. Too much planning and over-thinking is the enemy of action. Teach your children to get a project started - and then build upon what they discover. 9. Don't Make Money Goal #1: Not every project has to make a profit in order to have value. So don't discourage your kids if they aren't interested in making a buck. If, for example, your daughter wants to put on a free piano recital in your backyard and have attendees donate money to orphans in Africa, that is a wonderful goal. The point is to help your children become strong and happy, not to impose your own vision upon them. Because if your kids enjoy what they're doing, they'll be much more likely to achieve success. The greatest gift my parents ever gave me was this single piece of career advice: 'We don't care what you do as long as you're happy.' This has inspired some interesting choices along the way. But I can honestly look back and say that although some of the choices I've made have been plain hard work, I've never had a dull, boring, or unhappy job in my life. And my sister and brother say the same thing. For me, the main benefit in the time I've spent teaching my kids about entrepreneurship has been the fun we've had learning new things together. That, and discovering more about what my kids are passionate about. At the same time, I know I've been helping them learn some major life skills." - David Cross

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