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  Quotations - Team  
[Quote No.38372] Need Area: Work > Team
"The ratio of We's to I's is the best indicator of the development of a team." - Lewis B. Ergen

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[Quote No.38374] Need Area: Work > Team
"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of [her or] himself and [her or] his contribution to praise the skills of the others." - Norman Shidle

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[Quote No.38453] Need Area: Work > Team
"A man [or woman] is known by the company he [or she] keeps. A company is known by the men [and women] it keeps." - Thomas J. Watson
(1874-1956), American businessman. He served as the chairman and CEO of International Business Machines and oversaw the company's growth into an international force from 1914 to 1956.
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[Quote No.38819] Need Area: Work > Team
"I believe unions have an important place in the economy. I believe the advocacy they provide for the least powerful is important and useful but I feel, that in these difficult times for all, that management and unions should work more closely together, with managers trying to more fairly share any annual profit improvements, balanced in proportion to the unique contributions and financial risks taken, AND unions trying to find productivity improvements to justify and allow CPI cost-of-living or above increases in wages, bonuses and conditions. Adversarial tactics may make supporters of each feel well represented but they are often counter-productive to a win-win solution, which should be the real aim of both groups in the team that is each company and economy." -

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[Quote No.39092] Need Area: Work > Team
"Great players are willing to give up their own personal achievement for the achievement of the group. It enhances everybody." - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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[Quote No.39095] Need Area: Work > Team
"Men's [and women's] competitive team sports focus on the balance between individual achievement and team achievement with the emphasis on team achievement." - Warren Farrell

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[Quote No.39098] Need Area: Work > Team
"No single achievement in science is possible without the painstaking work of the many hundreds who have built the foundation on which all new work is based!" - Polykarp Kusch

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[Quote No.39296] Need Area: Work > Team
"It is very easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we owe others!" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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[Quote No.39381] Need Area: Work > Team
"Great men [and women] are rarely isolated mountain peaks; they are the summits of ranges!" - Thomas W. Higginson

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[Quote No.39804] Need Area: Work > Team
"Everyone in an organisation should be involved with customer service, not only are they feeling the customer but they are getting a feeling for what’s not working." - Penny Handscomb

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[Quote No.39810] Need Area: Work > Team
"An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness." - Elbert Hubbard

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[Quote No.39827] Need Area: Work > Team
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

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[Quote No.40192] Need Area: Work > Team
"It's the height of folly to want to be the only wise one. " - Francois De La Rochefoucauld

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[Quote No.40287] Need Area: Work > Team

Honor and shame from no condition rise;
Act well your part, there all the honor lies.

" - Alexander Pope

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[Quote No.40385] Need Area: Work > Team
"An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry." - Thomas Jefferson
(1743 - 1826)
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[Quote No.40456] Need Area: Work > Team
"In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you." - Warren Buffet

