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  Quotations - Children  
[Quote No.50622] Need Area: Friends > Children
"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson!!" - Tom Bodett

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[Quote No.50674] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Many politicians [and parents]... are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition that no people [or child] ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool... who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim." - Thomas Babington Macaulay
(1800-1859) [Lord Macaulay] 1st Baron Macaulay, British historian
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[Quote No.50746] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire!" - William Butler Yeats
(1865-1939) writer, Nobel Laureate.
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[Quote No.50990] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and deeper it sinks into the mind!!!" - Samuel Taylor

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[Quote No.51002] Need Area: Friends > Children
"We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors!" - Lyndon B. Johnson
36th U.S. president
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[Quote No.51056] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Childhood is the one prison from which there's no escape, the one sentence from which there's no appeal. We all serve our time." - P. D. James
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[Quote No.51112] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Childhood is a vital stage of character development as shown in the following statements:] Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterwards." - Francis Xavier
(1506-1552), Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta, Roman Catholic missionary, co-founder of the Society of Jesus.
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[Quote No.51113] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Childhood is a vital stage of character development as shown in the following statements:] Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
(1870 - 1924), Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, First Leader of the Soviet Union.
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[Quote No.51147] Need Area: Friends > Children
"It has always seemed strange to me that in our endless discussions about education so little stress is laid on the pleasure of becoming an educated person, the enormous interest it adds to life. To be able to be caught up into the world of thought -- that is to be educated!" - Edith Hamilton
(1867-1963) educator and writer
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[Quote No.51178] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Have you ever wished that life came with an instruction manual? That your childhood educational system would have taught the basic lessons of how to live a meaningful life [LIFE-skills]? That our elders were our mentors in the full sense of the word - gladly sharing their vast life knowledge and experience in a manner full of support and encouragement? It sounds like utopia, doesn't it? Too often in modern society it seems like individuals are thrown out into life like a baby into a stormy ocean - to sink or swim on their own, to make a happy, successful life by somehow (by osmosis?) learning the real rules of existence. Unfortunately, these lessons are seldom taught by the respected institutions of our various societies. It should come as no surprise then that they are even less often put into practice. Are there mysterious secrets which one can discover to master life? Or is this merely naive wishful thinking? I believe it is neither. The lessons of living a meaningful, happy life are not unattainable arcana hidden on the dark side of the moon, accessible only to channelers and oracles. Nor are they the illusive dreaming of the gullible eternal optimist. In fact, most of us know how to live a meaningful, satisfied life. It's just that we forget. Luckily, there are those who remind us. [The website is an organised and searchable repository of these little pearls of wisdom from humanity's most imaginative, creative and productive to help us remember, use and share them so we can all freely meet our needs, pursue our dreams and continually grow better at being our best selves, for the good of all!] " - Kenn Kassman
He earned his doctorate in political science at the University of Hawaii. He currently teaches futures studies and American cultural courses at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from the web 9th May, 2012. [ ]
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[Quote No.51558] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message: focus on praising what can do, rather than criticising what can't.] An Unusual Bird Dog - There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind in the world. That could walk on water. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw this miracle. At the same time, he was very pleased that he could show off his new acquisition to his friends. He invited a friend to go duck hunting. After some time, they shot a few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. All day-long, the dog ran on water and kept fetching the birds. The owner was expecting a comment or a compliment about his amazing dog, but never got one. As they were returning home, he asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, 'Yes, in fact, I did notice something unusual. Your dog can’t swim.' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.51562] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message: Gentle persuasion is better than than violent force] 'The North Wind and the Sun' - The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him; and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak. And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two!" - Aesop
'The North Wind and the Sun' is one of Aesop's Fables.
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[Quote No.51601] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about the power of words to encourage or destroy:] Two Frogs - A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, ‘Did you not hear us?’ The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. This story teaches two lessons: 1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. 2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way! Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another. " - Unknown

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[Quote No.51624] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about praising what have rather than criticizing what haven't:] There are some people who knock the pyramids because they don't have elevators!" - Jim Ferree

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[Quote No.51744] Need Area: Friends > Children
"I think the future of [greater happiness, productivity and self-actualising potential through] psychotherapy and psychology is in the school system. We need to teach every child [the life-skills of] how to rarely seriously disturb himself or herself [through their own negative, pessimistic and irrational thoughts and beliefs] and how to overcome disturbance when it occurs [through becoming more positive, optimistic and rational by, among other methods, using skepticism to challenge unsubstantiated negativity and irrationality]!" - Dr. Albert Ellis
(1913-2007), Dr. Albert Ellis has been considered one of the most influential psychotherapists in history. In a survey conducted in 1982 among approximately 800 American clinical and counseling psychologists, Albert Ellis was considered even more influential in the field than Sigmund Freud. Prior to his death in 2007, 'Psychology Today' described him as the 'greatest living psychologist'. He developed in 1955, rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), the pioneering form of cognitive behavior therapy. It is a highly effective, action-oriented psychotherapy that teaches individuals to identify, challenge, and replace their self-defeating thoughts and beliefs with healthier thoughts that promote emotional well-being and goal achievement.
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[Quote No.51785] Need Area: Friends > Children
"One of the hardest things to teach a child is that the truth is more important than the consequences." - O. A. Battista
(1917-1995), [Orlando Aloysius Battista] Canadian-American chemist and author.
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[Quote No.51861] Need Area: Friends > Children
"The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved; the willful cutting of the cord that would otherwise keep the child in a state of emotional dependence." - Lewis Mumford

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[Quote No.51872] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Why is it that the members of a family feel privileged to treat one another with a cruelty they would not exhibit to the merest stranger?" - Fannie Hurst

