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  Quotations - General  
[Quote No.45494] Need Area: Mind > General
"I know of but one [complete] freedom and that is the freedom of the mind." - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
(1900-1944), Source: 'The Wisdom of the Sands', 1950.
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[Quote No.45514] Need Area: Mind > General
"A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible labor and there is invisible labor." - Victor Hugo

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[Quote No.45566] Need Area: Mind > General
"You have to allow a certain amount of time in which you are doing nothing in order to have things occur to you, to let your mind think." - Mortimer J. Adler

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[Quote No.46447] Need Area: Mind > General
"Mind like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort." - Charles Dickens

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[Quote No.46913] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Healthy, natural nutrition and diet:] I recently heard a lecture given by Nora Gedgaudas from who said people who eat a ketogenic [very low carbohydrate] diet have 39% greater blood flow to the brain than those fueled by glucose. That’s HUGE and explains why brain function is optimized [and 'brain fog' is reduced] when you are in nutritional ketosis. You’ll never fully understand this key health benefit of NK until you experience it for yourself. Get your blood ketones above 1.0 millimolar on a consistent basis and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about." - Jimmy Moore
'Living La Vida Low Carb' podcaster and author. [ ]
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[Quote No.46926] Need Area: Mind > General
"Wit is the lightning of the mind, reason the sunshine, and reflection the moonlight." - Marguerite Gardiner, the Countess of Blessington

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[Quote No.47043] Need Area: Mind > General
"All of us have to learn how to invent our lives... We need to be taught these [LIFE] skills; we need guides to show us how. If we don't, our lives get made up for us by other people." - Ursula K. Le Guin

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[Quote No.47130] Need Area: Mind > General
"Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple." - C.W. Ceram
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[Quote No.47928] Need Area: Mind > General
"Your mind is like a powerful force that can be turned in any direction to bring about wonderful results, or wreak havoc and destruction. Your main goal in life must be to harness your amazing powers and direct them intelligently and systematically toward achieving everything you really want! " - Brian Tracy

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[Quote No.47981] Need Area: Mind > General
"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." - Jim Rohn

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[Quote No.48167] Need Area: Mind > General
"Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself." - Doris Lessing

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[Quote No.48476] Need Area: Mind > General
"The greatest power that a person possesses is the power to choose." - J. Martin Kohe

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[Quote No.48643] Need Area: Mind > General
"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive." - Eckhart Tolle

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[Quote No.48736] Need Area: Mind > General
"Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day!" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
(1803 - 1882) American Essayist ad Poet
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[Quote No.48798] Need Area: Mind > General
"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." - Theodore Roosevelt

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[Quote No.48963] Need Area: Mind > General
"Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing." - William A. Ward

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[Quote No.49107] Need Area: Mind > General
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination [...namely being imaginative, also known as imagi-native]." - Albert Einstein

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[Quote No.49154] Need Area: Mind > General
"Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better!" - John Updike

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[Quote No.49183] Need Area: Mind > General
"Appreciate Your Brain: You are the owner of a magnificent brain. Wherever you go, your brain is always with you. You have a lightweight multi-million dollar valuable machine that you take with you at all times. You use this machine to study, to enjoy life, to relate with other people, to make money, to face tests and challenges. Your brain is powerful. If you are reading this, it is your brain that is enabling you to do so. Your brain receives images of the symbols that you are looking at and turns them into words and sentences. Because similar letters and words are stored in your brain's immense library, you are able to make sense of these words and can benefit from them. The sheer number of pictures, knowledge, and information stored in your brain is awesome. When you think of how relatively small your brain is and what it has stored away in its cells, it is mind-boggling. Whenever you recognize someone it is because that person's picture is stored in your brain. If you recognize any scene, whether you saw it in person, or in a newspaper, book, or magazine, it is because there is a picture of that scene in your brain. This can include gigantic areas and a wide variety of places. Some people tend to just complain when they can't remember something and take remembering for granted. A person who sincerely wants to master happiness will do just the opposite. Appreciating the power of your brain will give you thousands of joyous experiences." - Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Quote from his book, 'Happiness',p.85-6.
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[Quote No.49347] Need Area: Mind > General
"Generalized intelligence and mental alertness are the most powerful enemies of dictatorship and at the same time the basic conditions of effective democracy." - Aldous Huxley
legendary author of 'Brave New World'.
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[Quote No.49348] Need Area: Mind > General
"When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon." - Thomas Paine

