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16 of 16 results found for - "Sergeant Rory Miller"  
[Quote No.28932] Need Area: Mind > Learn
"Read lots of books. When you commute, listen to recorded books and when you have dead time and no real life around you to watch, crack open a book. Read as much as you can on as many subjects as you can and keep both a sceptical and an open mind. Just because it got published doesn’t mean it is true." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28919] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial arts] In theory there is no difference between theory and reality. In reality, there is. [especially regarding martial art techniques]" - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28920] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial arts] [Real life is not like television. You can still function after being stabbed or shot, if you do not think that that is the end and give up.] If you are shot or stabbed, KEEP RUNNING! One soldier took over thirty rifle bullets and still carried two men to the helicopter." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28921] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] Before anything bad happens, preferably years before, you should become familiar with the legal aspects of self-defense – how much force you can legally use, when you can use it, and when to stop." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28922] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] A parameter too few self-defense instructors address is 'not getting sued'." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28923] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] The legal essence of self-defense is that you are required to use ‘the minimum level of force’ which you ‘reasonably believe’ is necessary to safely resolve the situation [where you feel threatened, which involves making an assessment which you can justify in court of the other person’s intent, means and opportunity to harm you.]" - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28924] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] Of everything...skill at fighting [and self-defense] is the least likely to affect your survival in a sudden assault. It’s better to avoid than to run; better to run than to de-escalate; better to de-escalate than to fight; better to fight than to die." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28925] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] Violence [etc] in the past is the strongest indicator of violence [etc] in the future. Predators rarely cease to prey...[The most important aspect of self-defense is to develop a heightened ability to assess and] avoid violent [criminal, dangerous - even selfish] people. [and potentially hazardous situations]" - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28926] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] Whether it is inborn or a product of environment, there is a criminal personality [as opposed to the law-abiding individual who makes a one-time mistake]. Actually, there are a handful with different flavours and quirks, but with a single factor that makes them behave in a criminal fashion: they consider themselves more important than their victims and their desires more important than the rules that allow people to live in a society. Whether the behavior is driven by a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, in which case the self-esteem is so great [or in fact so weak] that the criminal feels he [or she] deserves and should have anything he [or she] wants or the Antisocial Personality Disorder in which other people are of no value – just toys, tools or resources – the behavior gets to the same place – [the] use and abuse of other humans." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28927] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] One of the things that has always amazed me about criminals [both male and female] is the mental gymnastics they do to convince [deceive] themselves [and others] that they are both the good guys [for example espousing deep ‘religious’ beliefs] and the victims...[and that their behaviour and lifestyles are]...honorable, logical and justified. [Nothing could be further from the truth.]" - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28928] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] People are not charming [without effort]; charm is something they use to get what they want. [Usually this is something innocent like to be friends however that is not always the case. A worldly-wise person, who has the intelligence to avoid trouble, doesn’t become charmed, for example by flattery, and drop their defenses rather] When someone attempts to use charm, ask yourself what they want. It might be bad [for you if you don't]." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28929] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] The predator who works off the blitz, the sudden overwhelming attack, chooses his victims carefully. The best defense, at this stage, is to look and act like someone who would be a very expensive victim, someone who would make an attacker pay. It is projecting confidence and self-value [as well as the other skills of self-defense, which include a heightened awareness of potential danger, martial art skills, etc]." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28930] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] Bad things happen in places. Bad things are done by bad people. If you avoid the bad people and bad places, you usually avoid [most of] the bad events." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28931] Need Area: Body > General
"[Self-Defence/Martial Arts] The Golden Rule of Combat: Your most powerful weapon, applied to your opponent’s greatest vulnerability, at his time of maximum imbalance." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28934] Need Area: Body > General
"Many of the books you read will have bibliographies. Bibliographies will lead you to more information. Often the sources quoted go into much more detail on a single aspect of the issue than was presented in the book." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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[Quote No.28933] Need Area: Fun > Books
"Read more non-fiction than fiction. The world is a huge and amazing place and in history and anthropology you will find weirdness and drama that puts fiction to shame. And you will gain some insight, because everything connects." - Sergeant Rory Miller
Highly respected American Corrections officer since 1991. He has studied martial arts since 1981, and has a teaching certificate in Sosuishitsu-ryu Jujutsu. He is also a Police Defensive Tactics, Use of Force and Confrontational Simulations Instructor and leads his agency’s Corrections Tactical Team. He wrote the book, ‘Meditations On Violence – A comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence’ to help martial artists better understand the difference between martial art techniques and what to expect, is legal and works in real world situations.
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