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[Quote No.40588] Need Area: Work > Team
"...I have selected my collaborators on the basis of their intelligence and their character... " - Fritz Haber
winner Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1918
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[Quote No.41049] Need Area: Work > Team
"What alone enables mankind to advance and distinguishes man from the animals is social cooperation." - Ludwig von Mises
[1881 – 1973], an Austrian-American economist, historian, philosopher, author, and classical liberal who had a significant influence on the modern free-market libertarian movement and the Austrian School of economics. Refer the website [ ].
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[Quote No.41089] Need Area: Work > Team
"[If the company and the employees believe in standing up for each individual's inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and owning private property then certain behavior by unions and employers are unacceptable within free-market capitalist companies as much as they are unacceptable within free-market capitalist democracies that uphold human rights.] As people think that they owe to unionism their high standard of living, they condone violence, coercion, and intimidation on the part of unionized labor and are indifferent to the curtailment of personal freedom inherent in the union-shop and closed-shop clauses...[Most individuals when asked if they would condone that behaviour in their society too, come to realise that of course they wouldn’t and therefore it can’t be right when used by unions they are a part of either.]... The labor unions aim at a monopolistic position on the labor market [something that free societies frown upon morally as well as have laws against with regard to companies that form anti-competitive cartels because it costs consumers more than they would otherwise have to pay]. But once they [unions] have attained it, their policies are restrictive and not monopoly price policies. They are intent upon [artificially] restricting the supply of labor in their field [to artificially boost demand and therefore the wage-prices they can be get for themselves at the expense of employers and ultimately therefore from customers] without bothering about the fate of those excluded [in an act of unjustified discrimination which is morally frowned upon as well as illegal in free societies. Those excluded, like the companies excluded by illegal cartels, would perhaps work at different rates, terms and conditions, especially while learning and improving their productivity and contribution to the profit of the company]... No social cooperation under the division of labor is possible when some people or unions of people are granted the right to prevent by violence and the threat of violence [coercion] other people from working...[It is morally abhorrent and illegal in free societies to use violence and coercion to get people to do things so by the same token these behaviors by unions are likewise immoral and should be illegal.] The cornerstone of trade unionism is compulsory membership...[which is again a violation of civil liberties.] The weapon of the trade union is the strike. It must be borne in mind that every strike is an act of coercion [threat of illegal force], a form of extortion [which is also illegal], a measure of violence directed against all who might act in opposition to the strikers’ intentions [which includes other workers - union and non-union, the management and the owners. This use of force is unacceptable within society and is therefore unacceptable within employment in that society. But that is not to say that individual workers do not have a stake in and are not important to the success of the company. Only that they and employers should each recognise that they are living in a society of rules that enshrines each individual’s rights to freedom and property ownership and therefore they should follow the same moral standards and values in their work that they themselves expect and enjoy in the wider society. In a free society that freedom, to exist, must be extended to the market of consumers and suppliers in all its forms, which includes workers and employers. That means that they are competing as free individuals, within the rules of that free society - meaning no force or fraud, against other people. Those other people may or may not be more qualified, more productive or more motivated and willing to work for less or under different terms and conditions. They should recognise that in a free market everyone from the owners, employers and managers down to the entry level employee sells their services to the highest bidder-consumer. The bidder-consumer, for any worker is their current and other potential employers and their customers, and they determine what they consider a fair price and therefore at what price they freely will or will not buy their services at that time. The worker by the same token is also free in our society like any other supplier to individually or collectively negotiate in good faith and: price themselves to get work, price themselves out of work, go elsewhere or even raise the equity and borrowings to buy the company and then run it any way they determine, but forced, collective action, by a union or any other group to shut down the business, deny access to property they do not own and threaten bankruptcy is an act against the basic values of the freedom that they enjoy and uphold elsewhere in society and therefore is an immoral and unjustifiable tactic. By the same token employers should understand that each employee is entitled to their share of productivity improvements and higher profits in proportion to their contribution so long as