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1 of 1 results found for - "Meg Cabot"  
[Quote No.54001] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past discouragement, rejection, criticism and other negatives - regardless of who the negatives come from whether from so-called authorities or those we are close to and care about and - regardless of what area of life whether it is in science, study, investing, business, inventing, sales, friendship, love, writing, etc. Perusing the biographies of successes will show that this trait is necessary. The following success is just one example of a writer-author: MEG CABOT:] My first rejection letter came the following week. It was followed by two years of rejection letters from agents almost daily (not on Sundays or major holidays, when there was no mail delivery). I kept all my rejection letters in a US postal mail bag under my bed. I vowed when I got published I would a) sneer at everyone who'd rejected me, and b) show the bag to school kids and tell them never to give up on their dreams. I don't know why I didn't quit. Especially when I got such widely divergent rejection letters, everything from the word NO! scrawled across my own query letter and mailed back to me in my SASE, to offers from agents who wanted to help rewrite my book (I wasn't sending out query letters about just one book. I had letters out for several completed mystery series and four different historical romances) for a mere $500. I should mention that this bag, which I still have, turns out to be way too heavy to carry, so I have never actually taken it to any schools to show kids how they should never give up on their dreams. Although I do go to schools and tell them that. I just don't bring the bag as a visual aid. The truth is, I can't even lift it. [A year later her manuscript for ‘The Princess Diaries’ was accepted and it has now sold more than 15 million copies.]" - Meg Cabot
[Refer: --- --- –jk Rowling --- --- ]
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