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[Quote No.51876] Need Area: Friends > Children
"Children have almost an intuitive discernment between the maxims you bring forward for their use, and those by which you direct your own conduct." - Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Eighteenth-century English poet and writer in a 1773 essay.
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[Quote No.51897] Need Area: Friends > Children
"The etiquette of intimacy is very different from the etiquette of formality, but manners are not just something to show off to the outside world. If you offend the head waiter, you can always go to another restaurant. If you offend the person you live with, it's very cumbersome to switch to a different family!" - Judith Martin
etiquette guide also known as 'Miss Manners'.
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[Quote No.51990] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about leading sensitively with praise, positivity and kindness.] - And, And, And - Peeking out from the corner of my desk blotter is a note, slowly yellowing and bent from time. It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences, but with enough impact to change my life forever. In it, she praises my abilities as a writer without qualification. Each sentence is full with love, offering specific examples of what my pursuit has meant to her and my father. The word 'but' never appears on the card, however the word 'and' is there almost a half dozen times. Every time I read it--which is almost every day--I am reminded to ask myself if I am doing the same thing for my daughters. I've asked myself how many times I've 'but-ted' them, and me, out of happiness. I hate to say that it's more often than I'd like to admit. Although our eldest daughter usually got all A's on her report card, there was never a semester when at least one teacher would not suggest that she talked too much in class. I always forgot to ask them if she was making improvement in controlling her behavior, if her comments contributed to the discussion in progress or encouraged a quieter child to talk. Instead, I would come home and greet her with, 'Congratulations! Your Dad and I are very proud of your accomplishment, but could you try to tone it down in class?' The same was true of our younger daughter. Like her sister, she is a lovely, bright, articulate and friendly child. She also treats the floor of her room and the bathroom as a closet, which has provoked me to say on more than one occasion, 'Yes, that project is great, but clean up your room!' I've noticed that other parents do the same thing. 'Our whole family was together for Christmas, but Kyle skipped out early to play his new computer game.' 'The hockey team won, but Mike should have made that last goal.' 'Amy's the homecoming queen, but now she wants $200 to buy a new dress and shoes.' But, but, but. Instead, what I learned from my mother is that if you really want love to flow to your children, start thinking 'and, and, and...' instead. For example: 'Our whole family was together for Christmas dinner, and Kyle mastered his new computer game before the night was through.' 'The hockey team won, and Mike did his best the whole game.' 'Amy's the homecoming queen, and she's going to look gorgeous!' The fact is that 'but' feels bad -- 'and' feels good. And when it comes to our children, feeling good is definitely the way to go. When they feel good about themselves and what they are doing, they do more of it, building their self-confidence, their judgment and their harmonious connections to others. When everything they say, think or do is qualified or put down in some way, their joy sours and their anger soars. This is not to say that children don't need or won't respond to their parents' expectations. They do and they will, regardless of whether those expectations are good or bad. When those expectations are consistently bright and positive and then are taught, modeled and expressed, amazing things happen. 'I see you made a mistake. And I know you are intelligent enough to figure out what you did wrong and make a better decision next time.' Or, 'You've been spending hours on that project, and I'd love to have you explain it to me.' Or, 'We work hard for our money, and I know you can help figure out a way to pay for what you want.' It's not enough just to say we love our children. In a time when frustration has grown fierce, we can no longer afford to limit love's expression. If we want to tone down the sound of violence in our society, we're going to have to turn up the volume on noticing, praising, guiding and participating in what is right with our children. 'No more buts!' is a clarion call for joy. It's also a challenge, the opportunity fresh before us every day to put our attention on what is good and promising about our children, and to believe with all our hearts that they will eventually be able to see the same in us and the people with whom they will ultimately live, work and serve. And if I ever forget, I have my mother's note to remind me." - Robin L. Silverman
She is an inspirational writer, public speaker, and consultant who has published more than 1200 newspaper and magazine articles.
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[Quote No.51991] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about breaking down barriers to communication between children and parents.] - 'Assumed Identities' - I came home from school yesterday afternoon feeling sad and sorry for myself. My boyfriend of nearly two years had dumped me for an airheaded cheerleader. That wasn't supposed to happen. Our senior year is supposed to be special. Actually, he didn't have the guts. Three of his jockey friends were more than happy to relate the news to me. I hate all of them. My heart was broken to say the least. There was nothing I hated more than being lonely. I walked home slowly from school on an old dirt road that paralleled a shallow canal. It reeked of dying fish and dried up algae. The sun had been unrelenting for weeks. I stopped in front of the doorstep of my family's house, wiping my feet carefully on the welcome mat and brushing the dust off of my clothes. ‘Why are you home from school so late young lady?’ came the first thing out of my father's mouth when I opened the door. It wasn't a question. It was more like an accusation. I walked by him without saying a word. I wasn't ready to deal with this ‘Don't you walk away from me! You are nothing but trouble, you know that? Go to your room right now.’ I gave him a 'wish you were dead' look and stampeded straight to my room. Good, that's where I wanted to be anyway. My father had been so mean and discriminating for many months now. I really couldn't stand the sight of him anymore. I hated him at that moment too. I hated all men. My bedroom door slammed shut and was locked right away. No way I was letting anyone in. I turned my computer on and took off my shoes as it connected to the internet. I needed to talk to someone, anyone who would listen. Making myself comfortable in a small swivel chair, I searched for a chat room for people locally. I found one easily and clicked on the romance section. I needed to feel loved at that moment, even if it was all phony. When asked to enter a log-on name I typed in Lonely Heart, for that's what I was. There's no way I would ever give out my real name on the internet. Too many crazy people out there. ‘Hello Lonely, what brings you here this afternoon?’ came a message on my screen. I looked closer for the name of this guy. Loneliness. ‘Well I see we have something in common. I just came to find someone to talk to,’ I typed back in my slow hunt-and-peck method. ‘Same here,’ came his quick reply. ‘What do you want to talk about?’ Then on the spur of the moment I just told him everything bad about my day and my life. The words came out freely and I really didn't expect him to understand my feelings. Men never understand. ‘Just a minute,’ he answered. ‘I need to do something really quick but I'll be right back.’ He wasn't coming back. I didn't blame him. Should have known better than to think a man would listen to me. There was a pounding on my bedroom door at that moment. I jumped up in my chair half-startled. ‘Tatiana?’ came my father's all too well known accusing voice. ‘There's leftovers in the refrigerator for supper when you get hungry. I'll be in my study room if you need me.’ And then he was gone. Good riddance. ‘I know how you feel,’ magically appeared on my screen a few seconds later. I couldn't believe it. He really did come back. ‘I feel much the same way as you do. My family hates me. I have no friends. They will never understand how much I really love them,’ he typed quickly. ‘Why don't you just tell them?’ I asked. ‘I can't.’ I decided not to push him any further about it. We made small talk about our feelings and what we wanted from life. This man did understand me. This conversation was a blessing to me. ‘Lonely, I'm dying.’ I didn't quite understand. ‘What do you mean?’ I asked eagerly. ‘What I said. I'm dying and I'm scared.’ There were no words exchanged for a minute or two. I knew what he was saying. I just didn't want to believe it. ‘How so?’ I responded after an eternity. ‘I went to doctor a few months ago. I have cancer. He said I might live for thirty days or thirty years. There's just no way to tell.’ My heart suddenly dropped. Somehow I felt a special bond with this man. He was like an old friend. He couldn't be dying. It just wasn't fair. ‘I don't know what to say,’ I answered back honestly. ‘Don't say anything. I haven't told anyone yet. I am so scared and worried of what will become of my family. I love them so much.’ Another silence. ‘And they don't even know it.’ There was an intolerable silence now. I glanced quickly at my watch. Somehow time had slipped by for morning had already arrived. Suddenly I knew what I needed to do. I needed to meet this man in person to let him know that someone does care. His family was selfish to leave him feeling such despair. ‘Loneliness?’ I typed. ‘Yes?’ ‘I have enjoyed this so much but I have to leave soon. I feel silly for asking this. Is there any way we can meet in person later today or this week?’ There was no hesitation this time. ‘I would like that very much. You do live in Sanderson right? Maybe we can meet at the coffee shop downtown?’ he asked. ‘Sure. Four o'clock this afternoon if you can make it.’ I looked at my watch again. Nearly eight in the morning. ‘Okay, it's a date then,’ came the seemingly cheerful reply. ‘I can't wait!’ I typed in and said out loud at the same time. ‘Gotta run now though. Meet me at the little table by the front window. See ya then!’ and I shut the computer down quickly. I stood up from the swivel chair and stretched for the first time in over twelve hours. I hadn't gotten up for anything all night. By then I was starving so I unlocked the bedroom door and headed for the kitchen in a daze. My little brother was there eating some kind of bran cereal. I just grabbed a couple of bananas from the marble counter top and headed back to my room to get ready for the day. I passed by Dad's study room and saw the light creeping from under his door. I don't think he ever went to sleep last night. Several times I could have sworn I heard him laughing and mumbling to himself throughout the night. I doubt it though. I just wanted to get out of the house before he started yelling and bickering again. The day at school today seemed to go by pretty fast. I saw Jonathan, my ex-boyfriend, in the halls between some of my classes. He seemed happier than usual but he didn't have the nerve to look at me. I didn't see his new girlfriend with him either. That didn't matter to me though. I was going to meet the nicest, kindest man I had ever known in just a few hours. I wrote him a letter during my study break. It was basically just to let him know that someone did care and that he was loved. Even if it was only by me, a complete stranger. The final bell at school finally rang. I saw Jonathan race down the halls like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. It was three forty-five now. I had fifteen minutes to walk to the coffee shop downtown. It was less than a mile away. I was so scared all of the sudden. What if this man didn't like me? What if he was just some sick person who wanted to hurt me? What if he was twelve years old or eighty years old? It didn't really matter I supposed. We were meeting in a public place and I said I'd be there. Besides, I just knew deep down inside he was telling the truth. He was dying. He needed me. I walked slowly down the gravel sidewalk to the coffee shop with my heart pounding furiously every step of the way. It was a mile long but it seemed much shorter now. I was getting there too fast. I pulled my arm close to my face and looked at my watch. Three fifty-five. The coffee shop was almost empty when I finally stepped inside its swinging doors. No one was in the seat by the front window. I told the man behind the counter that I was just waiting for a friend. He smiled and nodded slightly. I slid into one of the seats by the front window with my back to the door. Two minutes after four. My new friend wasn't coming. I was disappointed but a little relieved too. Then I heard the little bell above the front door ring wildly. Someone had stepped in. I didn't dare turn around to see who it was. Maybe this was the moment of truth. There was a strong hand on my shoulder then. It was him. I couldn't breathe. He spoke the name he knew me by softly, almost like he was crying. ‘Lonely_Heart.’ I finally had the courage to look up at him directly in the eyes. He was crying. His right hand was covering his forehead like he was lost from the world. Then I cried with him. We hugged and sat there for hours just enjoying each other's company. There wasn't a single moment when tears weren't shed. This man was perfect. This man was my father. " - Timothy David

