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[ 48 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

48 of 48 results found for - "Matthieu Ricard"  
[Quote No.40865] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"One is not born wise; one becomes it." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40939] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"...the power of example speaks more forcefully than any other communication." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.51330] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"We sometimes have to feel like explorers..." - Matthieu Ricard

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[Quote No.40923] Need Area: Mind > Imagine
" life in such a way that we have no regrets when it comes time for us to die." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40935] Need Area: Mind > Imagine
"The spiritual journey [of goal setting and personal growth] is like travelling from one valley to another - beyond each pass lies a landscape more magnificent than the one behind it." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.45693] Need Area: Mind > Imagine
"We sometimes have to feel like explorers, burning with the desire to do what's worth doing and to live life in such a way that we have no regrets when it comes time for us to die!" - Matthieu Ricard

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[Quote No.40901] Need Area: Mind > Focus
"Time often resembles a fine gold powder that we distractedly allow to slip through our fingers without ever realizing it. Put it to good use, it is the shuttle we pass through the weft of our days to weave the fabric of a meaningful life. It is therefore essential to the quest for happiness that we are aware that time is our most precious commodity. This does not mean that we should get rid of what is meaningful in life but rather of that which causes us to waste our life. As Seneca says: ‘It is not that we have so little time, but that we waste so much of it.’ " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.51331] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"We sometimes have to feel like explorers ..." - Matthieu Ricard

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[Quote No.40852] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"[At the heart of all Buddhist practice is]...transforming oneself to better transform the world. " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40864] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"...the development of our deep human potential is like polishing a gold nugget to bring out its shine." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40874] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"It is by transforming our minds that we can transform our world!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness - A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40924] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"Our aim in taking the spiritual [compassionate] path is to transform [and improve] ourselves with a view to [better serving and] helping others free themselves from suffering." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40933] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"[Self-improvement doesn’t happen by itself.] Milk is the source of butter, but it won’t make any if we simply leave it to its own devices; we have to churn it." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40936] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"The spiritual journey [of goal setting and personal growth] is like travelling from one valley to another – beyond each pass lies a landscape more magnificent than the one behind it!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40937] Need Area: Mind > Progress
"The spiritual journey [of goal setting and personal growth] is like travelling from one valley to another – beyond each pass lies a landscape more magnificent than the one behind it!!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40873] Need Area: Mind > General
"It is by transforming our minds that we can transform our world." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness - A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40917] Need Area: Body > General
"[The mystery of death:] Death seems to be so distant, yet it is always so near. Distant because we always imagine it at some time yet to come; near because it can strike at any moment. While our death is certain, its hour is unpredictable. When it comes, no eloquence can persuade it to wait, no power can stop it, no wealth can buy it off, no beauty seduce it... The way we think about death has a considerable impact on our quality of life. Some people are terrified of it, others prefer to ignore it, yet others contemplate it so as to better appreciate [and be grateful for] every passing moment and to recognize what is worth living [and giving their life] for. Accepting death as a part of life serves as a spur to diligence and saves us from wasting our time on vain distractions [and petty annoyances - i.e. ‘Life’s too short for...’]...We do not need to live haunted by death, but we must remain aware of the fragility of existence [if we are to make the most of this precious gift of life and what we can do with it and therefore leave behind to make life better for those that follow us just as those before us have done for us]. This understanding will help us appreciate fully the time we have left to live [optimistically; in the sense of the old saying, ‘ An optimist is a person who is glad that their glass is half full rather than a pessimist who is sad their glass is half empty.’ Then]... Can anyone who has made the most of human life’s extraordinary potential have anything to regret? The farmer who has labored, sown, and reaped his harvest, in good weather and in bad, has nothing to regret; he has done his best. We may blame ourselves only for what we have neglected to do. Someone who has used every second of her life to become a better person and to contribute to other’s happiness can die in peace... Is death like a flame being extinguished, a drop of water being absorbed into parched soil? If so, as Epicurus asserted, it has no bearing on happiness: ‘So death, the most frightening of bad things, is nothing to us; since when we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist.’ But what if death is just a transition and our consciousness will continue to experience countless states of existence? We will need to face this important passage not by focusing on our fear of the suffering of the moment, but by adopting an altruistic, peaceful attitude, free of grasping at possessions and loved ones. In any case, it is surely preferable to spend our final months or moments in serenity than in anxiety. What good does it do to be tormented by the thought of leaving our loved ones and possessions behind and obsessing over the decay of the body? ...The wise man enjoys a very special kind of freedom: prepared for death, he appreciates every moment of life’s bounty. He lives each day as if it were his only one. That day naturally becomes the most precious of his existence...He knows he has no time to lose, that time is precious, and that it is foolish to waste it in idleness. When death finally comes for him, he dies tranquilly, without sadness or regret, without attachment to what he is leaving behind. He leaves life as the eagle soars into the blue." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40910] Need Area: Work > Service
"...bringing happiness to others is ultimately the best way to guarantee our own. " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40925] Need Area: Work > Service
"Our aim in taking the spiritual [compassionate] path is to transform [and improve] ourselves with a view to [better serving and] helping others free themselves from suffering!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40922] Need Area: Work > Leadership
"We sometimes have to feel like explorers, burning with the desire to do what’s worth doing and to live life in such a way that we have no regrets when it comes time for us to die." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40940] Need Area: Work > Leadership
"...the power of example speaks more forcefully than any other communication!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40934] Need Area: Work > Make
"[Improvement doesn’t happen by itself.] Milk is the source of butter, but it won’t make any if we simply leave it to its own devices; we have to churn it. " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40941] Need Area: Work > Sell
"... the power of example speaks more forcefully than any other communication. " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.67599] Need Area: Work > Sell
"Consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream - somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness." - Matthieu Ricard
Biochemist turned Buddhist monk often described as world’s happiest person
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[Quote No.40893] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Humility is a quality invariably found in the sage, who is compared to a tree whose branches, heavy with fruit, bow to the ground. As for the conceited man, he is more like a bare tree whose branches rear up pridefully." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40942] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"... the power of example speaks more forcefully than any other communication! " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.67601] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"Consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream - somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness!!" - Matthieu Ricard
Biochemist turned Buddhist monk often described as world’s happiest person
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[Quote No.40885] Need Area: Friends > General
"Gross National Happiness...At the World Bank forum held in February 2002 in Kathmandu, Nepal, the representative of Bhutan, a Himalayan Buddhist kingdom the size of Switzerland, asserted that while his country’s gross national product [GNP] was not very high, he was, conversely, more than satisfied with its gross national happiness index. Bhutan’s policy of gross national happiness (GNH), viewed with indulgent smiles or private mockery by representatives of the ‘overdeveloped’ countries, was established in the 1980’s by King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and ratified by its parliament. In many industrial nations, economic prosperity is often equated with happiness. However, it is well known that while buying power has risen by 16 percent over the past thirty years in the United States, the percentage of people calling themselves ‘very happy’ has fallen from 36 to 29 percent [D. Leonhardt, ‘If Richer Isn’t Happier, What Is?’, ‘New York Times’, May 19, 2001 B9-11]. We are therefore heading for trouble if we peg our happiness to the Dow Jones Index. Seeking happiness only by improving material conditions is like grinding sand in the hopes of extracting oil." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40911] Need Area: Friends > General
"...bringing happiness to others is ultimately the best way to guarantee our own!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40926] Need Area: Friends > General