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[Quote No.49572] Need Area: Mind > General
"The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us to the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use that power wisely." - Paulo Choelo

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[Quote No.49837] Need Area: Mind > General
"The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein

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[Quote No.49885] Need Area: Mind > General
"The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely." - David Cuschieri

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[Quote No.49927] Need Area: Mind > General
"You have available to you, right now, a powerful supercomputer. This powerful tool has been used through-out history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment, and it can do the same for you. [All you have to do is learn how to use it - your mind - well!]" - Brian Tracy

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[Quote No.49938] Need Area: Mind > General
"The brain is the organ of destiny. It holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race." - Dr. Wilder Penfield
(1891 - 1976), pioneering Canadian neurosurgeon who expanded brain surgery's methods and techniques, including mapping the functions of various regions of the brain. Quote from his book, 'The Second Career', 1963.
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[Quote No.49939] Need Area: Mind > General
"Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind." - Jeffrey Eugenides

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[Quote No.49943] Need Area: Mind > General
"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over [yourself - your mind, life and property] instead of craving control over what you don’t [others - their minds, lives and properties]." - Steve Maraboli
From his book, 'Life, the Truth, and Being Free'
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[Quote No.50136] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Mind:] Your attitudes toward time have a profound impact on your life and world, yet you seldom recognize it. Our goal is to help you reclaim yesterday, enjoy today, and master tomorrow with new ways of seeing and working with your past, present, and future... Our ability to reconstruct the past, to interpret the present, and to construct the future gives us the power to be happy. [A balanced use of the proven successful attitudes, skills and knowledge relating to each of the time perspectives or 'time orientations' is healthy. For example when considering the past it is helpful to focus on learning, gratitude and satisfaction. When considering the present it is helpful to focus on action, gratitude and mindfulness and when considering the future it is helpful to focus on planning, gratitude and anticipation.] " - Dr. Philip Zimbardo and John Boyd Ph.D.
Dr. Zimbardo is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University and Dr. Boyd is a former student of Dr. Zimbardo, was the director of research at Yahoo!, and, currently is the research manager at Google. Quote from their book, 'The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time [perspective] That Will Change Your Life', 2009.
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[Quote No.50160] Need Area: Mind > General
"The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking." - A. A. Milne
(1882 - 1956), Alan Alexander Milne, English author.
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[Quote No.50165] Need Area: Mind > General
"’s principal asset and value is his brain..." - Alan Watts
(1915 – 1973), British philosopher and writer. Quote from his 1951 volume, 'The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety'.
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[Quote No.50307] Need Area: Mind > General
"Life is a tapestry woven by the decisions we make." - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Bestselling US writer of fantasy and historical novels.
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[Quote No.50394] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Why learn life-skills? Because...] If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place." - Lao Tzu

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[Quote No.65999] Need Area: Mind > General
"A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world!" - John Locke

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[Quote No.50816] Need Area: Mind > General
"The brain has as many neurons as there are stars in the Milky Way, each connected to other neurons by billions of spines, which contain synapses that change continuously depending on what the neurons have recently learned." - Nancy Andreasen
A psychiatrist and neuroscientist who studies creativity. [ ]
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[Quote No.50996] Need Area: Mind > General
"Men are not prisoners of fate [and experience], but only prisoners of their own minds [and imagination]." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
American President
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[Quote No.51309] Need Area: Mind > General
"They say we only use ten percent of our brain. Just imagine if we used the other sixty percent." - Ellen Degeneres
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[Quote No.51365] Need Area: Mind > General
"The poets . . . should address their lyrics to the excellence of the human mind! " - Alfred North Whitehead