profit margins and returns on equity are such that the business is still viable, able to pay its expenses including debt principal and interest, and compensates the owners for their risk and opportunity cost, or else they would just sell or shut it and use their money elsewhere, and that force and fraud are unacceptable in a free society, that negotiation in good faith is an important part of a free society and that wholesale lock-outs of employees are an inflammatory tactic. As in civil society, when negotiations break-down, then, rather than workers or employees resorting to force, an impartial third party that can consult, suggest, persuade or even adjudicate is the next best step that supports the individual rights and free values that the society they are a part of believes in and upholds, and moves the situation closer to a win:win resolution for all the stakeholders including the customers, owners, employers and employees.]" - Ludwig von Mises
[1881 – 1973], an Austrian-American economist, historian, philosopher, author, and classical liberal who had a significant influence on the modern free-market libertarian movement and the Austrian School of economics. Refer the website [ ].
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[Quote No.41091] Need Area: Work > Team
"The only means to raise wage rates permanently for all those eager to earn wages is to raise the productivity of labor by increasing the per-head quota of capital invested and improving the methods of production... There is but one way toward an increase of real wage rates for all those eager to earn wages: the progressive accumulation of new capital and the improvement of technical methods of production which the new capital brings about. The true interests of labor coincide with those of business... The better the tools are which the worker uses in his job, the more he can perform in an hour, the higher is, consequently, his remuneration... The buyers do not pay for the toil and trouble the worker took nor for the length of time he spent in working. They pay for the products... The height of wage rates is determined by the consumers appraisal of the value the workers labor adds to the value of the article available for sale... Like other factors of production, labor is also valued according to its usefulness in satisfying human wants… In the long run the worker can never get more than the consumer allows... [The customer is really the employer, not the owner of the business, the capitalist.] It is not the Hollywood film corporation that pays the wages of a movie star; it is the people who pay admission to the movies. And it is not the entrepreneurs of a boxing match who pay the enormous demands of the prize fighters; it is the people who pay admission to the fight!" - Ludwig von Mises
[1881 – 1973], an Austrian-American economist, historian, philosopher, author, and classical liberal who had a significant influence on the modern free-market libertarian movement and the Austrian School of economics. Refer the website [ ].
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[Quote No.41094] Need Area: Work > Team
"Minimum wage rates [irrespective of return on equity, profit contribution and productivity gains], whether decreed and enforced by the government or by labor union pressure and violence, result in mass unemployment [as many businesses therefore become unable to compete with imports or provide sufficient profit to compensate the owners for the risks and opportunity costs and are either closed down or moved to other nations where the wage costs are lower, often due to lower costs of living, taxes, regulations, safety standards, etc. The products are then provided to the community by importation alone. This may in fact be the best overall outcome for the society as a whole as economic analysis shows - refer the theory of national comparative advantage, free trade, protectionism - but the cost to the individual workers can be massive, especially if a whole industry becomes unviable and the workers need to be retrained in another field to find employment!]" - Ludwig von Mises
[1881 – 1973], an Austrian-American economist, historian, philosopher, author, and classical liberal who had a significant influence on the modern free-market libertarian movement and the Austrian School of economics. Refer the website [ ].
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[Quote No.41128] Need Area: Work > Team
"In the market economy the worker sells his services as other people sell their commodities. The employer is not the employee’s lord. He is simply the buyer of services which he must purchase at their market price… The laborer is an entrepreneur in so far as his wages are determined by the price the market allows for the kind of work he can perform. This price varies according to the change in conditions in the same way in which the price of every other factor of production varies… Everybody is eager to charge for his services and accomplishments as much as the traffic can bear. In this regard there is no difference between the workers, whether unionized or not, the ministers and teachers on the one hand and the entrepreneurs on the other hand. Neither of them has the right to talk as if he were Francis d’Assisi." - Ludwig von Mises
[1881 – 1973], an Austrian-American economist, historian, philosopher, author, and classical liberal who had a significant influence on the modern free-market libertarian movement and the Austrian School of economics. Refer the website [ ].
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[Quote No.41478] Need Area: Work > Team
"If you train people [in the team] properly, they won't be able to tell a drill from the real thing. If anything, the real thing will be easier." - Richard Marcinko