"Our aim in taking the spiritual [compassionate] path is to transform [and improve] ourselves with a view to [better serving and] helping others free themselves from suffering!!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.48297] Need Area: Fun > Gratitude
"[Habitual ways of seeing the world, which are an important part of successful life-skills, make an enormous difference to how people experience the very same circumstances. For example:] Experiment with experiencing the same situation through the eyes of optimism [gratitude things are not worse, satisfaction in what’s been achieved already and positive anticipation for the future] and pessimism [bitterness things are not better, dissatisfaction in what’s been achieved already and negative anticipation for the future]. Take, for example, an airplane voyage [and experience it pessimistically]: Imagine that you are on a long airplane trip en route to a strange city to begin a new job. Suddenly the airplane encounters turbulence. You can see the plane’s wings tilting up and down and you visualize the ensuing disaster. Once the turbulence settles down, you realize your seat is too small. You can’t find a comfortable position, and your mind is filled with complaints about the state of airplane travel. You are annoyed that the air hostess is taking forever to bring your drink. When you think ahead to your new job, you feel certain that the people you will meet won’t like or appreciate you. They will ignore your expertise, keep you away from the most interesting projects, and might even cheat you. You are sure that this trip will be a catastrophe. Why did you ever think you could handle it? You are filled with dread. Experience the gloomy state of mind such thoughts create. Then experiment with another way to experience the same situation [optimistically]: When the plane encounters turbulence, you know that it is part of the journey [are grateful the plane is not smaller and the turbulence worse and are thankful for the expertise of the designers, builders, mechanics and pilots] and vividly feel that every instant that passes by is precious. As the turbulence calms down, you feel grateful and hope that you can use the rest of your life constructively. Although your seat is not particularly comfortable, you [are grateful that you have a seat at all and] find positions that relieve the stiffness of your back and legs. You appreciate how cheerful and helpful the air hostess is even though she is busy and has to stand up throughout most of the flight. You are excited by the adventures that await you. You imagine that the people there will be interesting and productive and that you will be given many new opportunities. You are convinced that your activities will flourish and that you have the inner resources to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Experience this buoyant state of mind that is turned to the positive. Appreciate the difference between these two states of mind and understand how they came about simply through the workings of your mind [learned, habitual perspective life-skills] although the outer situation remained the same!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40870] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"Genuine fearlessness arises with the confidence that we will be able to gather the inner resources to deal with any situation that comes our way." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40897] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"When hearing a door creak, the optimist thinks it’s opening and the pessimist thinks it’s closing." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40898] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"Although the optimist may be a little giddy when foreseeing the future, telling himself that it will all work out in the end when that isn’t always the case, his attitude is more fruitful since, in the hope of undertaking a hundred projects, followed up by diligent action, the optimist will end up completing fifty. Conversely, in limiting himself to undertake a mere ten, the pessimist might complete five at best and often fewer, since he’ll devote little energy to a task he feels to be doomed from the start." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40899] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"But there is an even deeper dimension to optimism, that of realizing the potential for transformation [growth towards full potential, personal evolution, self-actualisation] that is in every human being, regardless of his or her condition. It is that potential, in the end, that gives meaning to human life [refer existentialism]. The ultimate pessimism is in thinking that life in general is not worth living [and therefore thoughts of suicide]. The ultimate optimism lies in understanding that every passing moment is a treasure, in joy as in adversity. These are not subtle nuances, but a fundamental difference in the way of seeing things [perspective]." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.48298] Need Area: Fun > Anticipation
