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1 of 1 results found for - "Mansoor Hekmat"  
[Quote No.42605] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Dignity, freedom and equality are universal human needs but what that means and how people plan to get and maintain them differs.] Ending terrorism is our task. It is the task of us who fight for people’s equality, for their rights and dignity. State terrorism will end by overthrowing terrorist states. Non-state terrorism must be eradicated by putting an end to the hardships, discrimination, exploitation and suppression that lead people to desperation and make them fall prey to reactionary and inhuman organisations. It can be eradicated by exposing religion, ethnicism, racism and any reactionary ideology, which has no respect for people. Our response is to fight for the creation of an open, free and equal society in which people, their lives, dignity and well being are valued." - Mansoor Hekmat
(1951 - 2002), original name Zhoobin Razani, he was an Iranian Marxist theorist and leader of the worker-communist movement. He opposed the Shah and, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, led the Worker-Communist Party of Iran (WPI), which is opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. He was the husband of fellow politician Azar Majedi. Born in Tehran, and moved to Shiraz where he graduated in economics, at the University of Shiraz. He moved to London in 1973, where he was introduced to Marxist ideas and became a critic of what he saw as distorted versions of communism, including Russian communism, Chinese communism, the guerrilla warfare movement, social democracy and Trotskyism. He founded the Union of Communist Militants in 1978, then took part in the Iranian Revolution of 1979 – marked by the creation of workers' councils (shoras) — and, unlike the major part of the Iranian left-wing, refused to pay allegiance to Islamism and Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini. He denounced the 'myth of a progressive national bourgeoisie'. Hekmat's views made him seek refuge in Kurdistan (1981); because of mounting repression, Hekmat's Union fused with a Kurdish group of Maoist roots, Komalah - together, they formed the Communist Party of Iran (CPI). Hekmat and a group of other CPI members left the party and, in 1991, founded the WPI. He also helped establish the Worker-Communist Party of Iraq. He died of cancer in his London refuge and was buried in Highgate Cemetery, a few meters away from Karl Marx's grave. Quote from 'Ending Terrorism is Our Task', (2001). [ ]
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