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[Quote No.51418] Need Area: Mind > General
"Seven Cures for a Lean Purse:- -1 Start thy purse to fattening [save]; -2 Control thy expenditures [spend wisely]; -3 Make thy gold multiply [invest]; -4 Guard thy treasures from loss [be wary of risk and use diversification and insurance]; -5 Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment; -6 Insure a future income [passive income and superannuation]; -7 Increase thy ability to earn [keep learning and taking more responsibilities]!! " - George Samuel Clason
This is a quote from the book, 'The Richest Man in Babylon' he wrote. It dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon. Through their experiences in business and managing household finance, the characters in the parables learn simple lessons in financial wisdom. Originally, a series of separate informational pamphlets distributed by banks and insurance companies, the pamphlets were bound together and published in book form in 1926.
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[Quote No.51482] Need Area: Mind > General
"Somehow I can't believe there are many heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of [the life-skill of] making dreams come true. This special secret can be summarized in four C's. They are: curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of these is confidence. " - Walt Disney

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[Quote No.51794] Need Area: Mind > General
"Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you change your life." - Brian Tracy

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[Quote No.52052] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Individualism:] If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away!" - Henry David Thoreau
From his book, 'Walden: (Or Life in the Woods)'.
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[Quote No.53664] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Life-skills:] The man [or woman] with the average mentality, but with control [focus], with a definite goal [imagined vividly], and a clear conception [plan] of how it can be gained, and above all, with the power of application and labor [persistence], wins in the end." - William Howard Taft

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[Quote No.53865] Need Area: Mind > General
"An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself [- their mind is self-aware]." - Albert Camus

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[Quote No.54463] Need Area: Mind > General
"[Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs from survival to social to self-actualisation has some similarity to the theory of the Triune Brain - the first Survival or Reptilian Brain, the second Emotional or Limbic Brain, and the third Thinking or Neo-cortex Brain - as described in the following extract:] Each of us has not one but three brains that coexist uneasily. In the deepest recess of our gray matter we have an 'old brain' that we inherited from the reptiles that struggled out of the primal slime 500 million years ago. Intent on their own survival, with absolutely no altruistic impulses, these creatures were solely motivated by mechanisms urging them to feed, fight, flee (when necessary), and reproduce. Those best equipped to compete mercilessly for food, ward off any threat, dominate territory, and seek safety naturally passed along their genes, so these self-centered impulses could only intensify. But sometime after mammals appeared, they evolved what neuroscientists call the limbic system, perhaps about 120 million years ago. Formed over the core brain derived from the reptiles, the limbic system motivated all sorts of new behaviors, including the protection and nurture of young as well as the formation of alliances with other individuals that were invaluable in the struggle to survive. And so, for the first time, sentient beings possessed the capacity to cherish and care for creatures other than themselves. Although these limbic emotions would never be as strong as the 'me first' drives still issuing from our reptilian core, we humans have evolved a substantial hard-wiring for empathy for other creatures, and especially for our fellow humans. Eventually, the Chinese philosopher Mencius (c. 371-288 BCE) would insist that nobody was wholly without such sympathy. If a man sees a child teetering on the brink of a well, about to fall in, he would feel her predicament in his own body and would reflexively, without thought for himself, lunge forward to save her. There would be something radically wrong with anyone who could walk past such a scene without a flicker of disquiet. For most, these sentiments were essential, though, Mencius thought, somewhat subject to individual will. You could stamp on these shoots of benevolence just as you could cripple or deform yourself physically. On the other hand, if you cultivated them, they would acquire a strength and dynamism of their own. We cannot entirely understand Mencius's argument without considering the third part of our brain. About twenty thousand years ago, during the Paleolithic Age, human beings evolved a 'new brain,' the neocortex, home of the reasoning powers and self-awareness that enable us to stand back from the instinctive, primitive passions. Humans thus became roughly as they are today, subject to the conflicting impulses of their three distinct brains. Paleolithic men were proficient killers. Before the invention of agriculture, they were dependent on the slaughter of animals and used their big brains to develop a technology that enabled them to kill creatures much larger and more powerful than themselves. But their empathy may have made them uneasy. Or so we might conclude from modern hunting societies. Anthropologists observe that tribesmen feel acute anxiety about having to slay the beasts they consider their friends and patrons and try to assuage this distress by ritual purification. In the Kalahari Desert, where wood is scarce, bushmen are forced to rely on light weapons that can only graze the skin. So they anoint their arrows with a poison that kills the animal --only very slowly. Out of ineffable solidarity, the hunter stays with his dying victim, crying when it cries, and participating symbolically in its death throes. Other tribes don animal costumes or smear the kill's blood and excrement on cavern walls, ceremonially returning the creature to the underworld from which it came. Paleolithic hunters may have had a similar understanding. The cave paintings in northern Spain and southwestern France are among the earliest extant documents of our species. These decorated caves almost certainly had a liturgical function, so from the very beginning art and ritual were inseparable. Our neocortex makes us intensely aware of the tragedy and perplexity of our existence, and in art, as in some forms of religious expression, we find a means of letting go and encouraging the softer, limbic emotions to predominate. The frescoes and engravings in the labyrinth of Lascaux in the Dordogne, the earliest of which are seventeen thousand years old, still evoke awe in visitors. In their numinous depiction of the animals, the artists have captured the hunters' essential ambivalence. Intent as they were to acquire food, their ferocity was tempered by respectful sympathy for the beasts they were obliged to kill, whose blood and fat they mixed with their paints. Ritual and art helped hunters express their empathy with and reverence (religio) for their fellow creatures -- just as Mencius would describe some seventeen millennia later -- and helped them live with their need to kill them." - Karen Armstrong
From her book, 'Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence', 2014, pages 7-8.
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[Quote No.54482] Need Area: Mind > General
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