"[Habitual ways of seeing the world, which are an important part of successful life-skills, make an enormous difference to how people experience the very same circumstances. For example:] Experiment with experiencing the same situation through the eyes of optimism [gratitude things are not worse, satisfaction in what’s been achieved already and positive anticipation for the future] and pessimism [bitterness things are not better, dissatisfaction in what’s been achieved already and negative anticipation for the future]. Take, for example, an airplane voyage [and experience it pessimistically]: Imagine that you are on a long airplane trip en route to a strange city to begin a new job. Suddenly the airplane encounters turbulence. You can see the plane’s wings tilting up and down and you visualize the ensuing disaster. Once the turbulence settles down, you realize your seat is too small. You can’t find a comfortable position, and your mind is filled with complaints about the state of airplane travel. You are annoyed that the air hostess is taking forever to bring your drink. When you think ahead to your new job, you feel certain that the people you will meet won’t like or appreciate you. They will ignore your expertise, keep you away from the most interesting projects, and might even cheat you. You are sure that this trip will be a catastrophe. Why did you ever think you could handle it? You are filled with dread. Experience the gloomy state of mind such thoughts create. Then experiment with another way to experience the same situation [optimistically]: When the plane encounters turbulence, you know that it is part of the journey [are grateful the plane is not smaller and the turbulence worse and are thankful for the expertise of the designers, builders, mechanics and pilots] and vividly feel that every instant that passes by is precious. As the turbulence calms down, you feel grateful and hope that you can use the rest of your life constructively. Although your seat is not particularly comfortable, you [are grateful that you have a seat at all and] find positions that relieve the stiffness of your back and legs. You appreciate how cheerful and helpful the air hostess is even though she is busy and has to stand up throughout most of the flight. You are excited by the adventures that await you. You imagine that the people there will be interesting and productive and that you will be given many new opportunities. You are convinced that your activities will flourish and that you have the inner resources to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Experience this buoyant state of mind that is turned to the positive. Appreciate the difference between these two states of mind and understand how they came about simply through the workings of your mind [learned, habitual perspective life-skills] although the outer situation remained the same!!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40903] Need Area: Fun > Experiences
"...appreciate the richness of every single moment that passes a luminous stream of melted gold." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40938] Need Area: Fun > Experiences
"She who understands the true nature of things is like a navigator landing on an island made entirely of pure gold; even if she looks for ordinary pebbles, she won’t find any." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.48299] Need Area: Fun > Experiences
"[Habitual ways of seeing the world, which are an important part of successful life-skills, make an enormous difference to how people experience the very same circumstances. For example:] Experiment with experiencing the same situation through the eyes of optimism [gratitude things are not worse, satisfaction in what’s been achieved already and positive anticipation for the future] and pessimism [bitterness things are not better, dissatisfaction in what’s been achieved already and negative anticipation for the future]. Take, for example, an airplane voyage [and experience it pessimistically]: Imagine that you are on a long airplane trip en route to a strange city to begin a new job. Suddenly the airplane encounters turbulence. You can see the plane’s wings tilting up and down and you visualize the ensuing disaster. Once the turbulence settles down, you realize your seat is too small. You can’t find a comfortable position, and your mind is filled with complaints about the state of airplane travel. You are annoyed that the air hostess is taking forever to bring your drink. When you think ahead to your new job, you feel certain that the people you will meet won’t like or appreciate you. They will ignore your expertise, keep you away from the most interesting projects, and might even cheat you. You are sure that this trip will be a catastrophe. Why did you ever think you could handle it? You are filled with dread. Experience the gloomy state of mind such thoughts create. Then experiment with another way to experience the same situation [optimistically]: When the plane encounters turbulence, you know that it is part of the journey [are grateful the plane is not smaller and the turbulence worse and are thankful for the expertise of the designers, builders, mechanics and pilots] and vividly feel that every instant that passes by is precious. As the turbulence calms down, you feel grateful and hope that you can use the rest of your life constructively. Although your seat is not particularly comfortable, you [are grateful that you have a seat at all and] find positions that relieve the stiffness of your back and legs. You appreciate how cheerful and helpful the air hostess is even though she is busy and has to stand up throughout most of the flight. You are excited by the adventures that await you. You imagine that the people there will be interesting and productive and that you will be given many new opportunities. You are convinced that your activities will flourish and that you have the inner resources to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Experience this buoyant state of mind that is turned to the positive. Appreciate the difference between these two states of mind and understand how they came about simply through the workings of your mind [learned, habitual perspective life-skills] although the outer situation remained the same!!!" - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40851] Need Area: Fun > General
"...achieving durable happiness, as a way of being, is a skill. It requires sustained effort in training the mind..." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40855] Need Area: Fun > General
