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[Quote No.55148] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] To be compassionate, kind, merciful and humane is a great virtue." - Ramayana [Hindu]
5.38.39 - The epic Sanskrit-Hindu poem the Ramayana is considered the Adi Kavya, the first ever epic poem written. Its author, Maharshi Valmiki, is known as the Adi Kavi, the first ever poet in the history of Sanskrit literature.
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[Quote No.55152] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] Rama, the ancient idol of the heroic ages, the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideals son, the ideals husband, the ideal father, and, above all, the ideals all, the ideal king, this Rama has been presented before us [in the epic poem Ramayana] by the great saint Valmiki. ...Rama and Sita are the ideals [role models] of the Indian nation." - Swami Vivekananda [Hindu]
(1863 - 1902), Swami Vivekananda, born Narendra Nath Datta, was an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th-century saint Ramakrishna. [ ]
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[Quote No.55157] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics, reciprocity and The Golden Rule:] Do naught to others which, if done to thee, would cause thee pain: this is the sum of duty." - The Mahabharata [Hindu]
Hindu epic poem, circa 800 BCE.
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[Quote No.55159] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality, ethics, reciprocity and 'The Golden Rule':] No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself." - Quran [Koran]
Refer the book, 'Ethical Decision Making', by Les Livingstone, page 5.
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[Quote No.55160] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Religious freedom:] I think every religious person should have a deep sense of respect for other people's religious documents and religious symbols..." - Newt Gingrich
Newton Leroy 'Newt' Gingrich is an American politician, historian, author and political consultant. He represented Georgia's 6th congressional district as a Republican.
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[Quote No.55161] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] Do not commit evil deeds, whether openly or in secret. And harm not others, except by way of justice or law." - The Quran [Koran]
06:151 (Surah al-An’am)
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[Quote No.55166] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Religious freedom and individual, free choice:] Let there be no compulsion [force or fraud] in religion." - The Quran [Koran]
2:256 (Surah al-Baqarah)
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[Quote No.55173] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] The person who is always involved in good deeds experiences incessant divine happiness." - Rig Veda
This is an ancient Indian, sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. The word in sanskrit means rig 'praise, verse' and veda 'knowledge'. It is counted among the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas. It is one of the oldest extant texts in any Indo-European language, being composed in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent, roughly between 1700–1100 BC (the early Vedic period).
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[Quote No.55189] Need Area: Friends > General
"Emergencies [public crises] have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded." - F. A. Hayek

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[Quote No.55192] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Equality:] Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself." - Robert G. Ingersoll
(1833-1899) American political leader, orator
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[Quote No.55194] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience." - French Proverb

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[Quote No.55209] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Law and order; crime and punishment; positive and negative incentives:] Justice which does not bear a sword beside its scales soon falls into ridicule." - Charles de Gaulle
(1899 - 1970)
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[Quote No.55218] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Beware politicians and bureaucrats making poorly justified calls to go to war as sometimes...] A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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[Quote No.55223] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] In the battle between Good and Evil, Good is always at a disadvantage because it plays by the rules." - Dr. Mardy Grothe

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[Quote No.55224] Need Area: Friends > General
"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - Joseph Conrad

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[Quote No.55236] Need Area: Friends > General
"A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within. The essential causes of Rome’s decline lay in her people, her morals, her class struggle, her failing trade, her bureaucratic despotism, her stifling taxes, her consuming wars." - Will Durant

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[Quote No.55255] Need Area: Friends > General
"If some peoples pretend that history or geography gives them the right to subjugate [the human birth-rights of] other races, nations, or peoples, there can be no peace." - Ludwig von Mises