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[Quote No.52006] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about the gentle empathy needed to deal kindly with others.] - A Lesson From A Terrapin - There was a boy who found a terrapin, more commonly known as a turtle. He started to examine it but the turtle pulled in its head and closed its shell like a vice. The boy was upset and he picked up a stick to try to pry it open. The boy's uncle saw all this and remarked, 'No, that's not the way! In fact, you may kill the turtle but you'll not get it to open up with a stick.' The uncle took the terrapin into the house and set it near the fireplace. It wasn't but a few minutes until it began to get warm. Then the turtle pushed out its head, then stretched out its legs and began to crawl. 'Turtles are like that,' said the uncle, 'and people, too. You can't force them into anything.' But if you first warm them up with some real kindness, more than likely, they will do what you want them to do. " - Unknown
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[Quote No.52018] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the importance of hugs to our young children and how grateful we should be for them in our lives.] - Touch - Yesterday I paused outside the deli in my office building to let pass a rather harried looking mother pushing a stroller loaded with a variety of shoulder bags and a small little girl. My mind was elsewhere and I never actually saw what caused it, but halfway through this narrow doorway a wheel of the stroller caught on the threshold and tipped the entire load forward. Caught off balance and a little pre-occupied herself, this young lady lost her grip and the stroller pitched forward, spilling the contents of several bags and one very frightened brown haired child. Instinct took over and as any father would do, my first reaction was to lift this baby to my shoulder, pat her on the back and console her. I couldn't get over how light she was or how strange it was that she didn't look around for her mother. She just cried and stared directly at the wall and never turned her head in any direction. Despite her small stature, Angelica, as I would later learn her name was, nearly choked me with her grip, as she frantically held onto my shirt and neck. Never responding to my voice as my daughter had, Angelica pressed her face into my hands as I stroked her hair and wiped the tears from her wide green eyes. It only took a second or two for her mother to free the stroller from the doorway and race to my side, but Angelica would not let go of my shoulder and hand so I told her mother to go ahead and get her things together while I held the baby. I had resumed my attempt at calming the baby when her mother turned and said, 'She can only hear you if you put her ear to your chest, she's also deaf.' Also? I turned my head to stare into this beautiful little girls eyes, and saw... nothing... no response... no reaction. This frail, frightened child was blind and deaf, her only window to the world was through touch. I stroked her cheek and was given a hopeful smile through her tears, I tickled her under the chin, she giggled and placed her head on my shoulder and sighed. My heart was broken as could only think of my own two and a-half-year old daughter, Christina. I thought of how often she fell asleep to my wife and I singing to her or how often I catch her looking out of the corner of her eye at me and laughing when I wink or make a face. Would she ever know the joy and love in her home if she couldn't see or hear it? Could I show her how much she means in my life just by touch alone? How often had I said 'I love you, Good night' without a hug or a kiss? We all know how important touching can be, we all know the peace that settles into your heart after a warm hug, but could any of us convey complex emotions like sadness, joy, sympathy or love through touch alone? Did this little girl know that I was a stranger, someone she had never been near before? Did she even have a concept of different people at all? Could she tell her mother apart from any other woman? And then all these questions where answered in one quick second. Her mother took her from me and nuzzled her neck and hugged her. The look on that child's face answered all and then some. Of course she could. I stood there watching Angelica being buckled back into her seat and tried my best not to cry in the hallway of my office. I pray that this mother can somehow get through to her little girl over the only bridge available, and I pray that I will never have to try. I do know one thing though -- I'm going home tonight and practice." - Unknown

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[Quote No.52096] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about being honest especially if it is about having done the wrong thing as lying only makes the thing and the eventual punishment worse.] - The Cherry Tree - When George Washington [the future first President of the United States of America] was about six years old, he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which, like most little boys, he was extremely fond. He went about chopping everything that came his way. One day, as he wandered about the garden amusing himself by hacking his mother's pea- sticks, he found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of which his father was most proud. He tried the edge of his hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died. Some time after this, his father discovered what had happened to his favorite tree. He came into the house in great anger, and demanded to know who the mischievous person was who had cut away the bark. Nobody could tell him anything about it. Just then George, with his little hatchet, came into the room. 'George,' said his father, 'do you know who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree yonder in the garden? I would not have taken five guineas for it!' This was a hard question to answer, and for a moment George was staggered by it, but quickly recovering himself he cried: -- 'I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet.' The anger died out of his father's face, and taking the boy tenderly in his arms, he said: -- 'My son, that you should not be afraid to tell the truth is more to me than a thousand trees! yes, though they were blossomed with silver and had leaves of the purest gold!'" - M.L.Weems
'Good Stories for Great Holidays'
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[Quote No.52100] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about true maturity.] - Greatness - 'The trouble with the world,' said the Master with a sigh, 'is that human beings refuse to grow up.' 'When can a person be said to have grown up?' asked a disciple. 'On the day he does not need to be lied to about anything.' " - Anthony de Mello, SJ
'One Minute Wisdom'
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[Quote No.52108] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem: about honesty and integrity]

'Moonlight Ride'

Jenny was so happy about the house they had found.
For once in her life 'twas on the right side of town.
She unpacked her things with such great ease.
As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze.

How wonderful it was to have her own room.
School would be starting, she's have friends over soon.
There'd be sleep-overs, and parties: she was so happy.
It's just the way she wanted her life to be.

On the first day of school, everything went great.
She made new friends and even got a date.
She thought, ‘I want to be popular and I'm going to be,
Because I just got a date with the star of the team!’

To be known in this school you had to have clout,
And dating this guy would sure help her out.
There was only one problem stopping her fate.
Her parents had said she was too young to date.

‘Well, I just won't tell them the entire truth.
They won't know the difference: what's there to lose?’
Jenny asked to stay with her friends that night.
Her parents frowned but said, ‘All right.’

Excited, she got ready for the big event.
But as she rushed around like she had no sense,
She began to feel guilty about all the lies,
But what's a pizza, a party, and a moonlight ride?

Well the pizza was good, and the party was great,
But the moonlight ride would have to wait.
For Jeff was half drunk by this time.
But he kissed her and said that he was just fine.

Then the room filled with smoke and Jeff took a puff.
Jenny couldn't believe he was smoking that stuff.
Now Jeff was ready to ride to the point,
But only after he'd smoked another joint.

They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride,
Not thinking that he was too drunk to drive.
They finally made it to the point at last,
And Jeff started trying to make a pass.

A pass is not what Jenny wanted at all
(And by a pass, I don't mean playing football).
‘Perhaps my parents were right....maybe I am too young.
Boy, how could I ever, ever be so dumb.’

With all of her might, she pushed Jeff away:
‘Please take me home, I don't want stay.’
Jeff cranked up the engine and floored the gas.
In a matter of seconds they were going too fast.

As Jeff drove on in a fit of wild anger,
Jenny knew that her life was in danger.
She begged and pleaded for him to slow down,
But he just got faster as they neared the town.

‘Just let me get home! I'll confess that I lied.
I really went out for a moonlight ride.’
Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash.
‘Oh God, Please help us! We're going to crash!’

She doesn't remember the force of impact.
Just that everything all of a sudden went black.
She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble,
And heard, ‘Call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble!’

Voices she heard...a few words at best.
But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck.
Then wondered to herself if Jeff was all right,
And if the people in the other car were alive.

She awoke in the hospital to faces so sad.
‘You've been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad.’
These voices echoed inside her head,
As they gently told her that Jeff was dead.

They said ‘Jenny, we've done all we can do.
But it looks as if we'll lose you too.’
‘But the people in the other car?’ Jenny cried.
‘We're sorry, Jenny, they also died.’

Jenny prayed, ‘God, forgive me for what I've done.
I only wanted to have just one night of fun.’
Tell those people's family, I've made their lives dim,
And wish I could return their families to them.’

‘Tell Mom and Dad I'm sorry I lied,
And that it's my fault so many have died.
Oh, nurse, won't you please tell them that for me?’
The nurse just stood there-she never agreed.

But took Jenny's hand with tears in her eyes.
And a few moments later Jenny died.
A man asked the nurse, ‘Why didn't you do your best,
To bid that girl her one last request?’

She looked at the man with eyes oh so sad.
‘Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad.’
This story is sad and unpleasant but true,
So young people take heed, it could have been you.

