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[ 7 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

7 of 7 results found for - "Peter Boettke"  
[Quote No.45718] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"[To teach well focus of the important ideas and give practical examples:] I will not teach you any concept without applying it to something important." - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University
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[Quote No.47809] Need Area: Money > Invest
"Governments, ancient as well as modern, Adam Smith told us want to engage in this juggling trick of deficit spending, accumulating public debt, and then debasing the currency to pay the debts off cheaply [using inflation, as appears to be the case with central bank quantitative easing since the Great Recession of 2008-09]. The task was to constrain the juggling as such a policy leads to the ruin of nations and in some instances the collapse of civilization. Orthodox economics from Smith to Hayek taught the dangers of this juggling. Keynes argued we need to embrace the juggling. We haven't stopped juggling ever since." - Peter Boettke
George Mason University economist. [ ]
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[Quote No.45716] Need Area: Money > General
"There is nothing as dangerous as an economist who only knows economics except the moral [and political] philosopher who knows no economics." - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University
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[Quote No.45717] Need Area: Friends > General
"There is nothing as dangerous as an economist who only knows economics except the moral [and political] philosopher who knows no economics!" - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University
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[Quote No.45720] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Economist Friedrich] Hayek in the essay 'Individualism, True and False,' has a great summary of what [economic, social and political philosopher Adam] Smith is talking about. And he says that there's no doubt Smith and his contemporaries were trying to find a [political and economic] system where bad men could do least harm, rather than finding a system where perfect men could rule, you know, justly...he summarizes the classical distinction as: We're trying to deal with men as they are, sometimes stupid, right? Sometimes smart, you know. Sometimes evil. We're dealing with the men as they are, and then we are trying to find that institutional environment [Government Constitution and political, social and economic structure] which will marshal their base motivations in a direction which will generate the best outcome for the group as a whole. And he says the great discovery of the 17th century philosophers, 17th and 18th century philosophers, was that it was the [capitalist] private property, [free] market economy [i.e. free market capitalism]." - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University. [ ]
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[Quote No.45721] Need Area: Friends > General
"So [Austrian, free market economist James] Buchanan's puzzle, Constitutionally, is: can I empower the protective and productive state without unleashing the redistributive state? And it turns out, in the 20th century we haven't been very successful at doing that. And that becomes our puzzle. Now, how do I think through that Constitutional project? It's also the project that James Madison cared about, right? Madison said: If men were angels there'd be no need for government [to stop them from abusing their power], and if government were run by angels there'd be no need for constraints [to stop them from abusing their power]. But it's precisely because men are going to rule over other men, we must empower - that would be the protective [i.e. police, law (the criminal justice system, judges), military defense forces, etc] and the productive [i.e. roads, infrastructure, etc]. But then constraint - which would be tighten up the redistributive [i.e. entitlements, Social Security, farm bills, etc]." - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University. [ ]
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[Quote No.66025] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Small, limited government versus large, interventionist government; free-market capitalism versus socialist planned economy: Economist Friedrich] Hayek in the essay 'Individualism, True and False,' has a great summary of what [economic, social and political philosopher Adam] Smith is talking about. And he says that there's no doubt Smith and his contemporaries were trying to find a [political and economic] system where bad men could do least harm, rather than finding a system where perfect men could rule, you know, justly...he summarizes the classical distinction as: We're trying to deal with men as they are, sometimes stupid, right? Sometimes smart, you know. Sometimes evil. We're dealing with the men as they are, and then we are trying to find that institutional environment [Government Constitution and political, social and economic structure] which will marshal their base motivations in a direction which will generate the best outcome for the group as a whole. And he says the great discovery of the 17th century philosophers, 17th and 18th century philosophers, was that it was the [capitalist] private property, [free] market economy [i.e. free market capitalism]." - Peter Boettke
Economics Professor at George Mason University. [ ]
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