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[ 7 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

7 of 7 results found for - "Steve Goodier"  
[Quote No.52151] Need Area: Mind > Plan
"[A true story - with a message about the value of preparation for success.] - Are You Ready? - In her book 'Teaching a Stone to Talk' (New York: Harper Collins, 1988) Annie Dillard reveals a sad, but poignant story about what happens when we set out unprepared. She tells of a British Arctic expedition which set sail in 1845 to chart the Northwest Passage around the Canadian Arctic to the Pacific Ocean. Neither of the two ships and none of the 138 men aboard returned. Captain Sir John Franklin prepared as if they were embarking on a pleasure cruise rather than an arduous and gruelling journey through one of earth's most hostile environments. He packed a 1,200 volume library, a hand-organ, china place settings for officers and men, cut-glass wine goblets and sterling silver flatware, beautifully and intricately designed. Years later, some of these place settings would be found near a clump of frozen, cannibalized bodies. The voyage was doomed when the ships sailed into frigid waters and became trapped in ice. First ice coated the decks, the spars and the rigging. Then water froze around the rudders and the ships became hopelessly locked in the now-frozen sea. Sailors set out to search for help, but soon succumbed to severe Arctic weather and died of exposure to its harsh winds and sub-freezing temperatures. For some twenty years, remains of the expeditions were found all over the frozen landscape. The crew did not prepare either for the cold or for the eventuality of the ships becoming ice-locked. On a voyage which was to last two to three years, they packed only their Navy-issue uniforms and the captain carried just a 12-day supply of coal for the auxiliary steam engines. The frozen body of an officer was eventually found, miles from the vessel, wearing his uniform of fine blue cloth, edged with silk braid, a blue greatcoat and a silk neckerchief -- clothing which was noble and respectful, but wholly inadequate. Historians may doubt the wisdom of such an ill-prepared journey. ...To embark on a journey unprepared can set us up for disastrous results. But the good news is, we can still prepare for ours. And in large part, the success of our voyage will be determined by our regular and systematic preparation. Are you ready?" - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52421] Need Area: Mind > Persist
"[A true story - with a message about persisting past failures, even tragedies, to eventually reach success.] - Mt. Everest - It took 32 years of failures for dedicated climbers to reach the top of Mt. Everest, a peak scaled so often now it hardly makes the newspaper! At over 29,000 feet of altitude, snow never melts atop Mt. Everest. Sometimes winds at the summit reach 200 miles per hour. George Leigh-Mallory is first recorded as attempting the climb in 1921. On his third try, in 1924, he disappeared into the mist, never to be seen again. The mountain had won. Eight more attempts were made on the mountain resulting in eight more failures. But finally, along came Edmund Hillary in 1953, who, along with his guide, conquered the peak for the first time!" - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52212] Need Area: Work > Leadership
"[A true story - with a message about leading by example.] - A Living Message - Vincent Van Gogh was not always an artist. In fact, he wanted to be a church pastor and was even sent to the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879. He discovered that the miners there endured deplorable working conditions and poverty-level wages. Their families were malnourished and struggled simply to survive. He felt concerned that the small stipend he received from the church allowed him a moderate life-style, which, in contrast to the poor, seemed unfair. One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging home, he spotted an old man staggering toward him across the fields, wrapped in a burlap sack for warmth. Van Gogh immediately laid his own clothing out on the bed, set aside enough for one change, and determined to give the rest away. He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident. He lived on starvation rations and spent his stipend on food for the miners. When children in one family contracted typhoid fever, though feverish himself, he packed up his bed and took it to them. A prosperous family in the community offered him free room and board. But Van Gogh declined the offer, stating that it was the final temptation he must reject if he was to faithfully serve his community of poor miners. He believed that if he wanted them to trust him, he must become one of them. And if they were to learn of the love of God through him, he must love them enough to share with them. He was acutely aware of a wide chasm which can separate words and actions. He knew that people's lives often speak louder and clearer than their words. Maybe it was that same knowledge that led Francis of Assisi to frequently remind his monks, 'Wherever you go, preach. Use words if necessary.' " - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52392] Need Area: Work > General
"[A true story - with a message about choosing your vocation and career and living up to your potential.] - Sitting on Your Talent - There was a man played piano in a bar. He was a good piano player. People came out just to hear him play. But one night, a patron told him he didn't want to hear him just play anymore. He wanted him to sing a song. The man said, ‘I don't sing.’ But the customer was persistent. He told the bartender, ‘I'm tired of listening to the piano. I want that guy to sing!’ The bartender shouted across the room, ‘Hey buddy! If you want to get paid, sing a song. The patrons are asking you to sing!’ So he did. He sang a song. A piano player who had never sung in public did so for the very first time. And nobody had ever heard the song 'Mona Lisa' sung the way it was sung that night by Nat King Cole! He had talent he was sitting on [not using, not sharing]! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar, but because he had to sing, he went on to become one of the best-known entertainers in America. You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel as if your ‘talent’ is particularly great, but it may be better than you think! And with persistence, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may as well have no ability at all if you sit on whatever talent you possess!" - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52425] Need Area: Work > General
"[A true story - with a message about finding your vocation and career.] - Follow Your Bliss - Author Joseph Campbell often talked about ‘following your bliss.’ I heard of a bus driver in Chicago who does just that. He sings while he drives. That's right... SINGS! And I don't mean he sings softly to himself, either. He sings so that the whole bus can hear! All day long he drives and sings. He was once interviewed on Chicago television. He said that he is not actually a bus driver. ‘I'm a professional singer,’ he asserted. ‘I only drive the bus to get a captive audience every single day.’ His ‘bliss’ is not driving a bus, though that may be a source of enjoyment for some people. His bliss is singing. And the supervisors at the Chicago Transit Authority are perfectly happy about the whole arrangement. You see, people line up to ride his bus. They even let other busses pass by so they can ride with the ‘singing bus driver.’ They love it! Here is a man who believes he knows why he was put here on earth. For him, it is to make people happy. And the more he sings, the more people he makes happy! He has found a way to align his purpose in living with his occupation. By following his bliss, he is actually living the kind of life he believes he was meant to live. Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you pursue it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live. And chances are... you will be happy." - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52021] Need Area: Friends > Conversation
"[A story - with a message about optimism versus pessimism.] - The World's Most Communicative Disease - There is a funny story in circulation about an optimistic farmer who couldn't wait to greet each new day with a resounding, ‘Good morning, God!’ He lived near a woman whose morning greeting was more like, ‘Good God... morning?’ They were each a trial to the other. Where he saw opportunity, she saw problems. Where he was satisfied, she was discontented. One bright morning he exclaimed, ‘Look at the beautiful sky! Did you see that glorious sunrise?’ ‘Yeah,’ she countered. ‘It'll probably get so hot the crops will scorch!’ During an afternoon shower, he commented, ‘Isn't this wonderful? Mother Nature is giving the corn a drink today!’ ‘And if it doesn't stop before too long,’ came the sour reply, ‘we'll wish we'd taken out flood insurance on the crops!’ Convinced that he could instill some awe and wonder in her hardened attitude, he bought a remarkable dog. Not just any mutt, but the most expensive, highly-trained and gifted dog he could find. The animal was exquisite! It could perform remarkable and impossible feats which, the farmer thought, would surely amaze even his neighbor. So he invited her to watch his dog perform. ‘Fetch!’ he commanded, as he tossed a stick out into a lake, where it bobbed up and down in the rippling water. The dog bounded after the stick, walked ON the water, and retrieved it. ‘What do you think of that?’ he asked, smiling. ‘Hmmm,’ she frowned. ‘Can't swim, can he?’ Sometimes I think that negative thoughts are the world's most communicative diseases. More catching than any known virus, and just as deadly. But an attitude of awe and wonder can be just as contagious! Which will you be spreading today? " - Steve Goodier