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[Quote No.55256] Need Area: Friends > General
"Liberty ...consists, not so much in removing all restraint from the orderly, as in imposing it on the violent." - Fisher Ames
(1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer. Source: Essay on Equality, December 15, 1801.
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[Quote No.55257] Need Area: Friends > General
"A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates. It therefore follows, as a natural and also a logical result, that the governmental exercise of any power not authorized by the constitution is an assumed power, and therefore illegal." - Thomas Paine
(1737-1809) US Founding father, pamphleteer, author. Quote from 1805.
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[Quote No.55259] Need Area: Friends > General
"The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[Quote No.55267] Need Area: Friends > General
"War is not an adventure. It is a disease. It is like typhus." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(1900 - 1944)
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[Quote No.55268] Need Area: Friends > General
"The very right to vote imposes on me the duty to instruct myself in public affairs [politics and economics], however little influence my voice may have in them." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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[Quote No.55271] Need Area: Friends > General
"War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague brings. The earthquake means good business for construction workers, and cholera improves the business of physicians, pharmacists, and undertakers; but no one has for that reason yet sought to celebrate earthquakes and cholera as stimulators of the productive forces in the general interest." - Ludwig von Mises

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[Quote No.55272] Need Area: Friends > General
"Freedom without responsibility is [and creates] chaos." - Rod Steiger

