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[ 5 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

5 of 5 results found for - "John Forde"  
[Quote No.25575] Need Area: Work > Sell
"Your sales message will be a lot more effective if you dig deep enough to touch your prospective customer emotionally." - John Forde

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[Quote No.27067] Need Area: Work > Sell
"One message, well developed, just has more impact than ads - short or long - that are overloaded with competing ideas. The tighter and more isolated the core idea, the more powerful the result. Without exception." - John Forde
copywriting expert
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[Quote No.27221] Need Area: Work > Sell
"...your advertising can never 'trick' a customer into doing something he doesn't want to do...or into buying something he doesn't want to buy. But somewhere in the details of what you're offering, you might find those things that connect your product or service to something he deeply desires...It's that simple. This is almost entirely what good salesmanship is all about - finding the spark that bridges the gap between a prospect's most deeply held desires and what your product can do...In your advertising, paint the picture of your prospect feeling the way he wants to feel. Talk about it, develop it, let him enjoy that you walk him subtly down the path that will lead him there. That's all there is to it." - John Forde
published writer and a direct-mail copywriter since 1992
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[Quote No.31667] Need Area: Work > Sell
"I remember being asked by someone interviewing me if I had a 'must-have' list for a good piece of sales copy. I hit all the basics in my answer... - 1. Benefits - 2. More benefits - 3. Specific and even shocking stats and proof - 4. Third-party validation of your claims - 5. Credibility-building testimonials - 6. Some track record of product success - 7. A nice strong offer and airtight guarantee - 8. A firm push to get the order" - John Forde
Copywriting expert who writes a free e-letter, Copywriter's Roundtable.
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[Quote No.32901] Need Area: Work > Sell
"In marketing copy, 'need to know' info is the facts your prospect has to hear to help him make the decision to buy your product [i.e. facts and features of your product or service]. But it's often the 'want to know' info that has more pulling power. By that I'm talking about things your prospect has an emotional interest in [i.e. challenges your product or service will overcome and the benefits to them]." - John Forde
Well-known copywriter.
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