" - Unknown

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[Quote No.52111] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about realising you benefit in your community from your parents' hard won reputation and it is only fair that you don't do anything to damage it.] - Serious Business - Let me take you back a couple years. Come with me as we relearn a lesson; one that has stuck with me, in my present memory, and inspires me yet. I don't remember exact conversation, but bear with me as I supply something that would sound normal. We walk into Elida Road Hardware. An old fashioned hardware store. No automatic door, not a computer in the building. Nothing unusual about the day, or the fact that we go to that store. It is one that I go to fairly often. As we enter the door, two sounds greet us. The sleigh bells of yesteryear, the ones that make that sweet, peaceful tinkle as we open the door. The other sound is the electronic beeper that alerts Andy of our presence. 'Good afternoon, Ryan,' comes the cheerful acknowledgment. Andy Bianco is a very friendly sort of proprietor. He is of medium build and height, we'll say about 50, and the smile on his face welcomes us. We walk across the old wood floor -- destitute of stain or varnish, and worn smooth -- with its squeaky spots, and uneven joints. Andy asks us what he can help us with. I tell him we are looking for a spring. He very patiently replies 'I carry lots of springs, you're going to need to be more specific.' 'Beats me what they're called; just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door.' 'That's it. A screen door spring. Right down there.' We turn to where he is pointing, and sure enough, there they are. Andy knows his store, and his products. That's why I come here instead of Meijer. The service can't be beat. The price, Yes. But service and satisfaction; No. I pick up one and follow him to the counter. A keg of peanuts sits beside the counter, and beside it, another for the hulls. Let me know when Lowes does that. Covering the counter is a piece of Plexiglas, and under it, all manner of business cards. 'Hey got a card? Put one under here. Free advertising space.' 'Thanks Andy, but I already have one. See, over here.' 'Well, I'll be; you do.' He figures up the price, doing the math in his head. '$1.88, with Uncle Sam's share comes to $1.99' 'Put it on Pop's account.' He nods and smiles, remembering that this is the third item this week that received that verdict. 'Good ole' Pop's account.' He chuckles. 'I don't know what you boys would do without Pop's account!' He hands me the ticket and as I sign it I ask rhetorically, 'You really trust my signature?' His reply startles, yet gladdens me. 'When I can't trust Jerry Hoover's boys; I can't trust nobody!' We leave, and the brain immediately starts to forget things, in order of importance. But what Andy Bianco said that day, rang in my ears. And it rings in my ears today. That's a tall order to live up to. It's a high standard of integrity. My father made a reputation for that name, and I get to enjoy the benefits thereof. But by the same token, I must maintain that reputation. And that's serious business." - Ryan J.A. Hoover

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[Quote No.52112] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about example, leadership and honesty.] - What You Are Is As Important As What You Do - It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf. He walked up to the fellow at the ticket counter and said, 'How much is it to get in?' The young man replied, '$3.00 for you and $3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them in free if they are six or younger. How old are they?' Bobby replied, 'The lawyer's three and the doctor is seven, so I guess I owe you $6.00.' The man at the ticket counter said, 'Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something? You could have saved yourself three bucks. You could have told me that the older one was six; I wouldn't have known the difference.' Bobby replied, 'Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference.' As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying.' In challenging times when ethics are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with." - Patricia Fripp
'A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul'.
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[Quote No.52117] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about honesty, morality and playing fairly and within the rules including the most important rule, the Golden Rule of treating others as you would want to be treated in the same circumstances:] - Winners and Winners - As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I rooted as hard for victory as they did. A dramatic incident, however, following a game in which I officiated as a referee, changed my perspective on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York, between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck. The gym was crowded to capacity, and the volume of noise made it impossible to hear. The game was well played and closely contested. Yonkers was leading by one point as I glanced at the clock and discovered there were but 30 seconds left to play. Yonkers, in possession of the ball, passed off - shot - missed. New Rochelle recovered - pushed the ball up court - shot. The ball rolled tantalizingly around the rim and off. The fans shrieked. New Rochelle, the home team, recovered the ball, and tapped it in for what looked like victory. The tumult was deafening. I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer because of the noise. I checked with the other official, but he could not help me. Still seeking help in this bedlam, I approached the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said, 'Mr. Covino, the buzzer went off as the ball rolled off the rim, before the final tap-in was made.' I was in the unenviable position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the sad news. 'Dan,' I said, 'time ran out before the final basket was tapped in. Yonkers won the game.' His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, 'I'm sorry, Dad. The time ran out before the final basket.' Suddenly, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, Coach O'Brien's face lit up. He said, 'That's okay, Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm proud of you.' Turning to me, he said, 'Al, I want you to meet my son, Joe.' The two of them then walked off the court together, the coach's arm around his son's shoulder." - Al Covino
'A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul'
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[Quote No.52125] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about how important appreciating others and giving them praise can be to others and their self-esteem.] - All the Good Things - He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minnesota [USA]. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance, but had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful. Mark talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving - ‘Thank you for correcting me, Sister!’ I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day. One morning my patience was growing thin when Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake. I looked at him and said, ‘If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!’ It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, ‘Mark is talking again.’ I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it. I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked to my desk, very deliberately opened my drawer and took out a roll of masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room. As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing he winked at me. That did it! I started laughing. The class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were, ‘Thank you for correcting me, Sister.’ At the end of the year I was asked to teach junior-high math. The years flew by, and before I knew it Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite. Since he had to listen carefully to my instructions in the ‘new math,’ he did not talk as much in ninth grade as he had in the third. One Friday, things just didn't feel right. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were frowning, frustrated with themselves - and edgy with one another. I had to stop this crankiness before it got out of hand. So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of he class period to finish the assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. Charlie smiled. Mark's said, ‘Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a good weekend.’ That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. ‘Really?’ I heard whispered. ‘I never knew that meant anything to anyone!’ ‘I didn't know others liked me so much!’ No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another again. That group of students moved on. Several years later, after I returned from vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were driving home, Mother asked me the usual questions about the trip - the weather, my experiences in general. There was a light lull in the conversation. Mother gave Dad a side-ways glance and simply says, ‘Dad?’ My father cleared his throat as he usually did before something important. ‘The Eklunds called last night,’ he began. ‘Really?’ I said. ‘I haven't heard from them in years. I wonder how Mark is.’ Dad responded quietly. ‘Mark was killed in Vietnam,’ he said. ‘The funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like it if you could attend.’ To this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494 where Dad told me about Mark. I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at that moment was, Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you would talk to me. The church was packed with Mark's friends. Chuck's sister sang ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic.’ Why did it have to rain on the day of the funeral? It was difficult enough at the graveside. The pastor said the usual prayers, and the bugler played taps. One by one those who loved Mark took a last walk by the coffin and sprinkled it with holy water. I was the last one to bless the coffin. As I stood there, one of the soldiers who had acted as pallbearer came up to me. ‘Were you Mark's math teacher?’ he asked. I nodded as I continued to stare at the coffin. ‘Mark talked about you a lot,’ he said. After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to Chucks farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting for me. ‘We want to show you something,’ his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket. ‘They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.’ Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him. ‘Thank you so much for doing that’ Mark's mother said. ‘As you can see, Mark treasured it.’ Mark's classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, ‘I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.’ Chuck's wife said, ‘Chuck asked me to put this in our wedding album.’ ‘I have mine too,’ Marilyn said. ‘It's in my diary.’ Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. ‘I carry this with me at all times,’ Vicki said without batting an eyelash. ‘I think we all saved our lists.’ That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again." - Sister Helen P. Mrosia