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[Quote No.55276] Need Area: Friends > General
"Pain is a [teaching] gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity. The recognition of pain and fear in others [through empathy, teach] give rise in us to pity, and in our pity is our humanity [our kindness], our redemption!" - Dean Koontz
Quote from his novel, 'Velocity', 2005.
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[Quote No.55323] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Politicians, would-be leaders and seekers of fame should remember that, often...] To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it." - Queen Elizabeth I
(1533 - 1603), Elizabeth I was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, the childless Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty.
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[Quote No.55334] Need Area: Friends > General
"[In wars and conflicts all governments, especially 'democratic' governments, want to first win the hearts and minds of their own citizens to justify their policies and therefore either use a false-black flag operation where they use their own or affiliated forces to attack their own country which they can then spin as an unprovoked attack requiring 'justified self-defence' or they conspire to force their desired opponent's hand, diplomatically or economically. Throughout history there are many, many examples of politicians using this. The following article recounts a commonly believed opinion, outside of the English-speaking world, about the U.S.A.government's behavior, employing these time-tested techniques, just before their involvement in World War II.] 'Economic Sanctions Cause War, Not Peace — Some Lessons From FDR’s Embargo Against Japan' - Ask a typical American how the United States got into World War II, and he will almost certainly tell you that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Americans fought back. Ask him why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and he will probably need some time to gather his thoughts. He might say that the Japanese were aggressive militarists who wanted to take over the world, or at least the Asia-Pacific part of it. Ask him what the United States did to provoke the Japanese, and he will probably say that the Americans did nothing: we were just minding our own business when the crazy Japanese, completely without justification, mounted a sneak attack on us, catching us totally by surprise in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. You can’t blame him much. For more than 60 years such beliefs have constituted the generally accepted view among Americans, the one taught in schools and depicted in movies—what ‘every schoolboy knows.’ Unfortunately, this orthodox view is a tissue of misconceptions. Don’t bother to ask the typical American what U.S. economic warfare had to do with provoking the Japanese to mount their attack, because he won’t know. Indeed, he will have no idea what you are talking about. In the late nineteenth century, Japan’s economy began to grow and to industrialize rapidly. Because Japan has few natural resources, many of the burgeoning industries had to rely on imported raw materials, such as coal, iron ore or steel scrap, tin, copper, bauxite, rubber, and petroleum. Without access to such imports, many of which came from the United States or from European colonies in Southeast Asia, Japan’s industrial economy would have ground to a halt. By engaging in international trade, however, the Japanese had built a moderately advanced industrial economy by 1941. At the same time, they also built a military-industrial complex to support an increasingly powerful army and navy. These armed forces allowed Japan to project its power into various places in the Pacific and east Asia, including Korea and northern China, much as the United States used its growing industrial might to equip armed forces that projected U.S. power into the Caribbean and Latin America, and even as far away as the Philippine Islands. When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, the U.S. government fell under the control of a man who disliked the Japanese and harbored a romantic affection for the Chinese because, some writers have speculated, Roosevelt’s ancestors had made money in the China trade. Roosevelt also disliked the Germans (and of course Adolf Hitler), and he tended to favor the British in his personal relations and in world affairs. He did not pay much attention to foreign policy, however, until his New Deal began to peter out in 1937. Afterward, he relied heavily on foreign policy to fulfill his political ambitions, including his desire for re-election to an unprecedented third term. When Germany began to rearm and to seek Lebensraum aggressively in the late 1930s, the Roosevelt administration cooperated closely with the British and the French in measures to oppose German expansion. After World War II commenced in 1939, this U.S. assistance grew ever greater and included such measures as the so-called destroyer deal and the deceptively named Lend-Lease program. In anticipation of U.S. entry into the war, British and U.S. military staffs secretly formulated plans for joint operations. U.S. forces sought to create a war-justifying incident by cooperating with the British navy in attacks on German U-boats in the north Atlantic, but Hitler refused to take the bait, thus denying Roosevelt the pretext he craved for making the United States a full-fledged, declared belligerent—an end that the great majority of Americans opposed. In June 1940, Henry L. Stimson, who had been secretary of war under Taft and secretary of state under Hoover, became secretary of war again. Stimson was a lion of the Anglophile, Northeastern upper crust and no friend of the Japanese. In support of the so-called Open Door Policy for China, Stimson favored the use of economic sanctions to obstruct Japan’s advance in Asia. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau and Interior Secretary Harold Ickes vigorously endorsed this policy. Roosevelt hoped that such sanctions would goad the Japanese into making a rash mistake by launching a war against the United States, which would bring in Germany because Japan and Germany were allied. Accordingly, the Roosevelt administration, while curtly dismissing Japanese diplomatic overtures to harmonize relations, imposed a series of increasingly stringent economic sanctions on Japan. In 1939 the United States terminated the 1911 commercial treaty with Japan. ‘On July 2, 1940, Roosevelt signed the Export Control Act, authorizing the President to license or prohibit the export of essential defense materials.’ Under this authority, ‘[o]n July 31, exports of aviation motor fuels and lubricants and No. 1 heavy melting iron and steel scrap were restricted.’ Next, in a move aimed at Japan, Roosevelt slapped an embargo, effective October 16, ‘on all exports of scrap iron and steel to destinations other than Britain and the nations of the Western Hemisphere.’ Finally, on July 26, 1941, Roosevelt ‘froze Japanese assets in the United States, thus bringing commercial relations between the nations to an effective end. One week later Roosevelt embargoed the export of such grades of oil as still were in commercial flow to Japan.’ The British and the Dutch followed suit, embargoing exports to Japan from their colonies in Southeast Asia. An Untenable Position: Roosevelt and his subordinates knew they were putting Japan in an untenable position and that the Japanese government might well try to escape the stranglehold by going to war. Having broken the Japanese diplomatic code, the Americans knew, among many other things, what Foreign Minister Teijiro Toyoda had communicated to Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura on July 31: ‘Commercial and economic relations between Japan and third countries, led by England and the United States, are gradually becoming so horribly strained that we cannot endure it much longer. Consequently, our Empire, to save its very life, must take measures to secure the raw materials of the South Seas.’ Because American cryptographers had also broken the Japanese naval code, the leaders in Washington knew as well that Japan’s ‘measures’ would include an attack on Pearl Harbor. Yet they withheld this critical information from the commanders in Hawaii, who might have headed off the attack or prepared themselves to defend against it. That Roosevelt and his chieftains did not ring the tocsin makes perfect sense: after all, the impending attack constituted precisely what they had been seeking for a long time. As Stimson confided to his diary after a meeting of the war cabinet on November 25, ‘The question was how we should manoeuvre them [the Japanese] into firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.’ After the attack, Stimson confessed that ‘my first feeling was of relief ... that a crisis had come in a way which would unite all our people.’ " - Robert Higgs
Independent Institute, July 11, 2015. [ ]
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[Quote No.55387] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality, reciprocity, Golden Rule:] He, who lives under the guidance of reason, desires for others the good that he seeks for himself..." - Benedict Spinoza
(1632 - 1677) Dutch - Jewish philosopher
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[Quote No.55395] Need Area: Friends > General
"Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you’re already in heaven now." - Jack Kerouac

