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[ 2 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

2 of 2 results found for - "James Stack "  
[Quote No.57500] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Economic management and politics:] Does the [US] stock market affect or predict the [US] election outcome? The old saying that 'people vote their pocketbooks' is more accurate than the average [US] political analyst thinks. While Wall Street typically worries about how politics might affect the market, perhaps [US] Presidential candidates should worry about how the [US] stock market might affect their political outcomes. Historically, the [US] market performance in the three months leading up to a [US] Presidential Election has displayed an uncanny ability to forecast who will win the White House... the incumbent party or the challenger. Since 1928, there have been 22 Presidential Elections. In 14 of them, the Standard and Poor 500 climbed during the three months preceding election day. The incumbent President or party won in 12 of those 14 instances. However, in 7 of the 8 elections where the S&P 500 fell over that three month period, the incumbent party lost. There are only three exceptions to this correlation: 1956, 1968, and 1980. Statistically, the market has an 86.4% success rate in forecasting the election! This relationship occurs because the stock market reflects the economic outlook in the weeks leading up to the election. A rising stock market indicates an improving economy, which means rising confidence and increases the chances of the incumbent party's re-election. Therefore, your time might be better spent from August through October watching the [US] stock market rather than the debates if you want to know who will be [US] President for the next four years." - James Stack
He writes the InvesTech Research newsletter. [ ]
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[Quote No.57499] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Politics and economic management:] Does the [US] stock market affect or predict the [US] election outcome? The old saying that 'people vote their pocketbooks' is more accurate than the average [US] political analyst thinks. While Wall Street typically worries about how politics might affect the market, perhaps [US] Presidential candidates should worry about how the [US] stock market might affect their political outcomes. Historically, the [US] market performance in the three months leading up to a [US] Presidential Election has displayed an uncanny ability to forecast who will win the White House... the incumbent party or the challenger. Since 1928, there have been 22 Presidential Elections. In 14 of them, the S&P 500 climbed during the three months preceding election day. The incumbent President or party won in 12 of those 14 instances. However, in 7 of the 8 elections where the S&P 500 fell over that three month period, the incumbent party lost. There are only three exceptions to this correlation: 1956, 1968, and 1980. Statistically, the market has an 86.4% success rate in forecasting the election! This relationship occurs because the stock market reflects the economic outlook in the weeks leading up to the election. A rising stock market indicates an improving economy, which means rising confidence and increases the chances of the incumbent party's re-election. Therefore, your time might be better spent from August through October watching the [US] stock market rather than the debates if you want to know who will be [US] President for the next four years." - James Stack
He writes the InvesTech Research newsletter. [ ]
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