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[Quote No.54629] Need Area: Mind > General
"[The prefrontal cortex is the all-important part of the brain that handles reasoning and implies control, in counterbalance to the emotions and impulses generated in other parts of the brain. It is not fully developed in humans until after the age of twenty:] ... We have a more highly developed prefrontal cortex than any other species. It's the seat of many behaviors that we consider distinctly human: logic, analysis, problem solving, exercising good judgment, planning for the future, and decision-making. It is for these reasons that it is often called the central executive, or CEO of the brain. Extensive two-way connections between the prefrontal cortex and virtually every other region of the brain place it in a unique position to schedule, monitor, manage, and manipulate nearly every activity we undertake. Like real CEOs, these cerebral CEOs are highly paid in metabolic currency. Understanding how they work (and exactly how they get paid) can help us to use their time more effectively. It's natural to think that because the prefrontal cortex is orchestrating all this activity and thought, it must have massive neural tracts for back-and-forth communication with other brain regions so that it can excite them and bring them on line. In fact, most of the prefrontal cortex's connections to other brain regions are not excitatory; they're the opposite: inhibitory. That's because one of the great achievements of the human prefrontal cortex is that it provides us with [the abilities to plan, focus and persist] impulse control and, consequently, the ability to delay gratification, something that most animals lack. Try dangling a string in front of a cat or throwing a ball in front of a retriever and see if they can sit still. Because the prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop in humans until after age twenty, impulse control isn't fully developed in adolescents (as many parents of teenagers have observed). It's also why children and adolescents are not especially good at planning or delaying gratification." - Daniel J. Levitin
Quote from his book, 'The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload', published 2014.
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[Quote No.54763] Need Area: Mind > General
"Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation ... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. [Use it or lose it!]" - Leonardo da Vinci
artist and inventor
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[Quote No.55299] Need Area: Mind > General
"The most powerful instrument we have in our hand is the power of our mind. " - Napoleon Hill