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[Quote No.55398] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality, ethics, reciprocity, Golden Rule:] Kindness's original meaning of kinship or sameness has stretched over time to encompass sentiments that today go by a wide variety of names – sympathy, generosity, altruism, benevolence, humanity, compassion, pity, empathy... The precise meanings of these words vary, but fundamentally they all denote what the Victorians called 'open-heartedness', the sympathetic expansiveness linking self to other." - Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor
Adam Phillips is a psychoanalyst and Barbara Taylor is an historian. This is a quote from their book, 'On Kindness'.
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[Quote No.55420] Need Area: Friends > General
"Civil rights, as we may remember, are reducible to three primary heads; the right of personal security; the right of personal liberty; and the right of private property. In a state of slavery, the two last are wholly abolished, the person of the slave being at the absolute disposal of his master; and property, what he is incapable, in that state, either of acquiring, or holding, in his own use. Hence, it will appear how perfectly irreconcilable a state of slavery is to the principles of a democracy, which form the basis and foundation of our [U.S.] government." - St. George Tucker
(1752-1827) born in Bermuda, American lawyer, professor of law, judge. Source: Tucker, St. George (1803), 'View of the Constitution of the United States', p. 419-420.
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[Quote No.55421] Need Area: Friends > General
"I am not an Athenian or a Greek, I am a citizen of the world." - Socrates
(469-399 B.C.) Greek philosopher
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[Quote No.55422] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Self-Defence and Martial Arts:] Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state." - Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President.
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[Quote No.55424] Need Area: Friends > General
"Weak eyes are fondest of glittering objects [and 'famous' celebrities]." - Thomas Carlyle
(1795-1881) Scottish Philosopher and Author
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[Quote No.55425] Need Area: Friends > General
"The wise do freely, early and in good time, what fools do later out of necessity." - Proverb

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[Quote No.55427] Need Area: Friends > General
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(1929-1968), US civil rights leader
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[Quote No.55429] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Morality and ethics:] If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it." - Immanuel Hermann von Fichte
(1796-1879) German philosopher
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[Quote No.55432] Need Area: Friends > General
"The most important political office is that of private citizen." - Justice Louis D. Brandeis
(1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice
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[Quote No.55436] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Nearly] All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land." - William Kingdon Clifford
(1845-1879) English mathematician, philosopher.
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[Quote No.55437] Need Area: Friends > General
"...the idea is quite unfounded, that on entering into society we give up any natural right." - Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President. Source: Letter to Francis W. Gilmer (27 June 1816); 'The Writings of Thomas Jefferson' edited by Ford, vol. 10, p. 32.
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[Quote No.55439] Need Area: Friends > General
"Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards." - Max Weber
(1863 - 1920), a German, who was a founding father of Sociology.
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[Quote No.55446] Need Area: Friends > General
"He is free who knows how to keep in his own hands the power to decide, at each step, the course of his life, and who lives in a society which does not block the exercise of that power." - Salvador de Madariaga

