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22 of 22 results found for - "Ken Fisher"  
[Quote No.27940] Need Area: Mind > Focus
"[T. Rowe Price, the founder of the highly successful funds management group, T. Rowe Price]... went about his day following a strict agenda [plan], dutifully completing each task in exactly the order written and never undertaking tasks not listed on that day’s agenda." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27237] Need Area: Money > Invest
"I think in terms of E/P instead of P/E." - Ken Fisher
He founded an investment firm that manages more than $30 billion with over 800 employees. He writes the Forbes 'Portfolio Strategy' column and has written three books about investing.
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[Quote No.27904] Need Area: Money > Invest
"...despite all the current fascination with global investing and overseas diversification [in 2008], the American stock market is still the bellwether market of the world; the one on which everyone around the world focuses." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27910] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Industry follows finance. [So long as funding can be found, industry will develop anywhere in the world.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27911] Need Area: Money > Invest
"...the typical merchant bankers’ trade – providing credit for the world’s expanding trade business, trading commodities, shipping bullion, exchanging currencies, and financing importers and exporters." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27914] Need Area: Money > Invest
"To quit [sell] while you’re ahead [with a good rather than an amazing profit] may not be fashionable – but it sure is profitable and smart. [as prices are highest just before they crash. Remember, greed and pride come before a fall.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27915] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Don’t go with the flow. [Don’t follow the crowd.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27916] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Never put all your eggs in one basket. [Make sure to diversify and thereby minimise your company, rather than stock market, risk. Don’t put too much into one investment and especially don’t borrow on margin to do it.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27924] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Free market capitalism:] Financial markets via Wall Street [share and bond investors] and their counterpart cousins of capitalism on Main Street [banks] allocate resources more efficiently than a centrally planned economy ever could." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27925] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Today’s investment banking world is now cast into a realm of specialities- M&A (Merger and Acquisition), venture capital, IPO’s (initial public offerings), etc." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27928] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Adam Smith told us that capitalism would enrich everyone, of all classes, based on individual capability [and contribution]." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27929] Need Area: Money > Invest
"You can’t believe everything you read. [or hear, especially regarding investments.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27947] Need Area: Money > Invest
"When the Federal Reserve decides to increase the money supply, it buys [rather than sells] U.S. bonds, shrinking the bond supply. As the money supply increases [with the cash the Fed uses to buy the bonds], interest rates – sometimes referred to as the ‘price’ of money (actually, the price of renting money) – are lowered [as now there is more cash about looking for a home so the rates don’t have to be so high to attract attention]. So now, if you had a stock and bond that both yielded 10 percent, for instance, the bond’s price would rise [as now the same number of bond investors are competing for fewer bonds] so that its yield would decrease along with the interest rate to say 8 percent. The stock with the same 10 percent yield now looks a lot better than the 8 percent bond, and hence, it will be in greater demand than it was before, relative to the bond. The law of supply and demand translates into higher stock prices. Thus, as the Fed loosens its purse strings, stock prices rise. [and vice versa. Therefore the old share market investment wisdom, ‘Don’t Fight the Fed’.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27953] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Two of the biggest dangers in investing are...] excessive greed and blind trust." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27956] Need Area: Money > Invest
"The Dow theory is based on the belief that the stock market always reflects three distinct movements: 1-A primary trend of four or more years [bull/up or bear/down markets as part of the business cycle]. 2-A secondary reaction of about two weeks to a month [either up or down]. 3-Day-to-day fluctuations. The primary movement has been compared to the tide of the ocean; the secondary reaction has been compared to the waves, which sometimes sweep up on the beach despite an ebbing tide or fall back despite a rising tide; and the daily fluctuations, to ripples and splashes that are unimportant by themselves, but must be considered in the whole picture. The primary trend was said to be bullish when the average of one high point tops those of previous points – just as the tide is said to be rising when waves peak one another." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27957] Need Area: Money > Invest
"In a bull market people will believe anything. [i.e. technical charting, investing by copying insider trades, buy and hold, etc, because nearly all shares go up somewhat until the bull market changes to a bear market.]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27958] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Qualifications and]...credentials don’t always mean you’re right...[one of the world’s most respected economists of the early 1920’s, who became infamous for his poor predictions relating to the 1929 stock market crash, Irving] Fisher’s greatest contribution to Wall Street was his own negative example which should stand as a permanent warning to all concerned with financial markets and economics to steer clear of what economists have to say. Since Fisher’s day all kinds of studies have demonstrated that economists are wrong more often than they are right." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books. Irving Fisher later wrote the book ‘The Stock Market Crash and After’, which collected and detailed his misunderstanding of what was happening and his inability to predict correctly.
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[Quote No.27962] Need Area: Money > Invest
"It is almost spiritually ironic that those who [are greedy and] most want money for what it will buy, are those least likely to make and keep huge amounts of it. Success historically goes to those who pray at the [stock market] game’s altar rather than at the altar of luxury. [those who are more interested in making money than making merry]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27969] Need Area: Money > Invest
"...don’t be a wild gambler, particularly on borrowed money [margin loans, etc], or you end up at the mercy of luck... borrowing also causes acts of desperation not otherwise taken. In the process you can lose integrity – and perhaps everything... [Remember] He who lives by leverage, dies by leverage." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27972] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Remember 'easy' money – isn’t! [If it looks too good to be true - it isn't!]" - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.27974] Need Area: Money > Invest
"[Share investing and] Wall Street is a place with tremendous inherent pressure. If you can’t take the heat, get off the street." - Ken Fisher
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fisher Investments, with over $40 billion under management. He is also a columnist for ‘Forbes’ and an author of a number of share investing books.
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[Quote No.32024] Need Area: Money > Invest
"To avoid overpaying, use multiple metrics - not just price-to-earnings but price-to-sales and price-to-book... Compare a company with both the whole market and peers. Buy quality cheaply." - Ken Fisher
Forbes Magazine, July 13, 2009.
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