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1 of 1 results found for - "F. W. Hirst"  
[Quote No.44194] Need Area: Friends > General
"[The ideas of 19th century British manufacturer and Liberal statesman, Richard Cobden, called 'Cobdenism' and later identified with 'laissez-faire'] ...stand out in almost complete opposition to the 'gospel' according to Marx: Cobden's international ideas were based on patriotism and peace, the harmony of classes, reform by constitutional methods, goodwill among men and nations. Cobden...believed in individual liberty and enterprise, in free markets, freedom of opinion and freedom of trade. [His] whole creed was anathema to Karl Marx. He [Karl Marx] had no sense of patriotism or love of country. He urged what he called 'the proletariat' in all countries to overthrow society by a violent revolution, to destroy the middle classes and all employers of labour, whom he denounced as capitalists and slave drivers. He demanded the confiscation of private property and a new dictatorship, the dictatorship of the proletariat. Just as Cobden interpreted and practised the precepts of Adam Smith, so Lenin interpreted and practised the precepts of Karl Marx. These two great men though dead yet speak. They stand out before the civilised world as protagonists of two systems of political economy, political thought and human society [i.e. free market capitalism versus communism]...when this war is over, we in Britain will certainly have to choose whether our Press and Parliament are to be free, whether we are to be a conscript nation, whether private property and savings are to be secured or confiscated, whether we are to be imprisoned without trial; whether we are again to enjoy the right of buying and selling where and how we please — in short whether were are to be ruled as slaves by the bureaucracy of a Police State or as free men by our chosen representatives. This conflict will be symbolised and personified by Richard Cobden and Karl Marx." - F. W. Hirst
Quote from 1941, during the Second World War, as published in 'Richard Cobden and John Morley. Being the Richard Cobden Lecture for 1941' (The Cobden Club, 1941), pp. 37-38. [refer ]
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