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[Quote No.52022] Need Area: Fun > General
"[A story - with a message about optimism versus pessimism.] - The World's Most Communicative Disease! - There is a funny story in circulation about an optimistic farmer who couldn't wait to greet each new day with a resounding, ‘Good morning, God!’ He lived near a woman whose morning greeting was more like, ‘Good God... morning?’ They were each a trial to the other. Where he saw opportunity, she saw problems. Where he was satisfied, she was discontented. One bright morning he exclaimed, ‘Look at the beautiful sky! Did you see that glorious sunrise?’ ‘Yeah,’ she countered. ‘It'll probably get so hot the crops will scorch!’ During an afternoon shower, he commented, ‘Isn't this wonderful? Mother Nature is giving the corn a drink today!’ ‘And if it doesn't stop before too long,’ came the sour reply, ‘we'll wish we'd taken out flood insurance on the crops!’ Convinced that he could instill some awe and wonder in her hardened attitude, he bought a remarkable dog. Not just any mutt, but the most expensive, highly-trained and gifted dog he could find. The animal was exquisite! It could perform remarkable and impossible feats which, the farmer thought, would surely amaze even his neighbor. So he invited her to watch his dog perform. ‘Fetch!’ he commanded, as he tossed a stick out into a lake, where it bobbed up and down in the rippling water. The dog bounded after the stick, walked ON the water, and retrieved it. ‘What do you think of that?’ he asked, smiling. ‘Hmmm,’ she frowned. ‘Can't swim, can he?’ Sometimes I think that negative thoughts are the world's most communicative diseases. More catching than any known virus, and just as deadly. But an attitude of awe and wonder can be just as contagious! Which will you be spreading today?" - Steve Goodier

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