"Happiness is...a way of interpreting the world...while it may be difficult [and time-consuming] to change the world, it is always possible to [instantly] change the way we look at it [and thereby instantly feel happy]...As influential as external conditions may be, suffering, like well-being, is essentially an interior state [and as such it can be alleviated and even eliminated by learning how to use the mind in a deliberate, skilful, time-proven way rather than haphazardly]." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40858] Need Area: Fun > General
"Happiness is...not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward things." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40862] Need Area: Fun > General
"If...happiness is a state that depends on inner conditions, each of us must recognize those conditions with awareness and then bring them together. Happiness is not given to us, nor is misery imposed. At every moment we are at a crossroads [of mental perception, imagination, comparison and interpretation] and must choose the direction we will take [and therefore the emotion we will feel]." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40871] Need Area: Fun > General
"Thoughts can be our best friends and our worst enemies. When they make us feel the entire world is against us, every perception, every encounter, and the world’s very existence become sources of torment. It is our thoughts themselves that rise up as enemies. They stampede through our mind in droves, each one creating its own little drama of ever-increasing confusion [and negativity]. Nothing is right outside because nothing is right inside." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40872] Need Area: Fun > General
"The inability to manage our thoughts proves to be the principal cause of suffering." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40900] Need Area: Fun > General
"[Habitual ways of seeing the world, which are an important part of successful life-skills, make an enormous difference to how people experience the very same circumstances. For example:] Experiment with experiencing the same situation through the eyes of optimism [gratitude things are not worse, satisfaction in what’s been achieved already and positive anticipation for the future] and pessimism [bitterness things are not better, dissatisfaction in what’s been achieved already and negative anticipation for the future]. Take, for example, an airplane voyage [and experience it pessimistically]: Imagine that you are on a long airplane trip en route to a strange city to begin a new job. Suddenly the airplane encounters turbulence. You can see the plane’s wings tilting up and down and you visualize the ensuing disaster. Once the turbulence settles down, you realize your seat is too small. You can’t find a comfortable position, and your mind is filled with complaints about the state of airplane travel. You are annoyed that the air hostess is taking forever to bring your drink. When you think ahead to your new job, you feel certain that the people you will meet won’t like or appreciate you. They will ignore your expertise, keep you away from the most interesting projects, and might even cheat you. You are sure that this trip will be a catastrophe. Why did you ever think you could handle it? You are filled with dread. Experience the gloomy state of mind such thoughts create. Then experiment with another way to experience the same situation [optimistically]: When the plane encounters turbulence, you know that it is part of the journey [are grateful the plane is not smaller and the turbulence worse and are thankful for the expertise of the designers, builders, mechanics and pilots] and vividly feel that every instant that passes by is precious. As the turbulence calms down, you feel grateful and hope that you can use the rest of your life constructively. Although your seat is not particularly comfortable, you [are grateful that you have a seat at all and] find positions that relieve the stiffness of your back and legs. You appreciate how cheerful and helpful the air hostess is even though she is busy and has to stand up throughout most of the flight. You are excited by the adventures that await you. You imagine that the people there will be interesting and productive and that you will be given many new opportunities. You are convinced that your activities will flourish and that you have the inner resources to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Experience this buoyant state of mind that is turned to the positive. Appreciate the difference between these two states of mind and understand how they came about simply through the workings of your mind [learned, habitual perspective life-skills] although the outer situation remained the same." - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.40912] Need Area: Fun > General
"... bringing happiness to others is ultimately the best way to guarantee our own. " - Matthieu Ricard
Initially a young researcher in cellular genetics at the French Institut Pasteur with Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Francois Jacob, he has for the last 35 years been a Buddhist Monk, living and working on humanitarian projects in Tibet and Nepal. He has been dubbed the ‘happiest person in the world’ by the popular media. Quote from his best-selling book, ‘The Art of Happiness- A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’.
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[Quote No.67600] Need Area: Fun > General
"Consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream - somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness!" - Matthieu Ricard
Biochemist turned Buddhist monk often described as world’s happiest person
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