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[ 1 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

1 of 1 results found for - "John David Hill"  
[Quote No.57886] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Politicians are not necessarily experts in anything as their party usually has many policy advisors and they also can rely on their staff of experienced, permanent public servants:] It's hard to imagine a job that requires less education than that of government minister. It's also hard to imagine a job where the occupant is less likely to seek help than that of government minister. " - John David Hill
(1949 - ), Australian politician, represented the electoral district of Kaurna in the South Australian House of Assembly for the Australian Labor Party from 1997 to 2014. Born in Sydney, Hill attended the University of Sydney and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts. He moved to South Australia in 1974 and became a teacher. He also studied at the University of Adelaide and received his law degree. Following a brief stint as a ministerial adviser during the Bannon Government, Hill became a party official, becoming State Secretary in 1994. He was elected to Parliament as member for Kaurna at the 1997 state election. After Labor won the 2002 election, Hill became a minister in the Rann Government. Initially given the portfolios of Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for the River Murray, Minister for the Southern Suburbs, Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts and Minister for Gambling. He was also the Minister for Health for seven years. Hill did not re-contest his seat at the 2014 election. Quote from his book, 'On Being a Minister - Behind The Mask'.
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