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[Quote No.52136] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about helping others be the best they can be and following the Golden Rule of treating others as you'd like to be treated in the same situation!] - Love: The One Creative Force - A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums to get case histories of 200 young boys. They were asked to write an evaluation of each boy's future. In every case the students wrote, ‘He hasn't got a chance.’ Twenty-five years later another sociology professor came across the earlier study. He had his students follow up on the project to see what had happened to these boys. With the exception of 20 boys who had moved away or died, the students learned that 176 of the remaining 180 had achieved more than ordinary success as lawyers, doctors and businessmen. The professor was astounded and decided to pursue the matter further. Fortunately, all the men were in the area and he was able to ask each one, ‘How do you account for your success?’ In each case the reply came with feeling, ‘There was a teacher.’ The teacher was still alive, so he sought her out and asked the old but still alert lady what magic formula she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement. The teacher's eyes sparkled and her lips broke into a gentle smile. ‘It's really very simple,’ she said. ‘I loved those boys.’ " - Eric Butterworth
'Chicken Soup for the Soul'
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[Quote No.52138] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the value of education.] - The Magic Pebbles - ‘Why do we have to learn all of this dumb stuff?’ Of all the complaints and questions I have heard from my students during my years in the classroom, this was the one most frequently uttered. I would answer it by recounting the following legend. One night a group of nomads were preparing to retire for the evening when suddenly they were surrounded by a great light. They knew they were in the presence of a celestial being. With great anticipation, they awaited a heavenly message of great importance that they knew must be especially for them. Finally, the voice spoke, ‘Gather as many pebbles as you can. Put them in your saddle bags. Travel a day's journey and tomorrow night will find you glad and it will find you sad.’ After having departed, the nomads shared their disappointment and anger with each other. They had expected the revelation of a great universal truth that would enable them to create wealth, health and purpose for the world. But instead they were given a menial task that made no sense to them at all. However, the memory of the brilliance of their visitor caused each one to pick up a few pebbles and deposit them in their saddle bags while voicing their displeasure. They traveled a day's journey and that night while making camp, they reached into their saddle bags and discovered every pebble they had gathered had become a diamond. They were glad they had diamonds. They were sad they had not gathered more pebbles. It was an experience I had with a student, I shall call Alan, early in my teaching career that illustrated the truth of that legend to me. When Alan was in the eighth grade, he majored in ‘trouble’ with a minor in ‘suspensions.’ He had studied how to be a bully and was getting his master's in ‘thievery.’ Every day I had my students memorize a quotation from a great thinker. As I called roll, I would begin a quotation. To be counted present, the student would be expected to finish the thought. ‘Alice Adams - 'There is no failure except ...'‘ ‘'In no longer trying.' I'm present, Mr. Schlatter.’ So, by the end of the year, my young charges would have memorized 150 great thoughts. ‘Think you can, think you can't - either way you're right!’ ‘A cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.’ And, of course, Napoleon Hill's ‘If you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it.’ No one complained about this daily routine more than Alan - right up to the day he was expelled and I lost touch with him for five years. Then one day, he called. He was in a special program at one of the neighboring colleges and had just finished parole. He told me that after being sent to juvenile hall and finally being shipped off to the California Youth Authority for his antics, he had become so disgusted with himself that he had taken a razor blade and cut his wrists. He said, ‘You know what, Mr. Schlatter, as I lay there with my life running out of my body, I suddenly remembered that dumb quote you made me write 20 times one day. 'There is no failure except in no longer trying.' Then it suddenly made sense to me. As long as I was alive, I wasn't a failure, but if I allowed myself to die, I would most certainly die a failure. So with my remaining strength, I called for help and started a new life.’ At the time he had heard the quotation, it was a pebble. When he needed guidance in a moment of crisis, it had become a diamond. And so it is to you I say, gather all the pebbles you can, and you can count on a future filled with diamonds!" - John W. Schlatter
'A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul'
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[Quote No.52143] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about learning to focus on the positives - that can praise and be grateful for - rather than on the negatives in life and other's behaviour!] - A Clever Dog - A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again. So, he goes over to the dog and notices he has a note in his mouth. He takes the note and it reads 'Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well.' The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar Note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut up shop and follow the dog. So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street when he comes To a level crossing. The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way. The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided. Along comes a bus. The dog walks around to the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus. The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog Looking at the scenery. Eventually he gets up, and moves to the front of the bus. He stands on 2 back paws and pushes the button to stop the bus. Then he gets off, his groceries still in his mouth. Well, dog and butcher are walking along the road, and then the dog turns into a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step. Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself against the door. He goes back down the path, runs up to the door and again, it throws himself against it. There's no answer at the house, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to the window, and beats his head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him. The butcher runs up, and stops the guy. 'What in heaven's name are You doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me!' to which the guy responds: 'You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key.' " - Unknown

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[Quote No.52182] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the importance of spending 'time with' rather than 'money on' your children.] - The Best Things in Life - ‘Steve, what am I going to do?’ Mike bemoaned. Our friend, Mike, was going to finally see his boys. Separated from his wife, who lived on an entirely different continent, it had been over a year since he'd seen his boys. They were flying in to spend one week with him. The fear on his face was real. He was apparently not used to having them to himself. Especially for one whole week. ‘I don't have the money to take them anywhere,’ he said. ‘I was hoping to go on down to that water park in New Braunfels.’ ‘That place is expensive, Mike!’ Stephen retorted. ‘You don't need to spend a lot of money to have fun! Take them to the springs. Fill up your gas tank and go find some historic sites. You can borrow my tent and go camping.’ Judging from the distaste on our friend's face, none of those suggestions were worthy of consideration. Stubbornly ingrained in him was the idea that the amount of money splurged on his children equalled the amount of love he'd get in return. ‘What do your boys like to do?’ I ventured. He shrugged, ‘I don't know.’ ‘No, I mean, what are their hobbies?’ ‘I'm not sure.’ My heart filled with compassion for his boys. And for their clueless father. They connected mainly through sporadic, expensive phone calls and through infrequent exchanges of snail mail. Mike wanted to make an impression on his boys. That he was successful here in the United States and could afford to take them anywhere they wanted. He just didn't get it. I remember as a child the things my family did that cost practically nothing at all. A spontaneous picnic under a generous oak, pulling off the beaten path to pursue a trail of signs that led us to a barn filled with dusty treasures. Taking walks around the block with my parents after dinner. One Christmas stood out when, at a loss as to what to give his girls, my Dad presented each of us with a wrapped shoe box inside of which was a slip of paper that simply said, ‘I love you.’ I can't even remember what else I opened that Christmas morning. One Sunday afternoon, while on the freeway, Stephen veered off to revisit a small town we hadn't seen in a while and stopped at an empty city park. There, the boys gleefully sampled monkey bars and listless swings. We brushed a layer of leaves off the concrete picnic table and ate sandwiches we had brought from home. Afterwards, they strayed to the edge of a creek, pocketing unusual stones, and swirling patterns in the shallow water with sticks. I remember with fondness the time when Stephen, an Eagle Scout, was anxious to instil a love for camping to the older boys, ages three and four at the time. Across the street from our home, under a cluster of gnarled oak trees, Stephen spread out fake grass turf, erected a tent on it, and stuffed it with sleeping bags and blankets and pillows. He even placed a potty chair at the entrance of the tent. It was unusual spring weather--chilly with light, misting rain. The boys each carried a battery-powered lantern with them to light their way to the tent. In lawn chairs around a small campfire that Stephen had prepared, the boys roasted marshmallows for the first time on antique extendable forks we had collected over the years in anticipation of that very moment. Stephen pointed out constellations and identified a variety of night-time sounds. We told stories and sang to an audience of trees. And for a while there, with the boys in our laps, we quietly gazed at the campfire's hypnotic dance, the crackling and smoke filling the silence. Afterwards, we directed the boys to a small picnic table Stephen had fashioned out of tree stumps. They brushed their teeth there by lantern-light, removed their shoes, and squealed loudly when they entered the tent, jumping up and down. Stephen wasted no time joining their merrymaking. It's a sight that will burn brightly in my memory for a long, long time. Stephen liked to earn a little pocket change on occasion by delivering antiques for a dealer friend to various parts of Texas. He'd pack up all four kids and treat them to these road trips. Someone asked him why he didn't just stick the kids in day-care during those times. His answer? ‘Where else can a father spend quality time with his children and get paid for it?’ It's true what they say. Enjoy them while they're young. The years will zip by, and before you can say ‘knee replacement surgery,’ they're picking out a retirement home for you. Our son, Cody, overheard Stephen make a comment about someone who ‘just needed to go out and get a life.’ ‘What's a life, Dad?’ ‘It's when you take each day and make the most of it.’ ‘Oh, I see!’ We don't know if he really saw. But we do know that time is the most important thing one can spend on a child. Just don't spend it all in one place. " - Jennifer Oliver

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[Quote No.52190] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about taking every opportunity to tell those we care about how much they mean to us.] - Do It Today! - When I was superintendent of schools in Palo Alto, California, Polly Tyner, the president of our board of trustees, wrote a letter that was printed in the Palo Alto Times. Polly's son, Jim, had great difficulty in school. He was classified as educationally handicapped and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers. But Jim was a happy kid with a great smile that lit up the room. His parents acknowledged his academic difficulties, but always tried to help him see his strengths so that he could walk with pride. Shortly after Jim finished high school, he was killed in a motorcycle accident. After his death, his mother submitted this letter to the newspaper. 'Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident on Friday night. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known I would have said, 'Jim, I love you and I'm so very proud of you.' I would have taken the time to count the many blessings he brought to the lives of the many who loved him. I would have taken time to appreciate his beautiful smile, the sound of his laughter, his genuine love of people. When you put all the good attributes on the scale and you try to balance all the irritating traits such as the radio which was always too loud, the haircut that wasn't to our liking, the dirty socks under the bed, etc., the irritations don't amount to much. I won't get another chance to tell my son all I would have wanted him to hear, but, other parents, you do have a chance. Tell your young people what you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last conversation. The last time I talked to Jim was the day he died. He called me to say, 'Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you. Got to go to work. Bye.' He gave me something to treasure forever. If there is any purpose at all to Jim's death, maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to have people, especially families, take the time to let each other know just how much we care. You may never have another chance. Do it today!' " - Robert Reasoner
'A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul'
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[Quote No.52193] Need Area: Friends > Children
"But while presents are important, love demands what is basic: presence of the beloved! I have observed for instance, the orchids of my mother. When she's away for a long time, they are unhealthy and many of them wither. But when she is around, they bloom with beautiful flowers. My mother does nothing exceptional. She just spends much time talking and caressing them. I guess persons all the more require a caring presence. Love is fundamentally a commitment to a person. We may be committed to our business, job, hobby, sports and clubs, but strictly speaking, they cannot love us back. Only a person can love us in return, and for that matter the highest commitment as human beings is spending time with those persons we love. And since people need affection and nourishment, material things can only help up to a certain degree in fostering love. But it can never replace the greatest gift of presence." - Unknown

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[Quote No.52195] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the importance of giving those we love their freedom.] - Letting Go - There was once a lonely girl who longed desperately for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving song birds. She took them home and put them in a small glided cage. She nurtured them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a marvellous song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever. One day the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him again that as he flew close, she grasped at him wildly. She caught him in her fist. She clutched him tightly within her hand. Her heart gladdened at her success in capturing him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp. She opened her hand stared in horror at the dead bird. Her desperate clutching love had killed him. She noticed the other bird teetering on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom. His need to soar into the clear, blue sky. She lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times. The girl watched delighted at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody, she had ever heard. The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight. The best way to keep love is to give it -- WINGS!" - Dee Edgett

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[Quote No.52219] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem: about the power of good role models]

'Sermons We See'

I'd rather see a sermon,
Than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me,
Than merely tell the way.