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"THINK AND GROW RICH: 78 years ago, a journalist studied 500 rich men and boiled down their success into 13 steps. Napoleon Hill interviewed more than 500 self-made millionaires over a span of 20 years (although he pre-dated Bill Gates). At the peak of Andrew Carnegie’s career, he crossed paths with an impressive journalist named Napoleon Hill, who he trusted to document — and share with the world — the strategies that turned him into one of the wealthiest and most successful businessmen of all time. ‘It was Mr. Carnegie’s idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money,’ Hill wrote in the preface of ‘Think And Grow Rich,’ the result of his collaboration with Carnegie. In addition to analysing Carnegie, who became the richest man in the world after starting with little more than a penny upon arriving in the US from Scotland, Hill studied more than 500 self-made millionaires over a span of 20 years. His interviews and research culminated in the 1937 bestseller, ‘Think And Grow Rich,’ which shares what he calls the ‘money-making secret’ in 13 principles [Refer also to his excellent book ‘The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons’]. There is no mention of ‘money,’ ‘wealth,’ ‘finances,’ or ‘stocks’ within Hill’s text; he takes a different approach, focusing on breaking down the psychological barriers that prevent many of us from attaining our own fortunes. This approach is still relevant today — 78 years later. …Here are Hill’s 13 steps, in his words and ours: ---------- 1. DESIRE: YOU HAVE TO WANT IT. All of the super wealthy started with a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, planning, and desiring before they became rich. They imagined riches before they saw them in their bank accounts, Hill explains: ‘Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognise failure, will bring riches.’ This is not so different from the modern-day concept of visualising a savings goal with a specific price tag. ---------- 2. FAITH: BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL. Growing rich starts with your mindset — with belief and faith that you can accumulate wealth. Hill writes: ‘Riches begin in the form of thought! The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion. Faith removes limitations!’ …Building wealth all starts with your mindset. ---------- 3. AUTO-SUGGESTION: USE AFFIRMATIONS TO REACH YOUR GOAL. Turning desire for money or success into reality requires sending your subconscious mind phrases and mantras that support your goal. You have to repeat out loud what it is that you want, and how you plan to get it, so you become obsessed with your purpose, Hill explains: ‘Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.’ For example, if you aim to save $US1 million for retirement by putting away money every week, you would repeat, ‘I will set aside money this week to have $US1 million in retirement savings,’ as many times as possible each day. ---------- 4. SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE: GAIN EXPERIENCES AND CONTINUE LEARNING. Knowledge is potential power. An education only becomes powerful and leads to great wealth when it is is organised and applied to life. It also must be continually sought after. You’re never done learning, Hill emphasises: ‘Successful men, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialised knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession. Those who are not successful usually make the mistake of believing that the knowledge-acquiring period ends when one finishes school.’ Many modern-day successful and wealthy people are such voracious readers; they never stop learning and challenging their minds. ---------- 5. IMAGINATION: COME UP WITH IDEAS AND VISUALISE YOUR SUCCESS. If you can imagine it, you can create it, says Hill: ‘Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Ideas are products of the imagination ... Man’s only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination.’ Don’t be afraid to come up with, and develop, ideas. ‘Whoever you are, wherever you may live, whatever occupation you may be engaged in, just remember in the future, every time you see the words ‘Coca-Cola,’ that its vast empire of wealth and influence grew out of a single idea,’ Hill writes. Consider Sara Blakely, whose small, disruptive idea — making an incision in a pair of pantyhose — amounted to her booming billion-dollar business, Spanx, and rocketed her into the limelight. ---------- 6. ORGANISED PLANNING: TAKE ACTION. Once you’ve visualized your success, you need to take action and go after exactly what you want. You must act with persistence and enthusiasm. Hill explains: ‘Opportunity has spread its wares before you. Step up to the front, select what you want, create your plan, put the plan into action, and follow through with persistence … Most of us are good ‘starters’ but poor ‘finishers’ of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for persistence.’ For instance, if you’re looking to build wealth, start with forming a financial plan, and determine exactly where you want your money to go. ---------- 7. DECISION: DEFEAT PROCRASTINATION WITH DECISIVENESS. A key trait Hill recognised in all of the individuals he studied who acquired great wealth was decisiveness. Those who settle on decisions quickly know what they want, and they tend to get what they want. He writes: ‘People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often’ Decisiveness is not just a trait of the wealthy, but one of the most important qualities a leader needs to possess. At the end of the day, making a bad decision is better than making no decision at all. ---------- 8. PERSISTENCE: DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT. Persistence is crucial when trying to accumulate wealth, yet few people possess the willpower required to turn their desire for money into actual money. Hill writes: ‘Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.’ The most successful people tend to have dealt with, and overcome, failure. ‘I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed,’ Mark Cuban told Smart Business. ‘You only have to be right once. I tried to sell powdered milk. I was an idiot lots of times, and I learned from them all.’ ---------- 9. POWER OF THE MASTER MIND: SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE BEST. The wealthiest people create a ‘Master Mind‘ - meaning, they surround themselves with talented friends and colleagues who share their vision. The alignment of several smart and creative minds is exponentially more powerful than just one, Hill explains: ‘No individual may have great power without availing himself of the ‘Master Mind’ ... A group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.’ This may explain why rich people tend to make friends with other rich people. ‘Exposure to people who are more successful than you are has the potential to expand your thinking and catapult your income,’ writes self-made millionaire Steve Siebold. ‘We become like the people we associate with, and that’s why winners are attracted to winners.’ ---------- 10. THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATION: CHOOSE A COMPATIBLE PARTNER. Sexual energy is an incredibly powerful human energy — it creates physical life and develops emotional life — and when it is harnessed and redirected, it can enhance our creativity, passion, enthusiasm, and persistence, all which are crucial in accumulating wealth, Hill says: ‘Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. Love, romance, and sex are all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement. When combined, these three emotions may lift one to an altitude of genius.’ While this step may feel like a bit of a stretch, having a supportive partner is important to career success. Research also shows that having a conscientious spouse can boost your salary by $US4,000 a year. ---------- 11. THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: MASTER POSITIVITY AND DISMISS NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. If you truly want to be rich, you have to plant that desire, and then your plan, into your subconscious mind. Hill writes: ‘The subconscious mind will not remain idle! If you fail to plant desires in your subconscious mind, it will feed upon the thought which reach it as the result of your neglect. Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.’ If you want to be successful and grow rich, it is critical that the positive emotions dominate any negative ones that arise, Hill says. He was on to something. Today, research shows that positive, happier people are more likely to perform better at their jobs and are less likely to be unemployed. ---------- 12. THE BRAIN: ASSOCIATE WITH OTHER SMART PEOPLE AND LEARN FROM THEM. Our brain is a ‘transmitter and receiver of thought vibrations’ — it absorbs thoughts from other individuals surrounding us — making it even more important to associate with intelligent, creative, and positive individuals. Hill writes: ‘Every human brain is capable of picking up vibrations of thought which are being released by other brains ... The Creative Imagination is the ‘receiving set’ of the brain, which receives thoughts released by the brains of others.’ This principle is simply application of the Master Mind principle. It takes it one step further; rather than just surrounding yourself with people who are smarter and better, use the members of your group to find solutions to problems or brainstorm ideas. Hill calls this ‘blending of several minds into one,’ and suggests sitting down with a small group of people and diving deep into the problem at hand. ---------- 13. THE SIXTH SENSE: TRUST YOUR GUT. The final principle — the ‘sixth sense’ — occurs only after you’ve mastered the other 12 principles. You’ll experience a sort of mind-shift, Hill says: ‘Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.’ While this principle isn’t the most straightforward - Hill admits it is generally not attained until age 40 - his basic claim is that your intuition will change. You’ll have achieved a level of wisdom that will allow you to start making smart financial and life decisions naturally. Although it takes a while to master the final step, you can still get a lot out of the other 12 principles, Hill says: ‘No matter who you are, or what may have been your purpose in reading this book, you can profit by it without understanding the principle described in this chapter. This is especially true if your major purpose is that of accumulation of money or other material things. The chapter on the sixth sense was included, because the book is designed for the purpose of presenting a complete philosophy by which individuals may unerringly guide themselves in attaining whatever they ask of life.’ " - Kathleen Elkins
July 4th, 2015. [ ]
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