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[ 5 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

5 of 5 results found for - "Edmund A. Opitz"  
[Quote No.59783] Need Area: Money > Tax
"[Small, limited government, low taxes and free markets:] To the extent that a society limits its government to policing functions which curb the individuals who engage in aggressive and criminal actions, and conducts its economic affairs on the basis of free and willing exchange, to that extent domestic peace prevails. When a society departs from this norm, its governing class begins, in effect, to make war upon the rest of the nation. A situation is created in which everyone is victimized by everyone else under the fiction of each living at the expense of all." - Edmund A. Opitz
(1914-2006), the Rev. Edmund A. Opitz was a Congregationalist minister, a Foundation for Economic Education staff member, who for decades championed the cause of a free society and the need to anchor that society in a transcendent morality. He was one of the few voices in the 1950s through the 1990s calling for an integrated understanding between economic liberty and religious sensibility. He was the founder and coordinator of the Remnant, a fellowship of conservative and libertarian ministers.
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[Quote No.33118] Need Area: Friends > General
"To the extent that a society limits its government to policing functions which curb the individuals who engage in aggressive and criminal actions, and conducts its economic affairs on the basis of free and willing exchange, to that extent domestic peace prevails. When a society departs from this norm, its governing class begins, in effect, to make war upon the rest of the nation. A situation is created in which everyone is victimized by everyone else under the fiction of each living at the expense of all." - Edmund A. Opitz

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[Quote No.59784] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Libertarianism - free markets to determine nearly every thing but with some small, limited government and low taxes:] To the extent that a society limits its government to policing functions which curb the individuals who engage in aggressive and criminal actions, and conducts its economic affairs on the basis of free and willing exchange, to that extent domestic peace prevails. When a society departs from this norm, its governing class begins, in effect, to make war upon the rest of the nation. A situation is created in which everyone is victimized by everyone else under the fiction of each living at the expense of all." - Edmund A. Opitz
(1914-2006), the Rev. Edmund A. Opitz was a Congregationalist minister, a Foundation for Economic Education staff member, who for decades championed the cause of a free society and the need to anchor that society in a transcendent morality. He was one of the few voices in the 1950s through the 1990s calling for an integrated understanding between economic liberty and religious sensibility. He was the founder and coordinator of the Remnant, a fellowship of conservative and libertarian ministers.
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[Quote No.62491] Need Area: Friends > General
"There is a place for government in the affairs of men, and our Declaration of Independence tells us precisely what that place is. The role of government is to protect individuals in their God-given individual rights. Freedom [from force and fraud] is the natural birthright of man, but all that government can do in behalf of freedom is to let the individual alone, and it should secure him in his rights by making others let him alone." - Rev. Edmund A. Opitz
(1914-2006) American minister, author.
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[Quote No.66977] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Small, limited government versus large, power-hungry government:] To the extent that a society limits its government to policing functions which curb the individuals who engage in aggressive and criminal actions, and conducts its economic affairs on the basis of free and willing exchange, to that extent domestic peace prevails. When a society departs from this norm, its governing class begins, in effect, to make war upon the rest of the nation. A situation is created in which everyone is victimized by everyone else under the fiction of each living at the expense of all." - Edmund A. Opitz

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