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[Quote No.41559] Need Area: Work > Team
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro

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[Quote No.42724] Need Area: Work > Team
"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together." - Unknown

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[Quote No.42725] Need Area: Work > Team
"There is no [completely self-made woman or] self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others." - George Shinn

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[Quote No.43390] Need Area: Work > Team
"No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helps you. [They deserve, at the least, public credit and your thanks!]" - Wilma Rudolph
(1940 - 1994), Olympic gold medal winning athlete, who at four contracted polio, that required she walk only with a brace until age nine. It took another two years of therapy on her twisted leg before she could walk without orthopedic shoes. Four years later she won a bronze medal in the 4 x 100 meter relay at the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. In 1960 she took the gold in the same event at Rome, also in the 100 meter and 400 meter events.
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[Quote No.43405] Need Area: Work > Team
"In the long-run the workman [employee] may be as necessary to his master [employer] as his master [employer] is to him, but the necessity is not so immediate!" - Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790), philosopher famous for writing the first book on economics, 'The Wealth of Nations'.
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[Quote No.43427] Need Area: Work > Team
"Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats." - Unknown

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[Quote No.43461] Need Area: Work > Team
"The vine that has grown old on an old tree falls with the ruin of that tree and through that bad companionship must perish with it. [Employers should beware of choosing corrupt or evil employees, colleagues or partners lest their inevitable fall, takes them down with them, just as employees should likewise beware of accepting work from corrupt or evil employers.]" - Leonardo da Vinci
(1452 - 1519), painter, engineer, musician, and scientist
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[Quote No.43546] Need Area: Work > Team
"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together [especially those working in teams for a common purpose-vision-dream that dovetails with their own dreams]!" - Jack Kerouac
Famous writer
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[Quote No.44007] Need Area: Work > Team
"[Very early in 'The Wealth of Nations' Adam Smith discusses the concept of the division of labor and its importance for economic development. That discussion, so central to Smith’s framework, appears in some form in nearly every introductory textbook in economics and is one of the ideas most closely associated with Smith. (I would say it’s at least on a par with the concept of the invisible hand.) In Book 1, Chapter 1 Smith explains how dividing a particular task into several stages of production, with a different person or firm responsible for one or more stages, multiplies the output - productivity - of a day’s labor many times. His example of the pin factory has become iconic in the history of economic ideas:] One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on, is a peculiar business, to whiten the pins is another... [and so on. He informs us that one person doing all 18 steps on his own might at most produce 20 pins in a day; but that he has seen a pin factory in which ten people, each specializing in a subset of those steps, collectively produces as many as 48,000 pins in a day. The average output of each worker then becomes 4,800 pins, or 240 times greater than if each were to work alone... For Smith the division of labor (DOL) thus plays a crucial and ongoing role in the material progress of society, and it holds a central place in the intellectual tradition of the classical economics he inspired. Yet...the DOL seems to do little of the theoretical heavy lifting in modern treatments of economic development. For example, textbooks draw on some aspects of the DOL to explain why people, firms, and countries tend to specialize in activities where their opportunity costs are lowest. But that (static) proposition owes more to Smith’s follower, David Ricardo, than to Smith. And it doesn’t express Smith’s more important insight that as the DOL expands (with the extent of the market) it lengthens and increases the complexity of the production process within firms and across firms in the economy, continually multiplying output and sparking some forms of innovation [not the least of which is the role of capital, entrepreneurship, management, planning, communication, logistics and motivation]." - Adam Smith
Philosopher and economist. Quote from his book, 'The Wealth of Nations'. [ ]
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[Quote No.44472] Need Area: Work > Team
"A successful team beats with one heart." - Sarah Redmond

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[Quote No.44489] Need Area: Work > Team
"Teamwork is the fuel that allows common [ordinary] people to produce uncommon [extraordinary] results." - Unknown

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[Quote No.44491] Need Area: Work > Team
"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contributions to praise the skills of the others." - Norman Shidle

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[Quote No.44562] Need Area: Work > Team
"This may sound like a truism, but it has to be said: It takes an engaged, motivated and committed workforce to deliver a first-class product or service and build a successful, sustainable enterprise." - Richard Branson
Founder of the Virgin Group of Companies. Quote from his book, 'Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School.'
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[Quote No.44698] Need Area: Work > Team
"‎What I do, you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." - Mother Teresa

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[Quote No.44826] Need Area: Work > Team
"[Within any team] I take as my guide the hope of a saint: in crucial things, unity... in important things, diversity... in all things, generosity." - George Bush

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[Quote No.45112] Need Area: Work > Team
"Executives owe it to the organization and to their fellow workers not to tolerate nonperforming individuals in important jobs." - Peter Drucker
Management consultant
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[Quote No.45115] Need Area: Work > Team
"The purpose of an organization is to enable common men [and women] to do uncommon things." - Peter Drucker
Management consultant
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[Quote No.45353] Need Area: Work > Team
"[When constructing a work team] You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: is that okay?" - Jim Rohn

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[Quote No.45975] Need Area: Work > Team
"When we are debating an issue, [team] loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I'll like it or not. Disagreement, at this stage, stimulates me. But once a decision has been made, the debate ends. From that point on, loyalty means executing the decision as if it were your own." - Colin Powell

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[Quote No.46404] Need Area: Work > Team
"Quality is everyone's responsibility." - Edwards Deming

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[Quote No.48057] Need Area: Work > Team
"In teamwork, silence isn’t golden, it’s deadly." - Mark Sanborn

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[Quote No.48153] Need Area: Work > Team
"Joint undertakings stand a better chance when they benefit both sides [i.e. win-win]." - Euripides

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[Quote No.48165] Need Area: Work > Team
"The purpose of an organization is to enable common men to do uncommon things." - Peter Drucker
Management consultant
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[Quote No.48763] Need Area: Work > Team
"Never hire someone who knows less than you do about what he's hired to do. " - Malcolm S. Forbes

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[Quote No.49002] Need Area: Work > Team
"If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. " - Bible
Mark 3:24 and 3:25
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[Quote No.49071] Need Area: Work > Team
"We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin
American statesman and Founding Father
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[Quote No.49255] Need Area: Work > Team
"United we stand, divided we fall." - George Pope Morris

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