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[ 19 Item(s) displayed from page 1 ]

19 of 19 results found for - "William Graham Sumner"  
[Quote No.68232] Need Area: Mind > Imagine
"[Individuality, authenticity, evolve into your best self; Individual freedom and personal responsibility - do not choose to be a burden for someone else without their free, informed consent:-] Every man and woman in society has one big duty. That is, to take care of his or her own self. This is a social duty. For, fortunately, the matter stands so that the duty of making the best on one's self individually is not a separate thing from the duty of filling one's place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done." - William Graham Sumner
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other [1883]
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[Quote No.68233] Need Area: Mind > Evolve
"[Individuality, authenticity, evolve into your best self; Individual freedom and personal responsibility - do not choose to be a burden for someone else without their free, informed consent:- ] Every man and woman in society has one big duty. That is, to take care of his or her own self. This is a social duty. For, fortunately, the matter stands so that the duty of making the best on one's self individually is not a separate thing from the duty of filling one's place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done." - William Graham Sumner
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other [1883]
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[Quote No.25742] Need Area: Money > Tax
"The invectives against capital in the hands of those who have it [and the desire to redistribute it through taxes and subsidies] are double - faced, and when turned about is nothing but demands for capital in the hands of those who have it not, in order that they may do with it just what those who have it are now doing with it. [but without suffering the risks, time and hardships of earning it themselves]" - William Graham Sumner
(1840 - 1910) American economist
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[Quote No.58761] Need Area: Money > Tax
"The type and formula of most schemes of [taxation and fiscal policy as well as] philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a sociological [and human rights to individual peaceful freedom, including the pursuit of private property] point of view, is that C is not allowed a voice in the matter, and his position, character, and interests, as well as the ultimate effects on society through C's interests, are entirely overlooked. I call C the Forgotten Man." - William Graham Sumner
(1840-1910) American academic and professor at Yale College. Source: William Graham Sumner's Essay, 'The Forgotten Man'.
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[Quote No.19587] Need Area: Money > General
"The invectives against capital in the hands of those who have it are double - faced, and when turned about is nothing but demands for capital in the hands of those who have it not, in order that they may do with it just what those who have it are now doing with it." - William Graham Sumner
(1840 - 1910) American economist
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[Quote No.19586] Need Area: Property > General
"Property is dear to men not only for the sensual pleasure it can afford, but also because it is the bulwark of all they hold dearest on earth, and above all else, because it is the safeguard of those they love most against misery and all physical distress." - William Graham Sumner
(1840 - 1910) American economist
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[Quote No.18784] Need Area: Friends > Children
"There is no such penalty for error and folly as to see one's children suffer for it. There is no such reward for a well spent life as to see one's children well started in life, owing to their parents' good health, good principles, fixed character, good breeding, and in general the whole outfit that enables them to fight the battle of life with success." - William Graham Sumner
(1840 - 1910) American economist
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[Quote No.68234] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Individuality, authenticity, evolve into your best self; individual freedom and personal responsibility - do not choose to be a burden for someone else without their free, informed consent:-] Every man and woman in society has one big duty. That is, to take care of his or her own self. This is a social duty! For, fortunately, the matter stands so that the duty of making the best on one's self individually is not a separate thing from the duty of filling one's place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done." - William Graham Sumner
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other [1883]
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[Quote No.13294] Need Area: Friends > General
"The real danger of democracy is that the classes which have power under it will assume all the rights and reject all the duties." - William Graham Sumner

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[Quote No.19135] Need Area: Friends > General
"Wherever there is a force in human society the problem is to use it and regulate it; to get the use and prevent the abuse of it. The state is no exception; on the contrary, it is the chief illustration." - William Graham Sumner
(1840 - 1910) American economist
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[Quote No.32183] Need Area: Friends > General
"The danger of [an over-interventionist government] minding people's business is twofold. First, there is the danger that a man may leave his business unattended to; and, second, there is the danger of an impertinent interference with another's affairs. The 'friends of humanity' almost always run into both dangers." - William Graham Sumner
'What Social Classes Owe to Each Other' [1883].