The eye's a better pupil,
And more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing,
But example's always clear.

And the best of all the preachers,
Are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put into action,
Is what everybody needs.

When I see a deed of kindness,
I am eager to be kind.
When a weaker brother stumbles,
And a strong man stands behind;

Just to see if he can help him,
Then the wish grows strong in me,
To become as big and thoughtful,
As I know that friend to be.

And all travelers can witness that,
The best of guides today,
Is not the one who tells them,
But the one who shows the way!

" - Edgar A. Guest

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[Quote No.52220] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem about the Golden Rule of treating others - even children - like you would like to be treated if you were in their situation.]

'Teddy Bear's Call'

I was on the outskirts of a little Southern town, trying to reach my destination before the sun went down. The old CB was blaring away on channel 1-9, when there came a little boy's voice on the radio line. He said, 'Breaker 1-9, is anyone there? Come on back, truckers, and talk to Teddy Bear.'

I keyed the mike and said, 'You got it, Teddy Bear.'

The little boy's voice came back on the air, appreciate the break. 'Who we got on the other end?' I told him my handle and then he began. 'Now I'm not supposed to bother you boys out there. Mom says you're busy and for me to stay off the air. But you see, I get lonely and it helps to talk cause that's about all I can do. I'm crippled and cannot walk.'

I came back and told him to fire up that mike, I'd talk to him as long as he'd like.

'This was my dad's radio,' the little boy said, 'but I guess it's mine and Mom's now cause my daddy's dead. Dad had a wreck about a month ago. He was trying to get home in a blinding snow. Mom has to work now to make ends meet. I'm not much help with my crippled feet. She says not to worry that she'll make it all right. But I hear her crying sometimes late at night. 'You know, there's one thing I want more than anything else to see. Ah I know you guys are too busy to bother with me. But, you see, my dad used to take me for rides when he was home. But I guess that's all over now since my daddy's gone.'

Not one breaker came in on that CB as that little crippled boy talked to me. I tried hard to swallow the lump, it just would not stay down as I thought about my boy in at home in hometown.

He continued, 'Dad was going to take Mom and me with him later on this year. I remember him saying, 'Someday this old truck will be yours, Teddy Bear.' But I know I will never get to ride in an 18-wheeler again. But this old base will keep me in touch with all my trucker friends. Teddy Bear's going to back out now and leave you alone cause it's almost time for Mom to come home. But you give me a shout when you're passing through and I'll be happy to come back to you.'

Well I came back and said, 'Before you 10-10, what's your home 20, little CB friend?' He gave me his home address and I didn't hesitate one second because this hot load of freight was just gonna have to wait. I turned that truck around on a dime and headed for Jackson Street 229. As I rounded the corner, I got one heck of a shock, 18-wheelers lined up for three city blocks. I guess every trucker from miles around had caught Teddy Bear's call, and that little boy was having a ball. For as fast as one driver would carry him in, another would carry him to his truck and they'd take off again. Well you better believe I took my turn at riding Teddy Bear. And then I carried him back in and put him down in his chair. Buddy, if I never live to see happiness again, I want you to know I saw it that day in the face of that little man. We took up a collection before his mom came home. Each driver said goodbye and then they were gone. He shook my hand with a mile-long grin and said, 'So long trucker, I'll catch you again.'

I hit that interstate with tears in my eyes. I turned on my radio and got another surprise. 'Breaker 1-9,' came a voice on the air, 'just one word of thanks from Mom Teddy Bear. We wish each and every one a special prayer for you cause you just made my little boy's dream come true. I'll sign off now before I start to cry. 'May God ride with you; 10-4 and goodbye.'

" - Red Sovine, Dale Royal, Tommy Hill and J. William Denny
From 'Chicken Soup for the Country Soul'.
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[Quote No.52228] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about building relationships with your children and helping them collect pleasant memories and plan and anticipate exciting futures.] - The Annual Letters - Shortly after my daughter Juli-Ann was born, I started a loving tradition that I know others (with whom I have subsequently shared this special plan) have also started. I tell you the idea here both to open your heart with the warmth of my story and also to encourage you to start this tradition within your own family. Every year, on her birthday, I write an Annual Letter to my daughter. I fill it with funny anecdotes that happened to her that year, hardships or joys, issues that are important in my life or hers, world events, my predictions for the future, miscellaneous thoughts, etc. I add to the letter photographs, presents, report cards and many other types of mementos that would certainly have otherwise disappeared as the years passed. I keep a folder in my desk drawer in which, all year long, I place things that I want to include in the envelope containing her next Annual Letter. Every week, I make short notes of what I can think of from the week's events that I will want to recall later in the year to write in her Annual Letter. When her birthday approaches, I take out that folder and find it overflowing with ideas, thoughts, poems, cards, treasures, stories, incidents and memories of all sorts - many of which I had already forgotten - and which I then eagerly transcribe into that year's Annual Letter. Once the letter is written and all the treasures are inserted into the envelope, I seal it. It then becomes that year's Annual Letter. On the envelope I always write ‘Annual Letter to Juli-Ann from her Daddy on the occasion of her nth Birthday - to be opened when she is 21 years old.’ It is a time capsule of love from every different year of her life, to her as an adult. It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next. It is a permanent record of her life written as she was actually living it. Our tradition is that I show her the sealed envelope, with the proclamation written on it that she may read it when she is 21. Then I take her to the bank, open the safe deposit box and tenderly place that year's Annual Letter on top of the growing pile of its predecessors. She sometimes takes them all out to look at them and feel them. She sometimes asks me about their contents and I always refuse to tell her what is inside. In recent years, Juli-Ann has given me some of her special childhood treasures, which she is growing too old for but which she does not want to lose. And she asks me to include them in her Annual Letter so that she will always have them. That tradition of writing her Annual Letters is now one of my most sacred duties as a dad. And, as Juli-Ann grows older, I can see that it is a growing and special part of her life, too. One day, we were sitting with friends musing about what we will be doing in the future. I cannot recall the exact words spoken, but it went something like this: I jokingly told Juli-Ann that on her 61st birthday, she will be playing with her grandchildren Then I whimsically invented that on her 31st birthday she will be driving her own kids to hockey practice. Getting into the groove of this funny game and encouraged by Juli-Ann's evident enjoyment of my fantasies, I continued. ‘On your 21st birthday, you will be graduating from university.’ ‘No,’ she interjected. ‘I will be too busy reading!’ One of my deepest desires is to be alive and present to enjoy that wonderful time in the future when the time capsules are opened and the accumulated mountains of love come tumbling out of the past, back into my adult daughter's life." - Raymond L. Aaron
Quoted in the book, 'A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul'.
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[Quote No.52229] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the value of the relationships we have with our children and enjoying sharing activities and conversations with them.] - From Dad to Daughter - Soon you will be walking on to the court for what may be your last game. It won't be long before the gym will go black as the last flicker of light goes out, and the sounds of applause and cheers will fall as silent as a cool crisp evening in mid January. No more early practices or long hot hours in August spent in the gym hoping for any sign of a breeze to make its way through to cool you off. In that moment I will be there waiting for you. As we wait for you to be introduced your thoughts turn to the future, mine turn to the past. As you prepare to walk onto the court a young lady I still see the little girl with her backpack on ready for her first day of kindergarten. Eyes full of wonder and hope for everything that would be ahead of you. You put your little hand in mine and I took you to school knowing that from that day on I would play a smaller role in your life. Teachers, coaches and friends would soon see the smile, hear the giggles, and dry your tears. I watched and prayed that God would bring people into your life that cared about you as much as I did. I remember you heading off with your mom to a mother daughter banquet and being just a little jealous. It seems no one ever thought to have a father daughter banquet. I remember you going to games and watching with anticipation of the day you would be able to play. I often think about the influence they had on your life and if someone is watching you tonight waiting with the same anticipation you had. I recall waiting with butterflies in my stomach to see if you made the junior high team. Then heading out to by just the right pair of shoes that would make you run faster and jump higher. That same hand that was once so small and a soft voice snap me back to reality. ‘Dad they are introducing me.’ ‘It is time to go.’ Yes it is time to go. But just one more pause as I look for that little girl in your eyes. There she is. I love you more today than yesterday and I am so proud just to be your dad." - Dr. Michael David Arnold

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[Quote No.52230] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem: Given]

Today she's getting married,
My young Daughter is a bride.
There are no words that can express,
The way I feel inside.

