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1 of 1 results found for - "John Wesley Young"  
[Quote No.41370] Need Area: Friends > General
"[In order to make the best, responsible use of their vote in a democracy, each individual should at least try to understand each political party's philosophy, to see if they agree or disagree. For those that hold individual unalienable human rights as paramount they might find the following example diconcerting...] 'Freiheit' (German for freedom or liberty) was another victim of semanticide [the politically driven, complete alteration of the meaning of a word]. 'Liberalism' from Thomas Hobbes onward has tended to define freedom as the absence of restraints upon the individual. Nazism [National Socialism, in German, 'Nationalsozialismus', was the ideology practiced by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany and is considered a variety of fascism] defined it as the absence of restraints upon the state. 'There is no freedom of the individual,' [Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's press secretary, Dr. Otto] Dietrich declared. 'There is only freedom of peoples, nations or races.'" - John Wesley Young
Quote from 'Orwell's Newspeak and Totalitarian Language. Its Nazi and Communist Antecedents',(Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1991), p. 106.
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