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[Quote No.33897] Need Area: Friends > General
"Every man and woman in society has one big duty. That is, to take care of his or her own self. This is a social duty. For, fortunately, the matter stands so that the duty of making the best on one's self individually is not a separate thing from the duty of filling one's place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done." - William Graham Sumner
'What Social Classes Owe to Each Other', 1883.
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[Quote No.46098] Need Area: Friends > General
"Liberty means the security given to each man that, if he employs his energies to sustain the struggle on behalf of himself and those he cares for, he shall dispose of the product exclusively as he chooses. It is impossible to know whence any definition or criterion of justice can be derived, if it is not deduced from this view of things; or if it is not the definition of justice that each shall enjoy the fruit of his own labor and self-denial, and of injustice that the idle and the industrious, the self-indulgent and the self-denying, shall share equally in the product." - William Graham Sumner
'Socialism', 1880.
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[Quote No.53625] Need Area: Friends > General
"Gentlemen, the time is coming when there will be two great classes, Socialists, and Anarchists. The Anarchists want the government to be nothing [and the individual to be everything], and the Socialists want government to be everything [and the individual to be nothing]. There can be no greater contrast. Well, the time will come when there will be only these two great parties, the Anarchists representing the laissez faire doctrine and the Socialists representing the extreme view on the other side, and when that time comes I am an Anarchist." - William Graham Sumner
(1840-1910) American academic and professor at Yale College. Source: quoted in Mark Thornton, 'The Economics of Prohibition' (University of Utah Press, 1991), p. 17.
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[Quote No.58108] Need Area: Friends > General
"Gentlemen, the time is coming when there will be two great classes, Socialists, and Anarchists. The Anarchists want the government [power] to be nothing, and the Socialists want government [power] to be everything. There can be no greater contrast. Well, the time will come when there will be only these two great parties, the Anarchists representing the laissez faire doctrine and the Socialists representing the extreme view on the other side, and when that time comes I am an Anarchist [for individual power and freedom rather than for an all-powerful government which doesn't allow any individual power or freedom]." - William Graham Sumner
(1840-1910) American academic and professor at Yale College. Source: quoted in Mark Thornton, 'The Economics of Prohibition' (University of Utah Press, 1991), p. 17.
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[Quote No.64707] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Ethics and morality; The Golden Rule of treating others as you'd like to be treated; 'Live and let live':] If I want to be free from any other man's dictation, I must understand that I can have no other man under my control." - William Graham Sumner
(1840-1910) American academic and professor at Yale College.
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[Quote No.67301] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Self-Defense and Martial Arts:] War is never a handy remedy, which can be taken up and applied by routine rule. No war which can be avoided is just to the people who have to carry it on, to say nothing of the enemy...In the forum of reason and deliberation war never can be anything but a makeshift, to be regretted; it is the task of the statesman to find rational means to the same end." - William Graham Sumner
'The Conquest of the United States by Spain and Other Essays', published 1898.
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[Quote No.67686] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Self-Defense and Martial Arts:] War is never a handy remedy, which can be taken up and applied by routine rule. No war which can be avoided is just to the people who have to carry it on, to say nothing of the enemy...In the forum of reason and deliberation war never can be anything but a makeshift, to be regretted; it is the task of the statesman to find rational means to the same end. " - William Graham Sumner
The Conquest of the United States by Spain and Other Essays [1898]
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[Quote No.68231] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Individuality, authenticity, evolve into your best self; Individual freedom and personal responsibility - do not choose to be a burden for someone else without their free, informed consent:] Every man and woman in society has one big duty. That is, to take care of his or her own self. This is a social duty. For, fortunately, the matter stands so that the duty of making the best on one's self individually is not a separate thing from the duty of filling one's place in society, but the two are one, and the latter is accomplished when the former is done." - William Graham Sumner
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other [1883]
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