She's now a woman, old enough,
To go out on her own.
I still can't get it in my mind,
My little girl is grown.

This day approached so quickly,
And, in just a little while.
I'll have to take my Daughter's arm,
To march her down the aisle.

I'll stand there beside her,
When I hear the Preacher say,
'Is there one among you,
Who will give this girl away?'

I will repeat the simple phrase,
I was instructed to.
Then I will smile, and loudly say,
'Her Mother and I do.'

It's not that I'm not happy,
For the life she now will start.
I know she found a great young man,
Who's given her his heart.

I guess it's just a 'Father thing,'
As I choke back the tears.
I was the only man who shared,
Her life through all these years.

Most Fathers will not tell you,
This day brings a little grieving.
In their heart, they know,
A little part of them is leaving.

They are happy, they are sad,
Emotions, running wild.
Why... is it ... the Father's job,
To give away a child?

A Father knows, his life will change,
After all of this.
But, only wants his Daughter,
To find total happiness.

So, as I stand, and say the words,
I'm giving her away.
To a very special young man,
On this special day.

Know sweet Daughter,
That way down deep in my heart.
You'll always be my little girl,
And we will never part.

" - Poppy

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[Quote No.52231] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about parental love and devotion.] - Daddy Hands - I awoke in the night to find my husband, Marty, gently rocking our baby son, Noah. I stood for a moment in the doorway, watching this amazing man with whom I was so blessed to share my life, lovingly stroke Noah's fat pink cheeks in an effort to comfort him. I felt in my heart that something was seriously wrong with Noah. This was one of several nights Noah had been up, burning with a high fever. Tears filled my eyes as I watched my beautiful husband move Noah's little cheek up against his own chest, so that Noah could feel the vibrations of his voice. Noah is deaf. Learning to comfort him has brought on a whole new way of thinking for us. We relied on our voices, a soothing lullaby, audio toys, and music to comfort our other children. But with Noah, we need to use touch, his soft blankie, sight, the feel of our voices, and most importantly, the use of sign language to communicate emotions and a sense of comfort to him. My husband made the sign for ‘I love you’ with his hand and I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he placed Noah's tiny, weak hand on top of his. We had taken Noah to the doctor more times than I can remember. It had been a week and a half and Noah's fever remained very high and very dangerous, despite everything the doctor or we had tried. I knew in my soul the way only a mother can know, that Noah was in trouble. I gently touched my husband's shoulder and we looked into each other's eyes with the same fear and knowledge that Noah's wasn't getting any better. I offered to take over for him, but he shook his head, and once again, I was amazed at this wonderful man who is the father of my children. When many fathers would have gladly handed over the parenting duties for some much needed sleep, my husband stayed stubbornly and resolutely with our child. When morning finally came, we called the doctor and were told to bring him in again. We already knew that he would probably put Noah in the hospital. So, we made arrangements for the other children, packed bags for all three of us, and tearfully drove to the doctor's office once again. Our hearts filled with dread, we waited in a small room, different from the usual examining room we had become used to. Our doctor finally came in, looked Noah over, and told us the news we expected. Noah had to be admitted to the hospital. Now. The drive to the hospital in a neighboring town seemed surreal. I couldn't focus on anything, couldn't think, couldn't stop crying. My husband reassured me that he felt in his heart that Noah would be okay. We admitted Noah and were taken to his room right away. It was a tortuous night, filled with horrible tests that made my son's tiny little voice echo though the halls as he screamed over and over. I felt as if I were shattering from the inside out. My husband never wavered in his faith. He comforted me and Noah, and everyone who called to check on Noah. He was a rock. When the first batch of tests were done, the nurse informed us that a spinal tap would be performed soon. Meningitis was suspected. Marty and I had prayer together with Noah. Our hands intertwined, we held our son and the love of my life lifted his voice to the Lord, telling him how grateful we were for this awesome little spirit with whom he had entrusted us. With tears streaming down his face, he humbly asked the Lord to heal our son. My heart filled with comfort and gratitude. A short time later, the resident doctor came in. He told us that Noah's first results were back, and that he had Influenza A. No spinal tap was needed! Noah would recover and soon be back to his zesty, tornado little self. And Noah was already standing up in the hospital crib, bouncing like he was on a trampoline. My husband's talk with the Lord was already being answered. Marty and I grinned at each other through our tears, and waited for Noah to be released from the hospital. Finally, in the middle of the night, our own doctor came in and told us that it was fine to take Noah home. We couldn't pack fast enough! A few days later, I was cooking dinner. Noah was healing, slowly but surely. I felt at peace and knew my husband was the greatest father I could ever want for my children. I peeked around the corner into the living room, and chuckled at the picture I saw. There was my husband, sitting in his ‘daddy chair’, Noah in his lap. They were reading a book, dad taking Noah's teeny hands to help him form the signs for the words in the book. They both looked up and caught me watching them, and my husband and I simultaneously signed ‘I love you’ to each other, then to Noah. And then Noah put his little arm up, trying to shape his chubby hand in his own effort to sign ‘I love you’ to his daddy. I watched with tears as my husband carefully helped him form his tiny fingers into the sign with his own gentle hands. Daddy hands. " - Susan Fahncke

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[Quote No.52232] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about the Golden Rule of treating others, especially our children, as you'd like to be treated if you were in the same situation.] - The Green Dino - I was on my way out of the driveway when my son came running to the car. His face was radiant with joy when he said: ‘I have something for you, Dad.’ ‘You do?’ I asked, slightly annoyed by the delay. He opened his hands and showed me the best a five year-old boy could imagine. ‘I found it myself.’ In his small hands was a marble, an old race car, a broken elastic, and various other items I have since forgotten. ‘Here, Dad, these are for you.’ He was bursting with pride. ‘I don't have time right now, my boy. I am going to the mall to get a few things for mum. Can't you put them in the garage for me?’ His smile faded, and at the very instant I put the car back in gear, I felt my bad conscience nagging me. When I came back home, I asked my son: ‘Where are those toys you had for me?’ ‘I thought you didn't want them, so I gave them to Adam.’ His playmate Adam lives on our street, and I could easily imagine that the little guy had received the treasures with much more enthusiasm than I had showed my son. My son's action hurt me, but I deserved it - not just because it showed me how thoughtlessly I had treated him, but also because it made me remember another little boy. It was the boy's big sister's birthday, and he had been given some money so he could buy her a present. He browsed through the toyshop for a long time - the present had to be something special. Finally, he found it: A chewing gum machine filled with brightly coloured bubble gum. He was very anxious to show it to her as soon as he came home, but he firmly withstood the temptation. Later, when all the big sister's friends had arrived, she began opening the presents. She cried with joy for every present she opened - and with every cry the boy became more and more shy. The eight year-old girls had spent much more money on the presents than he could afford. Suddenly his present seemed small and insignificant. But he still waited anxiously to see her joy when she opened his present. At last she opened his present, and he saw how disappointed she was, indeed embarrassed. In order not to lose face among her friends she could not thank him too exuberantly for the present. She gave her friends a know-all smile. ‘Thanks,’ she said to him in a condescending tone of voice. ‘It's just what I wanted.’ The rest of the girls desperately tried not to giggle. The boy was hurt and confused. His otherwise beautiful present now looked like the cheap plastic thing it actually was. He went out in the garden and started to cry. Soon after his mother showed up and, in a soft voice, asked him what was wrong. He explained it to her as best he could. She listened, and then went inside the house. Shortly after the big sister came out to him. He could see by the look on her face that she had been told to do it, but her sincere regret showed him that she had not hurt him on purpose. She actually liked the chewing gum machine. He said that he could understand that, and he actually could. She was only trying to be nice to him. *** Now the story repeated itself. Instead of my big sister and me it was my son who had to decide for himself whether or not it really was the thought that counts. And my reaction would have a great influence on his decision. I gave my children some money at Christmas so they could buy gifts themselves. It was very difficult for them to keep quiet with what they had bought for me, especially for my son. Every single day he asked if me I could guess what he had bought for me. On Christmas Evening he demanded that I opened his present first. I unwrapped it and looked - it was indeed the most wonderful gift I had ever been given. But I did not look at it with my 33 year-old experienced eyes, either. Instead I looked at it as an anxious child of five would look at it. The gift was a small green plastic dinosaur. My son quickly showed me why this dinosaur was something special: The claws on the forelegs formed a clip so I could fasten it on my clothes. His eyes sparkled with expectancy and love - of the kind you only see in a child's look. I knew how difficult it must have been for him to find a gift which showed his feelings for me in the best possible way. So I thanked him in his own language. I fastened the dino on my jacket and talked about how ‘cool’ it was, and, yes, he was absolutely right - I loved it. So the next time you see a grown man with a primitive paper tie or a ‘cool’ tattoo of a caterpillar, do not shrug your shoulders out of pity for him. If you tell him that he looks foolish he may answer: ‘That may be, but I have a five year-old son who thinks I am the world's greatest Dad, and I would rather wear his present than own all the riches in the world.’ And that is why I walk around with a green dino on my jacket." - Dan Schaeffer