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[Quote No.55467] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Freedom of thought, speech, expression and press versus censorship and propaganda:] The governments of the great States have two instruments for keeping the people dependent, in fear and obedience: a coarser [instrument = force i.e.], the army; and a more refined [instrument = information, opinion, even deliberate fraud i.e. media including], the school!" - Friedrich Nietzsche
(1844-1900), philosopher. Source: 'The Complete Works of Frederick Nietzsche', 152 (O. Levy Ed. 1974).
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[Quote No.55468] Need Area: Friends > General
"[In history, government's foreign policy has included 'regime change' by direct and indirect economic influence as well as by physical force such as war, for example, Indonesia’s President Suharto in the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98:] On August 14, 1997, shortly after the Thai baht collapsed on July 2nd, Indonesia floated the rupiah. This prompted the IMF to proclaim that 'the floating of the rupiah, in combination with Indonesia’s strong fundamentals, supported by prudent fiscal and monetary policies, will allow its economy to continue its impressive economic performance of the last several years.' Contrary to the IMF's [stated] expectations, the rupiah did not float on a sea of tranquility. It plunged from 2,700 rupiahs per U.S. dollar at the time of the float to lows of nearly 16,000 rupiahs per U.S. dollar in 1998. Indonesia was caught up in the maelstrom of the Asian crisis. By late January 1998, President Suharto realized that the IMF medicine was not working and sought a second opinion. In February, I [Steve Hanke] was invited to offer that opinion and began to operate as Suharto’s Special Counselor. I proposed as an antidote an orthodox currency board in which the rupiah would be fully convertible into the U.S. dollar at a fixed exchange rate. On the day that news hit the street, the rupiah soared by 28% against the U.S. dollar. These developments infuriated the U.S. government and the IMF. Ruthless attacks on the currency board idea and the Special Counselor ensued. Suharto was told in no uncertain terms — by both the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and the Managing Director of the IMF, Michel Camdessus — that he would have to drop the currency board idea or forego $43 billion in foreign assistance. Why all the fuss over a currency board for Indonesia? Politics. The U.S. and its allies wanted a regime change in Jakarta, not currency stability. Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleberger weighed in with a correct diagnosis: 'We were fairly clever in that we supported the IMF as it overthrew [Suharto]. Whether that was a wise way to proceed is another question. I’m not saying Mr. Suharto should have stayed, but I kind of wish he had left on terms other than because the IMF pushed him out'. Even Michel Camdessus [Managing Director of the IMF] could not find fault with these assessments. On the occasion of his retirement, he proudly proclaimed: 'We created the conditions that obliged President Suharto to leave his job'. As the Indonesian episode should teach us, the IMF's management can be very political and often neither trustworthy nor competent." - Steve Hanke
American applied economist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. He is also a Senior Fellow and Director of the Troubled Currencies Project at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, and Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise in Baltimore, MD. Hanke is known for his work as currency reformer in emerging-market countries such as Argentina, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Ecuador. He was a Senior Economist with President Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1981–82, and has served as an adviser to heads of state in countries throughout Asia, South America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is also known for his pioneering work on currency boards, dollarization, hyperinflation, water pricing and demand, benefit-cost analysis, privatization, and other topics in applied economics. Hanke has written extensively as a columnist for Forbes magazine, Globe Asia, and other publications. He is also a successful currency and commodity trader and is currently [2015] Chairman of Hanke-Guttridge Capital Management, LLC – an investment manager located in Maryland that employs a long-short equity strategy. [ ]
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[Quote No.55473] Need Area: Friends > General
"The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned." - Dag Hammarskjold
(1905 - 1961)
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[Quote No.55526] Need Area: Friends > General
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead." - Ernest Hemingway
(1899-1961), author and journalist, Nobel laureate.
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[Quote No.55530] Need Area: Friends > General
"If we don't begin by imagining the perfect society, how shall we create one?" - Isabel Allende

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[Quote No.55544] Need Area: Friends > General
"[Free market promoting politicians should remember...] With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise [i.e. free market competition] in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves [preferring to benefit from the political support and protection known as crony capitalism rather than the more demanding, meritocratic and democratic efforts and risks required by free market capitalism]." - Milton Friedman
Famous free-market economist.
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[Quote No.55569] Need Area: Friends > General
"Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." - Michael Rivero
(1952- ) Composer, production engineer
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[Quote No.55570] Need Area: Friends > General
"... I suggest that the more the state intervenes in such situations, the more 'necessary' (on this view) it becomes, because positive altruism and voluntary cooperative behaviour atrophy in the presence of the [non-nightwatchman, interventionist] state and grow in its absence. Thus, again, the state [and big government statism] exacerbates the conditions which are supposed to make it necessary. We might say that the state is like an addictive drug: the more of it we have, the more we 'need' it and the more we come to 'depend' on it [as we acquire 'learned helplessness' [rather than self-reliance and voluntary cooperation]." - Michael Taylor
Source: 'The Possibility of Cooperation', 1987, p. 168.
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