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[Quote No.52233] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A true story - with a message about taking every opportunity to express through actions and words the love you feel so strongly for your children because one day you won't have that opportunity any more.] - Heart Song - Once upon a time there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams. With their love, they created a little girl. She was a bright and cheerful little girl and the great man loved her very much. When she was very little, he would pick her up, hum a tune and dance with her around the room, and he would tell her, ‘I love you, little girl!’ When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, ‘I love you, little girl. ‘The little girl would pout and say, ‘I'm not a little girl anymore.’ Then the man would laugh and say, ‘But to me, you'll always be my little girl.’ The little girl who-was-not-little-anymore left her home and went into the world. As she learned more about herself, she learned more about the man. She saw that he truly was great and strong, for now she recognized his strengths. One of his strengths was his ability to express his love to his family. It didn't matter where she went in the world, the man would call her and say, ‘I love you, little girl.’ The day came when the little girl who-was-not-little- anymore received a phone call. The great man was damaged. He had had a stroke. He was aphasic, they explained to the girl. He couldn't talk anymore and they weren't sure that he could understand the words spoken to him. He could no longer smile, laugh, walk, hug, dance or tell the little girl who- was-not-little-anymore that he loved her. And so she went to the side of the great man. When she walked into the room and saw him, he looked small and not strong at all. He looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not. The little girl did the only thing she could do. She climbed up on the bed next to the great man. Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the useless shoulders of her father. Her head on his chest, she thought of many things. She remembered the wonderful times together and how she had always felt protected and cherished by the great man. She felt grief for the loss she was to endure, the words of love that had comforted her. And then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. The heart where the music and the words had always lived. The heart beat on, steadily unconcerned about the damage to the rest of the body. And while she rested there, the magic happened. She heard what she needed to hear. His heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say ... I love you I love you I love you Little girl Little girl Little girl And she was comforted." - Patty Hansen
Found in the book, 'Condensed Chicken Soup for the Soul'.
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[Quote No.52234] Need Area: Friends > Children
"We never know [and truly understand the depth of] the love of our parents for us until we become parents." - Henry Ward Beecher

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[Quote No.52235] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem: Wishes and Wants and Ifs, My Child]

How I wish I could make the world,
A happy place for you.
So no matter what you wished for,
Your dreams would all come true.

And I wish I could make the world,
A safe one for you too.
So that no matter where you went,
No harm could come to you.

And I would like to make the world,
A loving one for you.
So you were loved by those you love,
And they were ever true.

And if only I could mend each hurt,
With just a word or two,
I'd mend them all so readily,
To make you good as new.

But my wishes and wants and ifs,
Are things I cannot guarantee.
There's just one thing I'm certain of -
You have my love eternally.

" - Roland Ricker

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[Quote No.52236] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[Poem: A Daughter and A Father Write Letters Before Her Wedding Day]

1 -- Letter To My Father The Night Before My Wedding --

Dear Dad,

It is almost midnight, Dad, as I write this to you.
It is the last thing on my list, there's nothing else to do.
Tomorrow is my wedding day, and plans are all complete.
I know there was so much to do, and you and Morn are beat.
I want to write this letter, and I saved it for the last.
And as I write these words to you, I'm thinking of the past.

All those years as I grew up, the great times that we had.
And how I am so lucky, that I have you for my Dad.
As I recall the memories, from deep within my mind.
I know that you were busy, but you always took the time.
To give your full attention to me, when I'd come to you.
You made me feel important, in whatever I would do.

In elementary school, you never missed our little plays.
You made sure you fit it in your schedule on those days.
In junior high, I made the choir, and you were always there.
Always, early, in the front row, in a middle chair.
In school, whatever I would try, I had your full support,
The only rule, was that I always got a good report.

You taught me dedication, in whatever I would do.
And once committed, you would always help me see it through.
Then on our vacations, you would always plan the best.
Each year was an adventure, being better than the rest.
You would plan for weeks ahead, exciting everyone.
Anticipation of vacation, even became fun.

Dad, you did so many things, making my life better.
All the things you've done for me, could not fit in this letter.
All the times and all the things, etched in my memory.
You are the perfect model, of what every Dad should be.
Tomorrow is my wedding, to a very special man.
But, I just want to write these words, so you will understand.

You've given me so very much, my words could not express.
How very much you are a part, of all my happiness.
My love for life and happiness, and everything I do,
Is all a clear reflection of the love, I've learned from you.
I want to tell you Daddy, because of your special touch.
My life has been so wonderful, I love you very much.


Your Daughter

2 -- Letter To My Daughter The Night Before Her Wedding --

Dear Daughter,

Tomorrow is your wedding day, and everything is ready.
It's hard for me to write these words, and keep my fingers steady.
I am so nervous, thinking of so much to do that day.
In 12 short hours, I will give my little girl away.

I have so much to say to you, before we walk the aisle.
So, I will write this letter, even though it's not my style.
I thought it would be easier, to write the words to you.
Then I would not forget my thoughts, as I so often do.

It's hard for me to realize, that you are twenty-one.
It seems like only yesterday, your life had just begun.
I remember your first steps, and when you started walking.
And, ‘Daddy’ was your first word, when you finally started talking.

I remember coming home, from work at five, each day,
Then you would jump into my arms, and always you would say,
‘Mommy, Daddy's home from work, now, we all can eat!’
Dinner time with you and Mom, would make my day complete.

After dinner, you would always show me something new.
Something you had made for me, or something you would do.
Then you went to school, and started growing up so fast,
The little homemade arts and crafts, became things from the past.

Becoming independent, as you reached your teenage years.
Learning how to deal with life, and overcome your fears.
My little girl was growing up, and then I learned one thing,
No longer could I keep her safely, underneath my wing.

I had to let you venture out, discover all that's new.
I think it was the hardest thing, I ever had to do.
Many men can tell you, as a Father it can be,
Scary, when you let your Daughter, finally be free.

You teach them right, you teach them wrong, your wisdom you impart.
Then you set them free, and let them follow their own heart.
You guide them, and you hope and pray, the choices that they make,
Create a life of happiness, with every step they take.

So on this night, before I give my little girl away,
I have written down the words, and from my heart I'll say.
You've grown into a woman, from that little girl of mine.
And, I am proud to be your Father, you turned out just fine.

In my mind, I'll always see my Daughter running wild.
Playing all the little games, when she was just a child.
But, tomorrow when I walk the aisle, there on my side.
Will be my proudest moment, with my Daughter as a bride.

I love you more than life itself, and I can only pray.
As, I march you down the aisle, on your wedding day.
You will be complete and happy, when you say, ‘I do.’
Because you've made my life a joy, and Daughter, ‘I love you!’



" - Poppy

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[Quote No.52274] Need Area: Friends > Children
"[A story - with a message about raising free, independent, responsible, caring, life-skilled individuals.] - Children Are Like Kites - You spend years trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you are both breathless. They crash ... they hit the roof ... you patch, comfort and assure them that someday they will fly. Finally, they are airborne. They need more string, and you keep letting it out. They tug, and with each twist of the twine, there is sadness that goes with joy. The kite becomes more distant, and you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that binds you together and will soar as meant to soar ... free and alone. Only then do you know that you have done your job." - Unknown

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